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Ultimate set up for Non Hot Key users!


District 13
Oct 10, 2013
Reaction score
Since when? It's just a quicker switch than normal so you don't over scroll or whatever. Number keys/Macros are also known as hot keys. Before 1.7, macros that automatically toggled sprint weren't allowed. However 1.7 is practically BSM, so that doesn't concern anyone anymore.

I've used hotkeys, they're much easier for general purposes.
FnS Macros?


District 13
Oct 10, 2013
Reaction score
They're fine, I don't understand why you pointed them out. It's how most people quick f&s placements..

Yeah, that's correct. Or in fact extra buttons on a keyboard.
Nevermind. I just saw Huahwi posting on another thing like this saying macros aren't allowed and stuff. My bad.


District 13
Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
Nevermind. I just saw Huahwi posting on another thing like this saying macros aren't allowed and stuff. My bad.
Well, I don't see how they could be abused in any way possible now..
Number keys theoretically the same as macros.


Aug 28, 2013
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My setup ;P
1. Bow
2. Sword
3. Fns
4. Rod
5. G apple
6. High saturation food or Fns in intense matches
7. High saturation food
8.High saturation food
9.Arrows or anything special, ender pearl ect.

Reasining I keep my sword at 2 cause Fns and my bow are my closest tools and I just need to scroll up or down and I'm used to clicking 2 and 4 repeatedly so yeah that's my setup, my setup is different to others.


Oct 3, 2013
Reaction score
My setup ;P
1. Bow
2. Sword
3. Fns
4. Rod
5. G apple
6. High saturation food or Fns in intense matches
7. High saturation food
8.High saturation food
9. High saturation food
10. Arrows or anything special, ender pearl ect.

Reasining I keep my sword at 2 cause Fns and my bow are my closest tools and I just need to scroll up or down and I'm used to clicking 2 and 4 repeatedly so yeah that's my setup, my setup is different to others.
wait where did u get 10th slot o_O ?


Jun 21, 2013
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I'd like to give a detailed explanation as to why people should use hotkeys and why we should keep some items next to others. I'm also sick of people saying "I have the best arrangement no question!!!" Those people need to think outside the box and respect opinions.

First let me show mine:
1. Fishing rod
2. Sword
3. Flint and steel
4. Bow
5. Flint and steel or food
6. Flint and steel or food or boat or ender pearl or whatever
7. High saturation food
8. Golden apples
9. Arrows

Try a little something for a moment. Go into minecraft and put the hotbar selector on slot 5, the middle. Now try to scroll over to slot 1. Try it a few times. If you have played a lot you will hit it every time, but think about this: If you are in an intense fight with a team, you may be shaking a little and not thinking so clearly. This will usually cause you to overscroll and block, for example, instead of casting a fishing rod. Along with that, people don't realize that scrolling requires peripheral vision use, which distracts from a fighting scene and may cause players to overlook important details in a scene. Hotkeys involve pure muscle memory. Once mastered, they are never missed. They cannot be overscrolled and do not detract from your peripheral vision. They do not take half a second, they are much faster than that. Scrolling causes you to use either your right or left click to be impaired for a fraction of a second, hotkeys never do. The one and only disadvantage to hotekys is that they temporarily detract a player from being able to strafe on one side for a very small fraction of a second, but this is minute. They are unexpected. They are superior. Hotkeys are a trend that will grow until nearly all great players are using them, like block-hitting and fishing rods did. People doubt me now, but they won't in six months, when new players such as will Huahwi come out and trounce the old-timers who refuse to adopt new tactics.

Now that we have established that hotkeys are great, let's think about the most common situations we run into in MCSG. Remember, there is no perfect arrangement, only a very good one that works for most situations.
  • Charging sword fights: Here, two players sprint and jump at each other with the intent of a quick kill and may do a variety of strafing, block-hitting, fishing rod casting, or quick bow shots. In this situation, anything could happen so all four weapons need to be accessible.
  • Water bow fights: In these, flint and steel is useless. Fishing rods aren't particularly important, but they might be. Mainly the bow is used, but the sword needs to be close by in order to block incoming arrows, which often come in a rhythmic way which can be predicted to ensure blocking but maximize mobility. The fishing rod may be need to knock the other player and mess up their bow aim, or if it's a team to knock one away so that they do not get sword hits on you.
  • Land bow fights: In these, flint and steel is pointless because you are most likely more than three blocks away from each other. Fishing rods are also rather marginal. You probably want quick access to just your bow and sword, to shoot and to block.
  • Dark space fights: These resolve quickly and are a perfect example of why scrolling between weapons is inferior. In dark spaces your eyes need to concentrate on what the other player is doing and detracting your eyes for even a moment could result in death. Any weapon could be used, but sword and fishing rod would be most important.
  • Enclosed space fights: Bows are meaningless here, because you would probably have to be bow spamming, which only does half a heart. Any of the other three would be a good idea.
  • Running and running...: All four weapons will be needed.
  • Chasing and chasing...: Definitely everything but flint and steel, because you are probably behind them.
Now that we have explored all the major types of fights. It is safe to say that open space land fights are the most common. The question is, what items are usually most needed to switch to quickly most of the time? The quick answer is sword, but I would say fishing rod is the #1 item you need quick access to. Remember, MCSG is a game about longevity. If you can always prevent people from getting close to you with your fishing rod, then how are you ever going to die?
The second most important is probably the sword, because you need to be ready to fight someone who is surprising you at any time and deliver deadly blows back.
The third most important for quick access is flint and steel, because if it can be quickly accessed you can pull off some very nice and surprising maneuvers, and even get out of a corner.
The least important is the bow. Most of the time when you are using the bow, you are at least out of danger zone and are trying to be offensive or finish off opponents. Killing is not as important as living.

So... Fishing rod #1, Sword #2, Fns #3, and Bow #4. I have my inventory arrangement! But wait, there's more to it than that.
Put both hands in regular position for playing MCSG. Look at your right hand on that mouse. It look like most of the fingers aren't doing anything, just two of them control right and left click, maybe if you are weird you keep a finger on scroll. If you have extra buttons on your mouse, good for you. I don't know what that is like so I'm not going to talk about it.
Now look at your poor left hand. Your thumb is booked on space, and having any key inhibit your ability to jump could prove very disastrous. The thumb is off limit for any new hotkeys. Your pointer finger probably has strafe right covered. Keeping it from being able to strafe right momentarily could be bad, but not disastrous. Your middle finger controls moving forward, backward, and probably double tap. That is a pretty big job, so any hotkey that temporarily keeps you from moving is probably very bad. Your ring finger has a situation similar to your pointer finger, but it is worth noting that the ring finger is quite long, though not as flexible. We may want to use it for the #1 hotkey, AKA fishing rod. Finally, the pinky probably has very different roles for us all, but it usually controls sneak, (shift) and sometimes sprint (ctrl). Note that the pinky is quite close to caps lock and it is not a stretch at all to reach caps lock, and that caps lock is also useless. The pinky can also potentially reach tab and z.

So, we have determined that there are three favorable fingers for hotkeys, pointer finger, ring finger, and pinky. Pinky is the least favorable of these, since it often controls sprinting. There are four weapons. Why not simply assign two of each weapon to the two most favorable fingers? Ring finger is the longest and best of all, so we will give it fishing rod and give it say, slot 1? or slot 2? or Q? Any of those should work well.
Next is the sword. Since the ring finger took the most important, the pointer finger should take the second, to balance things out. the pointer finger is quite flexible and can reach many keys. Take your pick: 3, 4, 5, E, R, F, C, whatever. There are plenty of options. Next, we should give the pointer finger the third most important weapon again, to even things out, so we can give the fourth most important to the ring finger. After choosing those keys, we have finished. I will demonstrate a possible arrangement using just the number keys, for simplicity's sake. Remember, I am leaving out slots 5-9 because they are extras and rarely need to be accessed quickly.

1:Fishing rod
2: Bow
3: Sword
4: Fns
5: Scroll to rest of these, silly...

You could also try
Q: Fishing rod
Tab: Bow
E: Sword
R: Fns

As a random side note, now that you are assigning the ring and pointer fingers to new hotekey roles, you may want to change your sprint to the pinky, so as to avoid overloading those fingers. I would recommend shift for sneak and caps lock for sprint, or something similar. If you have buttons on your mouse, then congratulations. You can have an even better setup.

The reason I made such a long post was to get people to realize that hotkeys are great, and that none of us have yet found the perfect setup, and nobody ever will. Heck, somebody might start playing with their feet on their desk to be able to hit keys with their toes. (Nasty...) And to those of you out therewith small hands and fingers, I'm sorry if you read this whole post.


Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
Now look at your poor left hand. Your thumb is booked on space, and having any key inhibit your ability to jump could prove very disastrous. The thumb is off limit for any new hotkeys. Your pointer finger probably has strafe right covered. Keeping it from being able to strafe right momentarily could be bad, but not disastrous. Your middle finger controls moving forward, backward, and probably double tap. That is a pretty big job, so any hotkey that temporarily keeps you from moving is probably very bad. Your ring finger has a situation similar to your pointer finger, but it is worth noting that the ring finger is quite long, though not as flexible. We may want to use it for the #1 hotkey, AKA fishing rod. Finally, the pinky probably has very different roles for us all, but it usually controls sneak, (shift) and sometimes sprint (ctrl). Note that the pinky is quite close to caps lock and it is not a stretch at all to reach caps lock, and that caps lock is also useless. The pinky can also potentially reach tab and z.

So, we have determined that there are three favorable fingers for hotkeys, pointer finger, ring finger, and pinky. Pinky is the least favorable of these, since it often controls sprinting. There are four weapons. Why not simply assign two of each weapon to the two most favorable fingers? Ring finger is the longest and best of all, so we will give it fishing rod and give it say, slot 1? or slot 2? or Q? Any of those should work well.
I will recommend something that may take a little while to get used to: Put your ring finger on the forward/backward, pinky on left strafe/sprint key, middle finger on right strafe and let your pointer finger get a look at a wide variety of keys. I can hit from 3-7 on my hotbar with pressing the numbers.

Oh, and if you are wondering how I got used to this I had a huge bandage on my middle finger back when I used to play another game, and being such a no-life I just learned to play like this. I think that it opens up more of the keyboard, when I look at having my middle finger on W there is too little space for my ring and pinky fingers.

As for the original poster, there is no best setup, just find what works for you. Pressing keys is so much more reliable than scrolling.

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