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A Forums Contest


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Poop Game

I am sitting in the lobby, impatiently waiting for the game to start. As we are whisked into the arena for Pregame, I look into the /list. I examine the players names, attempting to remember if I know of any good players in the lobby. My eyes don't land on anyone who seems to be familiar that I have seen within the MCSG community.

A shiver goes up my spine when I see the name Mooclan. I did not have any idea how great Mooclan was at the game but he seemed very well known within the community. Immediately, I consider leaving the game because well, this was back when if I saw one good player in game, I left. But, I decided to stay in Pregame and take my chances on winning the game. Just imagining not playing this game looking back at this, lets just say it was a great thing that I did play it.

I race towards the Demons Breeze cornucopia, eager to win this game. Around this time, I had about 10 wins so I understood what it took to win but I was not the greatest at carrying out those procedures. I open the corn chest, and my eyes almost pop out my head. There is an iron chestplate, iron boots, diamond and stone sword in the chest. I manage to gain the iron chestplate, iron boots and stone sword. A lot of people would have been very happy with getting this off the cornucopia but seeing as there was only one other person in my corn chest, I knew who had gotten the diamond. They ran towards the mountain on the West side of the map, up the mountainside by the bridge.

I chased this player whom I had believed gotten nothing off cornucopia except the diamond. This is also how I found my chest route for this map. He opened the chest and by the time he put the all the armor inside on himself, he was dead. I thought I was so MLG that I got that kill. Once I had gotten myself collected, I climbed up the bridge and headed South towards the next tier two on my route, which took me quiet a bit of time to do as I sort of stinked at parkour and still do, I had gotten another diamond, a stick and a pair of iron leggings which I needed. And then it happened.

I felt a bit of well "gas" from my lower end and assumed it was just a well, fart. But, have you ever had that feeling when you are about to fart and then you realize it's excretion? Well, this happened to me. I decided "Eh, it's nothing. I can just do it after" but well as much as I do not want to say this, it's a good thing I didn't go at that time considering what is about to happen.
I returned to cornucopia and decided the coast was to clear to craft my sword. As I was crafting my sword, I saw a player in full iron and saw the nameplate. My heart dropped. It was Mooclan. I decided to man up and fight this "beast". Or so I thought...

I fought Mooclan and hit him 1 time, 2 times, 3 times, 4 times.

Holy shoot.


Turns out, I destroyed him and I immediately thought I was the best player on MCSG. After I had collected myself, for the second time, the call from nature was getting stronger and stronger by the minute. It was about 21 minutes into the game and I decided I couldn't hold it any longer. I ran into the washroom and BANG!

Instant relief.

Now this sounds very weird but the way my computer was stationed before, I could see my computer while I was in the washroom. I struggled to make out the images on the screen but eventually, I figured out what was what. I was still sitting relativily close to corn. What happened next is really the highlight of this story.

I saw that there was a team of 2 in leather armor somewhat near me and I prayed they wouldn't see me.

Oh god.

They see me.

In this point in time, I am not "done" and I decide what I have to do. Seems really dramatic eh? Well at the time, it was. They run towards me and once they are within 20 blocks, this is where it gets good.

I jumped up from the toilet, half naked to kill this team. They hit me twice by the time I get to my computer. I turn and run, only to flint and steel them immediately. I get one, we'll call him Jon" on fire. Jon backs up while his teammate, we'll call him Frank, races towards me. I turn and fight Frank, killing him in only a few hits. Jon then runs at me and while at 5 hearts, I fight him. I leave the fight on half a heart with Jon shooting arrows at me. I hide in a corner and shift. Eventually, I lose Jon and then raced back to the toilet. Again, instant relief. But, not for long.

In all the running to the computer and such, I didn't realize it was deathmatch. I tab just to see that both Jon and another player whom I believed was named KarimGames. I sit in the washroom until there is 10 seconds to deathmatch. I sprint to my computer and look at my competition. Somehow, Jon has managed to get full iron armor and KarimGames had half leather. Immediately, I attempt to team with KarimGames. As it turns out, Jon is also attempting to team with him. KarimGames completely snubs me and teams with Jon. As this happens, I can feel my heart drop. This, was going to be difficult. Or will it? As the pregame counter strikes zero, I prepare for the challenge I have in front of me.

Turns out, Karim lags out about 10 seconds into the deathmatch.

"Well this makes it a bit easier", I thought.

I run up to Jon, wanting this to end quicker because I was still being called by nature, if you know what I mean. And let's say nature was NOT going to go to voicemail. I run straight at him and hit him a couple times, three times if I can remember correctly. He gets knocked back fairly far and I know to win this, I'm going to have to hone my inner Katniss. I had about 10 arrows.

Shot the first three arrows. No hits.
Shoots 2 more. No hits.
So much for being Katniss.

I run straight at Jon and give it all I got on my mouse clicking. I am clicking so much and freaking out that I don't realize it has switched to night, and there are fireworks exploding in the air.

NuJaan has won the Survival Games!

I don't even celebrate. I just run back to the toilet and sit there, thinking about how I literally have no life and what the heck I just did.
there goes my pride

just kidding, I'm bad at MCSG. xD I get wrecked on a regular basis whenever I play.

Nice story! Thanks for including me ;) It was really cool.


Mar 22, 2014
Reaction score
Even though my MCGamer experience so small, I can do how I play games, what players I interact with. I'd be great. Nice idea CAm


Jul 8, 2014
Reaction score
Well this it is my story: I always wanted to play MCSG but my internet connection was very bad and I to play MCSG was to get up early because at night the internet improved and there then I could play, but I all happy playing but it was it was always playing very noob killed me but then I started to play much pvp on multiple servers and improve my pvp rather then me moving house and my parents hired a much better internet and now I'm happy playing in MCSG and I have to get up early to play. End-.... hope you like my story


Jan 24, 2014
Reaction score
First Game
Ok, so I started playing MCSG about 1 1/2 years ago and when I did it was in the "old" hub, with the library parkour. I used to always try to complete it (never did). Every time I would join an MCSG lobby, I would go straight to the parkour hoping that maybe this would be my time! (Never was)

So when I played my first ever game, I was on the map sg1 and I had no clue what so ever what I was doing, I had no sense of direction on where to go or anything. So I ran, and ran not knowing where my piggy legs would take me but eventually I stumbled upon a castle! Inside the castle was one chest which gave me a weapon and a few bits of leather armor, time went by without finding anymore chests, so I decided to go and find some animals to kill for food, eventually I found a group of cattle and killed them all, I had tones of food. Then I pressed "Tab" to see only one other name on the list, I was in the last 2! I hid, and hid minutes went by with my heart racing. Eventually he found me, I ran and ran but my piggy legs couldn't run anymore and I was out of food, he shot me with his bow 5 times and I was dead. I didn't win my first game, but I knew I did well!

My first clan!
I was talking to my new made friend whiteXmas, I got in the game and he never, so I said "paz" (his name) spectate me! He said ok and that's what happened. This time in my career I had knowledge of the map I was on, "SG1" so I ran to the boat as fast as I could I had never seen any of the players in my game before, so I thought I would be ok. I got to the boat, no one else came, it was a miracle! I got all of the loot in the boat and felt amazing. Eventually after making my way back to spawn and killing a few people on the way, it was suddenly "DeathMatch"

It was me "Vurexy", "Jess_ter" and some random I cant remember the name of. The random killed "Jess_ter" and I went in for the clean-up, he had full iron, I had 4 armor bars I hit, and hit, strafed and strafed all I could but he got me, I wasn't to bothered, considering he had full iron. Then after the game in the lobby "Jess_ter" went "Vurexy, would you like to join my clan? Add me on skype ******" I said "I've never been in a clan before, but i'll think about it" ten or 15 minutes later, I added "jess_ter" on skype and he asked me to apply on the forums for "#Defusion" and that is what I did, he accepted me. I was very, very happy! I was in #Defusion for 2-3 weeks and I had a blast of a time, eventually the clan closed down, and I went on to join clans such as "HacocMCSG, #Pure etc'" and still to this day I play in clans as I find it extremely fun to play in them.

First Ever Donor!

It was easter day, and I said to my mother "Mom, if I give you this money can you buy something for me" she said "Sure" and I was so happy, I give my mom the money and she got me the gold donor, I went onto the MCSG hub and joined a full game, I was so proud of myself, I played on the account for 1 more month untill this happened :(

The catastrophe

Mojang put out a warning on the Minecraft launcher, saying that you should change your password, and that's exactly what I did, this happened at about the 16th of December. I changed and got my brand new computer for Christmas, so I had to log-in to Minecraft but I had forgotten my Minecraft password, and after multiple attempts at trying to get it, I entered everything I could think of but none of them worked.

Still, to this day I try to enter passwords, hoping that maybe I would guess correct and get back into the account, but i've had no such luck so far and have a "new" account called "Vurexy" given to me by my good friend jonnysgraphics, I've been on that account for abount 6 months so far, and hopefully I wont forget the password to this account! I have got all the details written in a notepad file, just in-case I somehow forget again. XD

Making Friends!
Before the "catastrophe" I was on the server "Zincbox" and I was extremely good at it for an EU player on a US player with 150 ping, but I did try-hard alot, eventually I got called a hacker countless amounts of times and had a few people who defended me, as they knew I dont hack. Their names are "drewritchie11" and "whiteXmas" I added drew into a call with Me and paz and we became friends, we met "EliasTheBeast101" when he commented on one of my YouTube videos saying "Hi, I love your videos please add me on skype : ****" I said "Ok, i'll add you on Thursday, which I had no intentions of adding him at all, but when I next released an MCSG video, he commented saying the same thing.

So I added Elias, he added "Blockbreaker2001" into the call as they were very good mates. Since then i've met people such as "Dan-badger_pig123" "Joe-wadespurs" "Jay-DatAmopolisGuy" and we've all became amazing friends since that and we all still talk to this day. We play so much MCSG as we enjoy it and play to have fun and not rage. Me and Elias have fell out a few times but we make-up and become friends again.

Getting known on MCSG?
I guess you could sort of say, on my old account "ApplePvP" I was quite known on that, but on my "Vurexy" account ever since i've started to become a better player on MCSG, i've been respected alot more by the community of MCSG. I've played in "Clan-wars" and played well against amazing clans and have got a little bit of recognition for it as most people say "Hi" to me when they see me on MCSG and I always greet back saying "Hello!" To this day, i'm quite known on MCSG and i'd like to thank everyone who has been a friend of mine, along the way.

Thanking you!
I'd like to thank you for doing an amazing job on the server, what you have done has brought thousands of minecrafters together in one big happy place "MC-GAMER". Without MCGAMER most people wouldn't be playing "Survival Games" now and what you have done has made thousands of players appreciate all of your work and play on MCSG every single day. Thank you for making such an amazing server, and good luck with future updates!

~ Vurexy

IGN: Vurexy
Last edited:


Nov 12, 2013
Reaction score
First Game
Ok, so I started playing MCSG about 1 1/2 years ago and when I did it was in the "old" hub, with the library parkour. I used to always try to complete it (never did). Every time I would join an MCSG lobby, I would go straight to the parkour hoping that maybe this would be my time! (Never was)

So when I played my first ever game, I was on the map sg1 and I had no clue what so ever what I was doing, I had no sense of direction on where to go or anything. So I ran, and ran not knowing where my piggy legs would take me but eventually I stumbled upon a castle! Inside the castle was one chest which gave me a weapon and a few bits of leather armor, time went by without finding anymore chests, so I decided to go and find some animals to kill for food, eventually I found a group of cattle and killed them all, I had tones of food. Then I pressed "Tab" to see only one other name on the list, I was in the last 2! I hid, and hid minutes went by with my heart racing. Eventually he found me, I ran and ran but my piggy legs could run anymore and I was out of food, he shot me with his bow 5 times and I was dead. I didn't win my first game, but I knew I did well!

My first clan!
I was talking to my new made friend whiteXmas, I got in the game and he never, so I said "paz" (his name) spectate me! He said ok and that's what happened. This time in my career I had knowledge of the map I was on, "SG1" so I ran to the boat as fast as I could I had never seen any of the players in my game before, so I thought I would be ok. I got to the boat, no one else came, it was a miracle! I got all of the loot in the boat and felt amazing. Eventually after making my way back to spawn and killing a few people on the way, it was suddenly "DeathMatch"

It was me "Vurexy", "Jess_ter" and some random I cant remember the name of. The random killed "Jess_ter" and I went in for the clean-up, he had full iron, I had 4 armor bars I hit, and hit, strafed and strafed all I could but he got me, I wasn't to bothered, considering he had full iron. Then after the game in the lobby "Jess_ter" went "Vurexy, would you like to join my clan? Add me on skype ******" I said "I've never been in a clan before, but i'll think about it" ten or 15 minutes later, I added "jess_ter" on skype and he asked me to apply on the forums for "#Defusion" and that is what I did, he accepted me. I was very, very happy! I was in #Defusion for 2-3 weeks and I had a blast of a time, eventually the clan closed down, and I went on to join clans such as "HacocMCSG, #Pure etc'" and still to this day I play in clans as I find it extremely fun to play in them.

First Ever Donor!

It was easter day, and I said to my mother "Mom, if I give you this money can you buy something for me" she said "Sure" and I was so happy, I give my mom the money and she got me the gold donor, I went onto the MCSG hub and joined a full game, I was so proud of myself, I played on the account for 1 more month untill this happened :(

The catastrophe

Mojang put out a warning on the Minecraft launcher, saying that you should change your password, and that's exactly what I did, this happened at about the 16th of December. I changed and got my brand new computer for Christmas, so I had to log-in to Minecraft but I had forgotten my Minecraft password, and after multiple attempts at trying to get it, I entered everything I could think of but none of them worked.

Still, to this day I try to enter passwords, hoping that maybe I would guess correct and get back into the account, but i've had no such luck so far and have a "new" account called "Vurexy" given to me by my good friend jonnysgraphics, I've been on that account for abount 6 months so far, and hopefully I wont forget the password to this account! I have got all the details written in a notepad file, just in-case I somehow forget again. XD

Making Friends!
Before the "catastrophe" I was on the server "Zincbox" and I was extremely good at it for an EU player on a US player with 150 ping, but I did try-hard alot, eventually I got called a hacker countless amounts of times and had a few people who defended me, as they knew I dont hack. Their names are "drewritchie11" and "whiteXmas" I added drew into a call with Me and paz and we became friends, we met "EliasTheBeast101" when he commented on one of my YouTube videos saying "Hi, I love your videos please add me on skype : ****" I said "Ok, i'll add you on Thursday, which I had no intentions of adding him at all, but when I next released an MCSG video, he commented saying the same thing.

So I added Elias, he added "Blockbreaker2001" into the call as they were very good mates. Since then i've met people such as "Dan-badger_pig123" "Joe-wadespurs" "Jay-DatAmopolisGuy" and we've all became amazing friends since that and we all still talk to this day. We play so much MCSG as we enjoy it and play to have fun and not rage. Me and Elias have fell out a few times but we make-up and become friends again.

Getting known on MCSG?
I guess you could sort of say, on my old account "ApplePvP" I was quite known on that, but on my "Vurexy" account ever since i've started to become a better player on MCSG, i've been respected alot more by the community of MCSG. I've played in "Clan-wars" and played well against amazing clans and have got a little bit of recognition for it as most people say "Hi" to me when they see me on MCSG and I always greet back saying "Hello!" To this day, i'm quite known on MCSG and i'd like to thank everyone who has been a friend of mine, along the way.

Thanking you!
I'd like to thank you for doing an amazing job on the server, what you have done has brought thousands of minecrafters together in one big happy place "MC-GAMER". Without MCGAMER most people would be playing "Survival Games" now and what you have done has made thousands of players appreciate all of your work and play on MCSG every single day. Thank you for making such an amazing server, and good luck with future updates!

~ Vurexy

IGN: Vurexy
God Story /Isak


May 5, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft Survival Games: The Final Fight
10.. 9.. 8.. I am getting nervous of this wating, i dont know what i should do?! Run to spawn or go rush my route? 7.. 6.. 5.. 4.. I need to decide NOW! 3.. 2.. okay i know what to do! Im going to rush my route! 1.. The games have begun! I run as hard as i can to the airship outside, but im not the only one that is going for it.. I punch a girl so she gets stuck between the door and i rush the airship! Im almost there but i try to hit the girl again but i failed, she goes infront of me and gets first to the airship.. My route has ended here. I just ran in a certain direction hoping i can get some good loots.. But im unlucky, i find a wooden axe and a leather helmet and leather pants. But that doesn't stop me. I remember a double T2 in a house, i run as fast as i can to it but im too late! There is a team of 2 faster than me! I must be first! I try to beat one with my axe but it didnt take long for the other teammate to assist here.. I had to run away and get another chest. I was running to a mine that i spotted and i got a stone axe from a chest in the entrance. Still not enough becose there is a guy with FULL IRON waiting for me. I know i am not going to win this game so i go in and start a fight with him. I run away and out of nothing i make a comeback! I hit him 1 time and he runs after me. I turn around and fight him he had a stone sword and he was trying to pierce it in my heart! I cant win this! At that moment i thought by myself: That i can win this, full iron or leather armour! I can win this! I begin to fight back and i put my axe right between his eyes, his blood was dripping over my shoulders, i have won this battle.
(Map: MoonBase9)


Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
If you wanna look at my story click on #LongLiveExodus on my signature.


Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
Yeah this is really cool and a good opportunity for everyone! I think we should do more of these!


Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
To kill a moderator


Once while playing MC-Gamer Survival Games I legitimately killed a Mod and almost got banned for aura hacks. I was playing on Valleyside University with full iron and a diamond sword when a moderator attacked… we had equal stuff but my computer was being very laggy at the time so I don’t think he could see me. After barely killing him I took all of his stuff and carried about my way to raid the tier 2 on top of parking garage during refill. A few minutes later after raiding the tier 2 I was messaged by the Mod, “TOXICFAIL52 you have been caught using Aura and will be in review for the next week to see if you will be banned.” Stupidly instead of disputing the message I said “Why did I kill a mod?” I then won that game. Luckily I was never banned, Phew!

The End


Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
Poop Game

I am sitting in the lobby, impatiently waiting for the game to start. As we are whisked into the arena for Pregame, I look into the /list. I examine the players names, attempting to remember if I know of any good players in the lobby. My eyes don't land on anyone who seems to be familiar that I have seen within the MCSG community.

A shiver goes up my spine when I see the name Mooclan. I did not have any idea how great Mooclan was at the game but he seemed very well known within the community. Immediately, I consider leaving the game because well, this was back when if I saw one good player in game, I left. But, I decided to stay in Pregame and take my chances on winning the game. Just imagining not playing this game looking back at this, lets just say it was a great thing that I did play it.

I race towards the Demons Breeze cornucopia, eager to win this game. Around this time, I had about 10 wins so I understood what it took to win but I was not the greatest at carrying out those procedures. I open the corn chest, and my eyes almost pop out my head. There is an iron chestplate, iron boots, diamond and stone sword in the chest. I manage to gain the iron chestplate, iron boots and stone sword. A lot of people would have been very happy with getting this off the cornucopia but seeing as there was only one other person in my corn chest, I knew who had gotten the diamond. They ran towards the mountain on the West side of the map, up the mountainside by the bridge.

I chased this player whom I had believed gotten nothing off cornucopia except the diamond. This is also how I found my chest route for this map. He opened the chest and by the time he put the all the armor inside on himself, he was dead. I thought I was so MLG that I got that kill. Once I had gotten myself collected, I climbed up the bridge and headed South towards the next tier two on my route, which took me quiet a bit of time to do as I sort of stinked at parkour and still do, I had gotten another diamond, a stick and a pair of iron leggings which I needed. And then it happened.

I felt a bit of well "gas" from my lower end and assumed it was just a well, fart. But, have you ever had that feeling when you are about to fart and then you realize it's excretion? Well, this happened to me. I decided "Eh, it's nothing. I can just do it after" but well as much as I do not want to say this, it's a good thing I didn't go at that time considering what is about to happen.
I returned to cornucopia and decided the coast was to clear to craft my sword. As I was crafting my sword, I saw a player in full iron and saw the nameplate. My heart dropped. It was Mooclan. I decided to man up and fight this "beast". Or so I thought...

I fought Mooclan and hit him 1 time, 2 times, 3 times, 4 times.

Holy shoot.


Turns out, I destroyed him and I immediately thought I was the best player on MCSG. After I had collected myself, for the second time, the call from nature was getting stronger and stronger by the minute. It was about 21 minutes into the game and I decided I couldn't hold it any longer. I ran into the washroom and BANG!

Instant relief.

Now this sounds very weird but the way my computer was stationed before, I could see my computer while I was in the washroom. I struggled to make out the images on the screen but eventually, I figured out what was what. I was still sitting relativily close to corn. What happened next is really the highlight of this story.

I saw that there was a team of 2 in leather armor somewhat near me and I prayed they wouldn't see me.

Oh god.

They see me.

In this point in time, I am not "done" and I decide what I have to do. Seems really dramatic eh? Well at the time, it was. They run towards me and once they are within 20 blocks, this is where it gets good.

I jumped up from the toilet, half naked to kill this team. They hit me twice by the time I get to my computer. I turn and run, only to flint and steel them immediately. I get one, we'll call him Jon" on fire. Jon backs up while his teammate, we'll call him Frank, races towards me. I turn and fight Frank, killing him in only a few hits. Jon then runs at me and while at 5 hearts, I fight him. I leave the fight on half a heart with Jon shooting arrows at me. I hide in a corner and shift. Eventually, I lose Jon and then raced back to the toilet. Again, instant relief. But, not for long.

In all the running to the computer and such, I didn't realize it was deathmatch. I tab just to see that both Jon and another player whom I believed was named KarimGames. I sit in the washroom until there is 10 seconds to deathmatch. I sprint to my computer and look at my competition. Somehow, Jon has managed to get full iron armor and KarimGames had half leather. Immediately, I attempt to team with KarimGames. As it turns out, Jon is also attempting to team with him. KarimGames completely snubs me and teams with Jon. As this happens, I can feel my heart drop. This, was going to be difficult. Or will it? As the pregame counter strikes zero, I prepare for the challenge I have in front of me.

Turns out, Karim lags out about 10 seconds into the deathmatch.

"Well this makes it a bit easier", I thought.

I run up to Jon, wanting this to end quicker because I was still being called by nature, if you know what I mean. And let's say nature was NOT going to go to voicemail. I run straight at him and hit him a couple times, three times if I can remember correctly. He gets knocked back fairly far and I know to win this, I'm going to have to hone my inner Katniss. I had about 10 arrows.

Shot the first three arrows. No hits.
Shoots 2 more. No hits.
So much for being Katniss.

I run straight at Jon and give it all I got on my mouse clicking. I am clicking so much and freaking out that I don't realize it has switched to night, and there are fireworks exploding in the air.

NuJaan has won the Survival Games!

I don't even celebrate. I just run back to the toilet and sit there, thinking about how I literally have no life and what the heck I just did.
If this doesn't win, I'm done. The voice mail bit about nature was putting me in stitches! ahahaha


Aug 4, 2013
Reaction score
A Journey
Hello MCSG Community, my IGN is xxSPUxx most people call me Spu. Now I am here today to talk about good memories that I have had in MCSG or Minecraft Survival Games. Now, I am not the oldest player and I consider myself to be a quite new player sense I have been here in the community for about 8-9 months and have many ideas of the community but not as much knowledge like some other people in the community have. I want to share my most memorable moments and share my journey with the community of MCSG. Now, here it is....
My Journey / Best memorable moments in MCSG (Not the actual deep part yet) - When I first entered the community, I was thinking, "Are these people real? or are they like computer people" Then I met my first friend of the community mice9 we skype called for 2 hours straight and continued to keep calling and calling each other for so long, we were like 11 or 12 I believe and we were US and EU, yet no one could pull away our bond. Then I joined my first clan which was EU even though I was a US player I was very young at the time and didn't know and thought it was going to be super fun. Then I went to my first "Family" clan which was ReAcT. We were a family, no fights, always supporting each other, and it felt like my own family that was so gifted and so straightfoward. My connection to the community started to get stronger and stronger and I started to finally get connected with members and more into clans. Then I went to other clans like Divine, and The Saints who were both gifted and talented clans that I loved to be in. I always got on each day just loving to play MCSG and nothing us and finally noticed that this was a "hobby" for me and that it was something to do during spare time. I loved it, it felt like I was actually good at something involving a computer and I can proudly say that, "I'm in the top 60 in the world for MCSG!"
and actually some kids at school thought I was so cool because of that. It lit me up everytime I looked at my rank. I will never ever forget the moments when I had 100 or 200 or 300 wins, and Now, I have a great deal of wins and met so many inspiring, kindly, and talented people that you don't normally see in the real world. I am glade MCSG is here, I am glade I found these Neat and Exquisite Servers, because I wouldn't have found these types of friends and never would have been typing and sharing this story with the community.

The Most Memorable Moment (Deep) - Now, I have changed a lot over the 8-9 months and so have some of my family members and physical shape. I play for a AAU Basketball team, for those who are wondering what "AAU" means, it means Travel Basketball pretty much. Very competitive, Very fun, and a lot of traveling. Now, I love MCSG as much as I love basketball. They are like my hobbies, but I want to succeed in basketball, I want to succeed in MCSG too just not as much as I want to succeed in basketball. I strive for greatness and can never stand being bad at something, that is why basketball and MCSG mean so much to me and that is why I will never forget these type of servers. Now, for the most memorable part of my MCSG career, I have a brother, he is 16 going to his junior yet in highschool. We found out during our yearly check-up that he had a hole in his heart. Now, this didn't mean he needed surgery, but if he didn't get it sooner or later, he would die in an early age. This meant he had to get open heart surgery which is a very difficult type of surgery for the doctor to do and for the patient to handle. While my brother was in the hospital having surgery I was praying that he would be all right and nothing bad would happen to my brother. I couldn't leave the house to play basketball, so I went on MCSG to tell the players of the community. IMPORTANT / MEMORABLE part - When I told the players of the community, they were so kind, so gentle to me and I felt as if it were like my mother comforting me and it came to a point where I shed some tears, not just they were being so kind to me, but that strangers that didn't even know me, knew what I was going through and decided to comfort me. This, I know, is the most memorable thing and kindest situation that has happened to me in my MCSG career and is my most memorable moment because it shows how the MCSG community really is, Kind, Friendly and Generous.

I have had many memorable moments in MCSG, and will continue to have more, but this is by far the most memorable moment I have had yet. I would like to thank all of my friends in MCSG now, for being there for me and I am so lucky I have found this server. If I do get chosen, Not really focusing on it because I just want to share my story with people, But I will be very grateful as being my first Donor on any server.

Thank you for reading my journey, Thank you MCSG! <3 #MCSG4Lyfe
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