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Aera [US Clan]

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District 13
Oct 10, 2013
Reaction score
Purge, simply write your paragraph and your application will be considered during the first round of applications.


Apr 5, 2013
Reaction score
Name or IGN: Purge_Hawk1 / Garren
Age: 13 years old.
Donor: Nope.
Time Zone: UTC -6:00, or Central Standard Time [CST]

Hey there. I'm Garren, otherwise known as Purge_Hawk1. I'm 13 years of age. I'm a pretty calm guy, but when the time does come, I can bloom out, if you know what I'm implying. Anyway, I think I should be accepted due to multiple reasons. One of the reasons why I should be accepted being that I am a strategical gamer/player; I love playing strategic games such as Command and Conquer and such. I do not pull my strategy just at the spur of the moment, I think of what I will do when something happens that requires such thing. For example, teams; I don't just face them as a 1v2, but I think of what I'll do, such as regrouping and getting better materials such as FnS or anything else that would be beneficial at that moment. Another reason why I should be accepted is because I can offer quite a few things to this clan, such as my graphics [I've been a graphic designer for 4 years, since I was 9, starting with making YouTube backgrounds/banners.], and my presence in the clan [not being cocky, just confident, I guess]. The last reason why I should be accepted is because I will not take up space in the clan. Implying that I would not just write this medium sized paragraph, be accepted and just be inactive for a while. Likewise, as any good clan member would do, I would actually be active, spend some time on the TS maybe and represent Aera throughout MCSG. Sad as it is, I of course do have other things in life, such as school [have to maintain my 90+ average, or else my arse is going to get whooped by my parents], sports and my not-so-valuable social life. With all that happening throughout every week, I can only promise being active on the weekends. I pretty much no-life it on the weekends, playing 8+ hours a day, so I do apologize if I'm just a bit inactive on weekdays :c
Anyway, thanks for reading my application. ^^


Dec 25, 2012
Reaction score
Name or IGN: IxLegendz but I prefer Kip or Kipper :p
Age: 13 turning 14
Donor: Sadly, no but I promise I will get some soon! :)
Time Zone: PST (Pacific Coast Time)

Paragraph Time!

Hello guys! My name is Kipper, or IxLegendz and I'm 13 turning 14, and recently I had quit Minecraft! I now realize that this game is really fun, and I don't know where or what I'd be doing if this game never existed, I know that both Native and Tech have had good runs with MCSG clans and I want to be part of an organization that will leave a legacy with it! I know I may not have had the best past, but I am working on my maturity and I know that this clan will be successful! I currently have about 300+ wins on MCSG but that does not show for my PvP skills! I know I am capable of hanging with the best. I'm not trying to be cocky, just confident in my skill, I know that this clan will have fun times and good players and I want to be apart of this dynasty!
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