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Catching Fire/Quarter Quell update and lifetime diamond giveaway!


May 14, 2013
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  1. Similar to the movie, there can be some sort of wall of gas travelling towards the centre of the segment. If you run into this haze, you can experience harmful potion effects like blindness and nausea.
  2. There can be an invisible maze in the segment (probably using invisible blocks) so the player is forced to find a passageway through the invisible walls (could be a good challenge).
  3. A combination of creepers spawning and lightning all in one segment, so the creepers become charged.
  4. Random anvils falling from the sky? (would be much less laggy than TNT)
  5. In one segment, if you click the "tab" button, your coordinates will be displayed to everyone, to let them know where you are xP
  6. Random blocks in the segment can turn into landmines, and once you step on them, they will explode.
  7. Gets rid of all the weapons in your inventory (may be a bit too op).
  8. Randomly spawning massive slimes :3
  9. Maybe you can use the redstone dust as blood rain, and if you get rained on you can experience negative potion effects or combust into flames xP
  10. Snow golems will spawn everywhere and start shooting dangerous snowballs at you.
  11. Iron golems will spawn in that section and will start attacking you (may be a bit op).
  12. All the glowstone or any light source will be automatically be removed, making it completely dark. Maybe some poisonous cave spiders can start spawning?
For 5 maybe lightning hits where you are, revealing your location. The lightning could strike with an updated position every 5-10 sections until the disaster ends.
And 7 could either take away whatever is in your slot 1 or your most damaging/strongest weapon.


Jun 10, 2013
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Leafy green tea

So I read somewhere, that Katniss references one of the segments being powerful, dangerous beasts. Since you can't implement giant dogs, how about just making revamped zombies? (More health, faster, more powerful, etc.)
*Puts down LeafyGreenTea*
*Realizes what he has said*
*Crosses it out*
Leafy would be too powerful xD


Sep 25, 2013
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*That moment when you've been chased off spawn and into the forest.* to start it off the lighting starts striking you because it just happens to have failed its lighting exam that day and is really ticked off! It's chosen you because it knows your pain, but it wants you to feel its pain. After your quick escape you find a chest to your delight with the stone sword and leather chestpeice combo alongside a baked potatoe. Soon after, you here an eerie break of glass... SPLAT! You go head first Into glass, and you lock eyes with G33ke. His rod is just waiting to catch u off guard. When you start runnin, you here the sound of *gdhdidjdj*. Your FPS drop to 30! Now you have to problems. Running for a minute now, you see the opening of corn. When you think your luck has run out the faces of two Baccas catch your small amount of Periferable vision. Oh No! Three problems. The Bacchae then go into an endless cycle of left click and charge for you. Then you have no choice but to navigate your dropping FPS to cornocopia. Your heart fills with joy when you here a long *Ddiiiing* Sponsored!
You now see a slot with a glorious flint and steal! You get ready to turn when the platform breaks and lava now is below you! You quickly escape still with the 3 chasers behind you and take the land advantage. Now you Activate pvp martial art mode and get ready for action. The next part happens in a blur. Your hit with the legendary Geeky geeky rod spam hitting like a flame ear *post reply button*. the Baccas land a hit on you. Now being in the water you know you are done thus causing panic. Another *ding* is heard. Hope is an option. You spot an enderpearl! You hit right click on that very spot! Poof! You feel the breeze of the chilly nighttime air. WAM the air turn to blue.... Death...

The blue screen of death

Idea: nighttime should have traps when u venture out this causing shorter games


Also I hoped you enjoyed the story
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Jun 29, 2012
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Ghasts. I'm not sure if this has been suggested but these things can knock you around and light you on fire, very dangerous and the only way to kill them is to shoot them or unless they go to the ground. Witches could also be something, they're hard to kill and throw poison and damage potions. Or just some spots could appear where the ground beneath you falls and turns to nothing so if you step in one of these patches you fall into the void. Good luck everyone :)


May 27, 2013
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Sorry if this idea has already taken. I'm just to lazy to read all these pages...

What if there was a bunch of Slimes/Nether Slims. Each time you got hit by one it would give you slowness and weakness. Slimes/Nether Slimes aren't really considered to be a very dangerous mob. But when your slowed down so they can get to you and weakness so your attacks do minimum to them. They can be lethal. Of course. They would need to spawn in groups of 3-5.

Also.. What if there was angry pigmen? Pigmen are really dangerous as it is. If they spawn in at groups of 1-3 they can easily kill a player with there speed advantage. The only way to even the odds would be to go to water. They also don't catch on fire (No using FnS). The main body of water is where? Of course.. Corn. So it would intentionally lead them to other players. Just like in the books. Plus there mob drops are gold. Nothing to Op there.
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Nov 30, 2013
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Something like TNT run, where the blocks under you fall to the void a fraction of a second after standing on them so you cant eat food unless you use the fence of desperation and you can't stop.

If this was already proposed, I'm sorry.


Jan 20, 2013
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3: You could have sinking soul sand say I walked over a bit on soul sand it would sink like the sg4 gravel trap.
This could be done by spawning cobwebs and then having FallingSand entites sinking into the cobweb that appear like soul sand and the entity is teleported up every second or so before it hits the bottom of the cobweb (so it doesn't break)
Just sayin'. :p


Apr 20, 2012
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For 5 maybe lightning hits where you are, revealing your location. The lightning could strike with an updated position every 5-10 sections until the disaster ends.
And 7 could either take away whatever is in your slot 1 or your most damaging/strongest weapon.
Good idea, I'll edit my post with it ;)


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
A tornado type thing tang that picks you up and can throw you around and it's harder to walk in certain directions because the wind is pushing you one way idk if this is possible.

Another one is the whole segment gets a bunch of TNT blowing up smoke animations and it makes the sound of TNT blowing up but doesn't hurt you.

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