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♕ Insanity (US Division)

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Jul 25, 2012
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But the difference between all those clans and Forgotten is that you aren't emulating them. You're going down the same path that Forgotten went down, taking the same tact of 'these decisions are hard, and people might hate us, but we don't care because it will make the clan stronger'. You may not realize it, or consciously acknowledge it, but Insanity is becoming Forgotten. This may seem like a good thing, but you're doing it wrong. If you continue to go down this path, and make these harsh decisions 'for the good of the clan', you will lose the spark that made Insanity great. Listen to Soul He's gone down this road before, and he knows where it leads. You may end up with the strongest clan, but you will lose friendship, respect, and your enjoyment of the game. If you think it's worth it, go ahead, but I would just advise you to always prioritize fun over the strength of a clan. They last longer that way.
They're following a path we once went, but they will never be Forgotten c; (I know that's what you said, but I just wanted to make it clearer)
Btw, at the time it was not worth it. I had so many trust issues and practically just one true friend, so we went down a better path.


Nov 25, 2013
Reaction score
Heres what I got to say to clear everything up. Before you say something, read this and actually know what happened in the clan. I don't have a single idea why people outside of the clan are posting things about what we have done.

Every couple of days, the same person would come up to me and Andy talking to us about some problems that we have in the clan. It would always be the same issue that I and Andy already tried to fix. But once in a while, a new problem would come up. Its normal to have a clan with problems. But its not normal when the same person would come up to the leaders and announce that this member would leave if this problem isn't fixed. As a leader, its very easy to spot who is a member who wouldn't fit in the clan. Of course before you kick the member, you ask the officers and leaders. But every single time me and Andy would ask anyone, they would always answer with the same answer. Most of the time, " I know someone who would leave if you did that." Or even "I would leave if you did that." Or, " Don't kick that member because he's my friend." Now i'm not saying I don't care if you have a friend in the clan. What I wonder is why would you leave for a single friend over the whole clan. Now I understand if the member would leave if he/she doesn't like anyone else in the clan except for the member that is getting kicked. But me and Andy make sure everyone in the clan has a good relationship. To prove that, we have previously kicked 2 members from the clan because of members complaining they don't like them. The leaders always take what the members say into consideration. But now it has come to a point where the leaders can't take the threats no longer. I also wanted to say that the previous people that posted on this thread that aren't in the clan shouldn't be saying anything at all, unless you've talk to Andy or I privately. I also wanted to announce that yesterday night, Andy moved me up to his channel saying "I'm not taking this anymore. I'm going to leave." At this point we both knew for sure that Andy was going to leave and that Andy will be handing the clan over to me to carry it. After a minute, I thought to myself that if Andy does leave, I'm going to end up doing the same thing that we've done right now. Now doing what we've just done is nothing wrong. No one, no matter who they are should be threatening to leave the clan. Instead, just leave it. Because at the end of the day, its THEIR clan. Not YOURS. But something that is completely okay that to talk over it and try to get it fix with a clan meeting, NOT threatening to leave the clan. Theres much much more I need to say, but my brain isn't smart enough to put them into words.
Too all of the staffs asking for these types of post to stop, i'm sorry but these type of posts need to go out and stay out. Unless its a useless, bias post.

I'm not saying all of the members removed were the guys giving us the threats.
I do not dislike anyone that have previously posted on the thread, along with the members removed/left. I still love you all <3
sorry if there was any bad gramar in that story. my brain is not smart enough for theze tipe of posteses. i had to ask andy to com to my room and i toold what to write for me.
A lot of you guys are saying that we've kicked our founding members, the members that keep the clan going. But we've only removed the people that were causing the problems. Fuzzy and Tech left because of the decision we've made. And in my opinion, they were the founding members. Thats why we didn't kick them, we kept them. So don't get mad at us for them leaving the clan.
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District 13
May 27, 2012
Reaction score
Too all of the staffs asking for these types of post to stop, i'm sorry but these type of posts need to go out and stay out. Unless its a useless, bias post.
We asked that mostly for your sake, so that your thread can remain relatively clean and you can talk things out privately. I don't take issue with the post you made though. It's your clan, and posting a PSA explaining things is a good idea. I just hope it won't entice a hostile response.
Jan 2, 2014
Reaction score
You are
But the difference between all those clans and Forgotten is that you aren't emulating them. You're going down the same path that Forgotten went down, taking the same tact of 'these decisions are hard, and people might hate us, but we don't care because it will make the clan stronger'. You may not realize it, or consciously acknowledge it, but Insanity is becoming Forgotten. This may seem like a good thing, but you're doing it wrong. If you continue to go down this path, and make these harsh decisions 'for the good of the clan', you will lose the spark that made Insanity great. Listen to Soul He's gone down this road before, and he knows where it leads. You may end up with the strongest clan, but you will lose friendship, respect, and your enjoyment of the game. If you think it's worth it, go ahead, but I would just advise you to always prioritize fun over the strength of a clan. They last longer that way.
You're a legend.


Jul 23, 2013
Reaction score
People who threaten to leave because of others getting kicked are those who don't belong here as they obviously belong in their own clan.

And AFAIK, nobody in the clan has every harassed you in a serious manner and most of us are upset that you're in this group of people who just leave because others will and therefore we had to kick you. It's really unfair to the owner of a clan to say if you kick so-and-so, well we'll all leave.

@DQIX1 what I mean is that this clan is trying to become serious, and we don't have the time to keep members just because people like them and will leave because they're kicked. Sometimes, a leader has to step up and do the right thing, and I can say that Andy is in the middle of making a great thing happen.
s0rry but I can't seem to find the dislike button for this post, anyone care to help?


Aug 24, 2013
Reaction score
Can i know if i get declined or accepted. i know it is hard to find mine with all the flame, but i really want to get in this clan.


District 13
Oct 10, 2013
Reaction score
I dont know about much that went down in this clan. But what I do know is that internal clan affairs should be taken care of privately and it is no buissness of anyone outside of the clan. My well wishes go to Andy and Eddy and hopefully they are able to make it out of this and return stronger :)
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