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A Forums Contest


District 13
May 6, 2012
Reaction score
I'm honestly shocked that I won- I was up against absolutely amazing entires.

Everyone who participated did an awesome job, and it just goes to show the incredible talent of this community. If I could share the rank with everyone, I honestly would.

Thank you guys so much<3

I also do think the winners have more less detailed and less well written skills in them coming from a son of an english teacher but i think they have more simple context like they all put less time into them instead of most people but they do have very good depth and idk maybe people were looking for more simple stuff xD
While they may have been shorter, length doesn't necessarily define a good piece of writing. Coming from someone who won, this may seem invalid, but when I write this, I'm thinking of the other two winners.

The writing for second and third both told a unique story, which was well-written, and though it may not compare in length to some stories, that doesn't necessarily mean the quality is any less. The second place story also had a powerful meaning behind it.

As I mentioned prior, there were a crazy amount of extremely well-written entries, so it would be hard for anyone to judge. I can't speak for them, but I can say that length doesn't effect the quality of a piece at all, nor the amount of time it took to write.


Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score

EDIT: In all seriousness, good job to all winners and to those who didn't win but entered, I can't imagine how hard it would have been for CAm to pick the winners. :)
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Jul 12, 2014
Reaction score
Why did it seem that i was stating that longer stories are better ones? I said it once and it wasn't even saying that they were better calm down xD lol jk


Mar 3, 2013
Reaction score
duckluv321 you deserve a round of applause :) Your poem was intriguing. I know there will be a time when I grow bored of Minecraft, and when I do, one of the first things I will think of is that poem :) Thank You for writing that! I would also like to congratulate everyone who participated and putting effort into writing your stories. It dosen't matter if you won or lost. They were all amazing just the same.
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Feb 3, 2013
Reaction score

Considering it was a nostalgic outburst at 2am one morning... wut

Well then, congratulations to all the winners and entrants! I'm honestly really surprised that I placed, especially when I thought that most other entries were more interesting, well-written and entertaining than mine.

Now I gotta find someone to give this diamond donorship to...


Jun 9, 2014
Reaction score

Considering it was a nostalgic outburst at 2am one morning... wut

Well then, congratulations to all the winners and entrants! I'm honestly really surprised that I placed, especially when I thought that most other entries were more interesting, well-written and entertaining than mine.

Now I gotta find someone to give this diamond donorship to...
I really liked your story, it was good ^-^ Congratulations!


Dec 15, 2013
Reaction score
Congrats to you both, Your stories were wonderful! As for the others, you all did a good job and you gave me something to read.
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Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
Congratulations to all the winners! You've all deserved it


Jan 11, 2013
Reaction score
A Journey
Hello MCSG Community, my IGN is xxSPUxx most people call me Spu. Now I am here today to talk about good memories that I have had in MCSG or Minecraft Survival Games. Now, I am not the oldest player and I consider myself to be a quite new player sense I have been here in the community for about 8-9 months and have many ideas of the community but not as much knowledge like some other people in the community have. I want to share my most memorable moments and share my journey with the community of MCSG. Now, here it is....
My Journey / Best memorable moments in MCSG (Not the actual deep part yet) - When I first entered the community, I was thinking, "Are these people real? or are they like computer people" Then I met my first friend of the community mice9 we skype called for 2 hours straight and continued to keep calling and calling each other for so long, we were like 11 or 12 I believe and we were US and EU, yet no one could pull away our bond. Then I joined my first clan which was EU even though I was a US player I was very young at the time and didn't know and thought it was going to be super fun. Then I went to my first "Family" clan which was ReAcT. We were a family, no fights, always supporting each other, and it felt like my own family that was so gifted and so straightfoward. My connection to the community started to get stronger and stronger and I started to finally get connected with members and more into clans. Then I went to other clans like Divine, and The Saints who were both gifted and talented clans that I loved to be in. I always got on each day just loving to play MCSG and nothing us and finally noticed that this was a "hobby" for me and that it was something to do during spare time. I loved it, it felt like I was actually good at something involving a computer and I can proudly say that, "I'm in the top 60 in the world for MCSG!"
and actually some kids at school thought I was so cool because of that. It lit me up everytime I looked at my rank. I will never ever forget the moments when I had 100 or 200 or 300 wins, and Now, I have a great deal of wins and met so many inspiring, kindly, and talented people that you don't normally see in the real world. I am glade MCSG is here, I am glade I found these Neat and Exquisite Servers, because I wouldn't have found these types of friends and never would have been typing and sharing this story with the community.

The Most Memorable Moment (Deep) - Now, I have changed a lot over the 8-9 months and so have some of my family members and physical shape. I play for a AAU Basketball team, for those who are wondering what "AAU" means, it means Travel Basketball pretty much. Very competitive, Very fun, and a lot of traveling. Now, I love MCSG as much as I love basketball. They are like my hobbies, but I want to succeed in basketball, I want to succeed in MCSG too just not as much as I want to succeed in basketball. I strive for greatness and can never stand being bad at something, that is why basketball and MCSG mean so much to me and that is why I will never forget these type of servers. Now, for the most memorable part of my MCSG career, I have a brother, he is 16 going to his junior yet in highschool. We found out during our yearly check-up that he had a hole in his heart. Now, this didn't mean he needed surgery, but if he didn't get it sooner or later, he would die in an early age. This meant he had to get open heart surgery which is a very difficult type of surgery for the doctor to do and for the patient to handle. While my brother was in the hospital having surgery I was praying that he would be all right and nothing bad would happen to my brother. I couldn't leave the house to play basketball, so I went on MCSG to tell the players of the community. IMPORTANT / MEMORABLE part - When I told the players of the community, they were so kind, so gentle to me and I felt as if it were like my mother comforting me and it came to a point where I shed some tears, not just they were being so kind to me, but that strangers that didn't even know me, knew what I was going through and decided to comfort me. This, I know, is the most memorable thing and kindest situation that has happened to me in my MCSG career and is my most memorable moment because it shows how the MCSG community really is, Kind, Friendly and Generous.

I have had many memorable moments in MCSG, and will continue to have more, but this is by far the most memorable moment I have had yet. I would like to thank all of my friends in MCSG now, for being there for me and I am so lucky I have found this server. If I do get chosen, Not really focusing on it because I just want to share my story with people, But I will be very grateful as being my first Donor on any server.

Thank you for reading my journey, Thank you MCSG! <3 #MCSG4Lyfe
Very emotional,such wow, many good tims

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