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Tips for people with poor internet.

Did the tips i have shown help you.

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District 13
Aug 25, 2013
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I would like start off by saying i am only an average player but i am after getting whole lot better in the past 2 weeks. basically i have gotten 15 of my 40 wins in the past 2 weeks from one post by a member aka Voei
to play defensively when you have a poor connection and i have adapted this to my play style. So shown bellow are some tips that i have picked up on in recent weeks.

1) Try optimize your minecraft to get the best fps possible. Install optifine, Low render distance ext, but most of you probably already know how to do this.

2) So lets start with in game tactics, Learn a big chest route with a few teir 1's and lots i mean lots's of teir 2's. Why you should do this is because as i said if you have poor internet you will have a disadvantage in pvp and looting lots of chests will help you obtain the gear you need without trying to fight someone who you might die to.

3) Try learn the positions of crafting tables that are not in spawn, this will help you avoid the well equipped players and teams that you will tend to find a middle during the game.

4) For refill, unless you are certain you can hold middle i would strongly advise not going corn for refill instead loot the other teir 2's around the map.

5) Now into the PvP side of things. Ill start off how to deal with teams. I have found the best way is to bring them into water and mow them down with arrows ( I have tips for bows further down). If this is not an option as you do not have arrows try split the team apart in the water by using your fishing rod and when ready to attack go underneath them this will help dramatically as you will be able to hit them a lot more than they can hit you. This is also an extremely useful tactic to destroy people with better armor than you.

If it is not possible to bring the team into water then use your secondary weapons they are your best friends e.g. FnS and your Bow, my strategy is to try and FnS one guy and then run until you have the two of them split up then turn around as his team mate is running after you and bow spam him until he comes close and then try and finish him off with your sword. Once you have one of them dead run until you have full health turn around and FnS the guy. Once he is on fire hit him with the bow, then once you believe he is low enough go in for the attack with your sword.

6) Now if its just a 1v1 situation with someone i also highly recommend using your secondary weapons again as if the both of you just go mad with swords he will have an advantage because you have a poor internet connection. Basically use the same tactic as i said above to deal with the second guy of the team.

Now some tips on actual sword fighting with a poor connection.
Some might not agree with this tip and that is perfectly fine but in my experience trying to use the fishing technique rod with a poor connection is a no no from me. Instead i would insist on trying to block hit.

Block hitting is where you click both buttons at the same time on your mouse it give the chance that the enemy will do half the damage and you will do full damage. Some people do not recommend using this unless your up against a wall or in a small space because people tend to strafe around you, I disagree with this and believe it is very useful if you combine block hitting with normal hitting as you strafe around them every few seconds stop and blockhit. This is a tactic i have found can destroy people and teams that are not two well equipped.

Another useful tactic in sword fighting is something i like i like to call the hit and run tactic. This is where you hit a player a few times and run for a moment and turn around and hit them again. Doing this allows you to surprise attack them and you will get the first hit which is a huge advantage in PvP.

7) One of the most helpful tips if you have a poor connection is be sneaky, basically stalk your prey ;) try and find a moment when they are distracted e.g when they are opining a chest, sorting out loot just after a fight ect. This allow you to get the sneak attack on them thus giving you a major advantage.

8) Bow tips. When using your bow with a poor connection do the usual of trying to anticipate there move and then add on a tiny amount of distance to your shot, this will help make up for your lag.

9) Tips for deathmatch. If there is 3 people in deathmatch try and allow the other two to fight while you sit back and snipe them with your bow and then once one of them is dead run in with your sword and kill them as they will be weak.

If it is just a 1v1 situation and you spawn right next to them i would advise not try try and run away and play defensively and bow them i would advise just run straight in with your sword and get the first few hit as they will not be expecting it. this tactic will only work with evenly matched or less equipped opponents .

If you are less equipped than them or you spawn far away from them i would suggest using your secondary weapons to make them loose some health and then go in with your sword.

If it is a 2v1 situation in deathmatch this is a very difficult situation for a person with poor internet, what i would suggest is just to use the same tactic i mentioned above for dealing with teams.

10) Just some final small tips that might help.
Try and avoid fighting as much as possible.
Try avoid playing on maps that lag.
Try and make friends that you can team with this will really help.
Finally have fun don't get too stressed its only a game xD

I know most of these tips are basic and might not be of use to most people but if this helped at least 1 person it would make it worthwhile, Thank you for reading i know its long :p

Last edited:


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Yeah i really did thanks so much <3 I edited the post an mentioned your name as i think you deserve credit xD

Professor Nub

Jun 21, 2012
Reaction score
I am happy that someone made a thread different to every other.... I enjoyed it.

lol, Australia has the worst internet in the western world. (Meaning not including third-world countries)
Seeing as Korea, where I'm from, has the best internet in the world, i cried when Tony Abbot got elected, coz Liberal's not doing anything to our internet.


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Haha you should try Ireland's internet it's dreadfull haha.


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Yeah you should it's very good I can't play with out it.


Oct 14, 2013
Reaction score

I really like this.. I'll keep this stuff in mind next time I play MCSG :)
You might want to add something about using FnS while being chased to slow them down or lower their health.

Also TheCornStealer so you're telling me you couldn't see my smexy optifine cape? ;_;


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score

I really like this.. I'll keep this stuff in mind next time I play MCSG :)
You might want to add something about using FnS while being chased to slow them down or lower their health.

Also TheCornStealer so you're telling me you couldn't see my smexy optifine cape? ;_;
I will add that in later for sure thanks :)

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