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Should their be an age limit on mod app?


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
Also, as older people have lived longer (duh) they tend to have built up a larger and more sophisticated vocabulary than younger people. As you have proven, using 'big words' makes you sound authoritative, and mature.
Thank you for the kind words, but I hold no doubt that you too can write well, perhaps even better than me.

I would like to say more, but I fear it would be off-topic. I will simply say this: that same "sophisticated vocabulary" that makes me appear, "authoritative and mature" can also be a good indicator of immaturity, incompetence, and even poor intentions. Words are simply tools for communication; the trick is to use them properly

This list makes me feel bad about myself :(
Hey, you're not alone. I might be an Admin, but @Lululioness's achievements make me jealous.
(and at half my age too...)

Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
Thank you for the kind words, but I hold no doubt that you too can write well, perhaps even better than me.

I would like to say more, but I fear it would be off-topic. I will simply say this: that same "sophisticated vocabulary" that makes me appear, "authoritative and mature" can also be a good indicator of immaturity, incompetence, and even poor intentions. Words are simply tools for communication; the trick is to use them properly

Hey, you're not alone. I might be an Admin, but @Lululioness's achievements make me jealous.
(and at half my age too...)
elaborate? (on lulu's achievements)


May 8, 2012
Reaction score
Thank you for the kind words, but I hold no doubt that you too can write well, perhaps even better than me.

I would like to say more, but I fear it would be off-topic. I will simply say this: that same "sophisticated vocabulary" that makes me appear, "authoritative and mature" can also be a good indicator of immaturity, incompetence, and even poor intentions. Words are simply tools for communication; the trick is to use them
Aww, thanks XD
Also thanks for the tips, I think I understood what you were aiming to tell me.


Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
we DO have age exceptions. If someone applies with a really good app, it will be considered.
The reason that the sr. staff and admins don't hire people that are young, is because in the past, people have lied about their age, and have ended up not being mature enough for the job. Such as banning people without evidence, or just making inappropriate decisions.


Feb 9, 2013
Reaction score
Looks like a lot has been covered, but I'll just quote something I posted in a similar thread a while back.
To be brutally honest, there are many people over the age of 15 who aren't mature or responsible enough either, but that's what interviews and applications are for.

I guess the minimum is 15 because you have to draw the line somewhere.
And the people applying who are 15+ are more likely to be able to handle a position as moderator than someone under 15.
To clarify, age doesn't equal maturity. So just because you are of age doesn't make you responsible enough for the job. but a line has to be drawn, so the line here is 15.
And the age exception only gets you past the age requirement, after that you'll have to see whether or not your application is good enough.
So I do think there should be an age limit, but since age doesn't determine maturity, responsibility, etc, the age exception is a decent way to balance that out.

The last thing the people reviewing mod apps need is a billion little kids to apply, a good amount of them headed towards imminent rejection
(No offense, but from all the apps I've seen posted by people in the wrong section, there are some... lets say unfavorable ones out there.)


Mar 24, 2013
Reaction score
I agree but I do also disagree. I don't think there should be an age limit because some kids (Like myself) have more maturity than others and wont freak out when someone kills them. BUT... if every kid under 15 was accepted then there would be a lot of hate towards staff and chad.But its just my opinion :D


Feb 9, 2013
Reaction score
I agree but I do also disagree. I don't think there should be an age limit because some kids (Like myself) have more maturity than others and wont freak out when someone kills them. BUT... if every kid under 15 was accepted then there would be a lot of hate towards staff and chad.But its just my opinion :D
Exactly why the age exception process is in place.


This is true to a certain extent, there are people who do not have the mental capacity to function at their age, so yes you will be more mature than people who are even 20 years older than you. The average 16 year old is quite a bit more mature than the average 13 year old.

Being smart is no guarantee of maturity, nor are grades. The only thing that you have proven is that you are committed. Education is not essential for success in the real world take a look at Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates. None of the three have a university education, but they were all amazing at what they did.

Perhaps to the senior staff it isn't practical to try to interview all of the 13 year olds that think that they are mature enough to be moderators when you have five 15 year olds that are likely more mature.

Have you considered that perhaps the kid who is failing school is going through the divorce of his parents? Or the death of a sibling? There are so many different reasons for success and failure, from reading your post it is quite evident that your parents support you quite a bit, and give you the home you need to thrive while others are not so fortunate.

All that this means is that you care more about being an Eagle Scout than these other people.
You are me realise that my example was silly and had no point :p

So I fixed it, and my summary from my post is simple-

It's about who you are, and how you grow and mature.

This list makes me feel bad about myself :(
Well, this is awkward because I don't know what to say, but I'm sure you're great at something and while they're my achievements I haven't listed the stupid things I've done which have taught me lessons and matured me xD

Hey, you're not alone. I might be an Admin, but @Lululioness's achievements make me jealous.
(and at half my age too...)
Because you're like, a full grown adult I'm sure your achievements are better than mine xD
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Jun 15, 2013
Reaction score
Hello everyone I just wanted to ask you guys if you think their should be an age limit on moderator? I think there should not be an age limit if you wrote a very good application and are on the servers alot.
The age limit is there for a reason; so we don't get immature mods, who just want it for the power. Although from a rather mature 13 year old point of view: I would have to say if they write an amazing mod app and seem mature in their interview, that they should get a type of "Probation" as Moderator. Just my opinion though :)

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