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Should their be an age limit on mod app?


District 13
Sep 29, 2012
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The age limit is there,as col said, to keep the general age of staff to be an age where most people become more mature. But, people who are under this age to an extent can be more mature than their older counterparts, so they apply for an age acception, myself a living example of this.


May 11, 2013
Reaction score
I agree there is an age exception. -But why Fox? Because it's for the better.
You might have an outstanding application and had only been denied for age, but writing can't be compared as how you would you act on a daily basis. Otherwise, you can always apply for an age exception.

As my friend @duckluv321 once told me: "Don't ask for an age exception, earn it". I wish I had followed her tip. I was so desperate, so despairing I did applied for one. I learn your actions do affect your performance and your opportunities.
Everyday I think of my actions and I ask: "Were they worth it?" -No. Nothing is more worth it than dreaming on what you truly want.

I sometimes wish I was heard and someone could understand me and forgive my actions but thats not how life works.

I was so ambitious on having a staff position. I would say" "I promise one day you'll see me with red name". Will that ever happen? —Maybe. The greed I had to my friends becoming moderators was big enough that I thought they didn't deserve it, when they did. After all the thinking and sadness I had after my age exception got denied... I just give up.
The rage, the eager I had. it made me feel I didn't had to care anymore about following the rules, if I hadn't to help anymore, I felt my opportunities of 'being more involved' where gone.

I stood up from the ground and I felt I shouldn't give up.

I help the servers as much as I can in a daily basis. There is a moderator that knows how much I love helping that he even sometimes lets me moderate by my own. —Thank you, that makes me really happy @iSilverr.
I'm in the edge of glory and higher than ever.

Never lose your dreams and keep the faith up. You might not have the 'glorious' red name and the 'fancy' blue text, but after all the point it helping.



District 13
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
If you disagree about there being an age limit you're basically delusional. I honestly don't even believe in age exceptions, cause the true examples of age exceptions: (Duckluv, Darkrai, Tironas) all gave up their positions after having the job for like a month. (Excluding Tironas, but he falls under the category anyway.)

If I'm gonna play an MCSG server, and I'd have to have somebody monitor me, I'd like it to be somebody who's not on the same age level as I am. I can't take people who are 13, 14, or even in some cases 15 seriously at all. It's like giving a child a badge, saying they're a cop, then having them go out and supposedly pull over people for speeding. It's just comical.

Either way, excluding my own personal preference, age exceptions are here and WILL be here because of my favorite word: Maturity. It's scientifically proven that people who are 16, are more mature than those 13 or younger. Sure, their actions may be different, but the bottom line is if they want to help, they can handle the position better than those younger then them, and they also can be calm and collected under some form of pressure where those younger may not.

I don't even get why people want to be mod in the first place. It'd be like my own personal Hell having to deal with so many people in one sitting.
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The Arena Master

Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
It all comes down to maturity. Truth be told, at a age such as 12 or so, you're not going to be nearly as mature as you might be when you're 15 or so. When I first joined MCSG, I was very immature. Today, I'm much more mature and I look back on my old self with disgrace.


District 13
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
It all comes down to maturity. Truth be told, at a age such as 12 or so, you're not going to be nearly as mature as you might be when you're 15 or so. When I first joined MCSG, I was very immature. Today, I'm much more mature and I look back on my old self with disgrace.
I remember when I was 8, I'd play Halo 3 and just scream into the mic in frustration and call hacks on everybody.

I wanna kick myself in the face thinking about it.

The Arena Master

Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
I remember when I was 8, I'd play Halo 3 and just scream into the mic in frustration and call hacks on everybody.

I wanna kick myself in the face thinking about it.
I remember playing Super Monkey Ball Delxue when I was around 8. It was probably the hardest video game I've ever played, and while I came close to beating it I never completely finished all the levels. I would rage so hard on some of those levels, and I would scream into my pillow.


I don't even get why people want to be mod in the first place. It'd be like my own personal Hell having to deal with so many people in one sitting.
People don't realise that.

Most people wanting an age exception supposedly want to 'help out' but a lot of them secretly want all the perks. They don't realise how hard the job is, and how much pressure is on you. You have to deal with people screaming and swearing at you for banning their friend. Every. Single. Day.

They realise it's not a fun, easy or relaxing job all the time. And that's stupid to think that of moderating. It's not just banning people for hacking and spamming, there is a whole list if things to keep an eye out for, such as inappropriate names, skins, language, exploiting glitches and much much more.

I did realise all this, but I still want to make a difference by becoming a staff member. I've seen my friends going for age exceptions who definitely don't deserve it and don't realise how much work it actually is, and that just makes me facepalm.


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
It's scientifically proven that people who are 16, are more mature than those 13 or younger. Sure, their actions may be different, but the bottom line is if they want to help, they can handle the position better than those younger then them, and they also can be calm and collected under some form of pressure where those younger may not.
From past experiences, I simply can't find this true. (Note: Before I say this, I'm not trying to give myself an ego boost; it's just the best example I could think of.) I am an Eagle Scout, the highest possible rank in Boy Scouts of America. I'm 14, and most other Eagle Scouts are 16-17. One of the main things you have to do to earn it is plan and develop a service project. Comparing mine to another one I volunteered at, I had my project much more planned out, under control, and organized than the other one. And trust me, there is a lot of pressure not to screw up in front of the adults that are going to decide if you earn the rank or not. When I went for my final review with a District Board I was passed unanimously without even being asked to leave the room for discussion. As I said earlier, I didn't go through all of that to feel good about myself, but show that there are definitely younger people that can handle things better than those older.


May 8, 2012
Reaction score
From past experiences, I simply can't find this true. (Note: Before I say this, I'm not trying to give myself an ego boost; it's just the best example I could think of.) I am an Eagle Scout, the highest possible rank in Boy Scouts of America. I'm 14, and most other Eagle Scouts are 16-17. One of the main things you have to do to earn it is plan and develop a service project. Comparing mine to another one I volunteered at, I had my project much more planned out, under control, and organized than the other one. And trust me, there is a lot of pressure not to screw up in front of the adults that are going to decide if you earn the rank or not. When I went for my final review with a District Board I was passed unanimously without even being asked to leave the room for discussion. As I said earlier, I didn't go through all of that to feel good about myself, but show that there are definitely younger people that can handle things better than those older.
Although I agree, people like you are kind of rare. Most young people cannot deal with the organisation skills required to be a successful mod.

I am under the age limit, but won't be for much longer, and will apply then.


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
Although I agree, people like you are kind of rare. Most young people cannot deal with the organisation skills required to be a successful mod.

I am under the age limit, but won't be for much longer, and will apply then.
And that's why we have few age exceptions.


It's scientifically proven that people who are 16, are more mature than those 13 or younger. Sure, their actions may be different, but the bottom line is if they want to help, they can handle the position better than those younger then them, and they also can be calm and collected under some form of pressure where those younger may not.
Like RC said, I cannot find this true.

Honestly, it just depends on simply, how mature you actually are. Another example of this is an experience I had.

As some of you may know, I skipped Grade 5 on my teacher's request (not trying to sound stuck up or anything). The principal said I was definitely learning fast enough and knew about things well beyond my years, but she questioned my maturity. I never did anything wrong, but could I deal with the pressure? My parents had faith in me and assured the principal I would be fine. She (the principal of the school) was worried about me going to high school and coping with everything because I was small and a little shy, but went ahead with allowing me to skip grade 5. A lot of the kids were two years older than me, so it was daunting for me but I decided to do it.

That year, I managed to;

Become House Captain and SRC President
Get Straight As in both semesters.
Organise the Market Day stalls for my grade (60 kids)
Get my idea picked for the Australian National Museum's replacement of K-Space
Get the top shifts at the school canteen (which meant more free food... Nomnomnomnom)
Get Active Member on the MCSG forums (hurhurhur)
Win the Australia National Schools Teams Championship in the Girls Primary Division as Captain of my team.
Coordinate the Yearbook 2013

Edit: I realise this is more achievement and organisational wise stuff, so I also want to open up about things maturity wise-

I was often pressured by my parents and peers to do well after things like these happened. If I got a B I had essentially failed both my parents and teachers - well that's what it felt like. I also had to deal with violin exams, picking high schools, creating music, dealing with my little sister who did not understand how hard things were for my family at the time and bullied me into things a lot and supporting my dad while my mum worked 7:30am-7pm everyday except Sunday for 6 months (that is a lot for a chiropractor). This doesn't sound like much to you, probably, but it seemed like a heck of a lot to me.

I knew my parents wanted the best for me and my mum had a crazy situation at work, so I just tried to please them and help them out. It kinda got to a point I started crying at night and just randomly breaking down during the day. I call this my 'down in the dumps' part of my life (because depression sounds stupid, what am I, 12?). I always thought, 'Why am I sad? Live is good!' It got progressively worse and I just tried to be happy at school and with my parents. It was hard but I realised something-

Whenever something bad, even if it's little, it teaches you a lesson. It makes you emotionally stronger and gives you courage to move on.

The older kids in Year 8 and 9 at my school, you could tell they were going through the same thing, but they were cutting and obviously their situation was a lot worse than mine. Some were doing it for attention and others were just keeping quiet about it. They just didn't realise the lessons in the situation.

So, what I'm trying to say is it's about who you are. You learn lessons everyday without realising, but will you apply what you've learnt to yourself? Of course, most 16 year olds are more mature than 13 year olds because they've had more time to learn lessons about life and become more mature, but it's about whether they are the type of person to apply that knowledge to themselves. This shapes their maturity.

Another example is duckluv321. She was the creator of many helpful guides, and EARNED an age exception. Her application was 2000 or so words long, she helped out and stayed calm while being a moderator and dealt with things a lot better than a lot of the 15 and 16 year old mods.

It is not possible that all 16 year olds are more mature than 13 year olds, I mean, most of them probably are but there are lots of immature 16 year olds I know, and a lot of very mature 13 year olds I know.
Although I agree, people like you are kind of rare. Most young people cannot deal with the organisation skills required to be a successful mod.

I am under the age limit, but won't be for much longer, and will apply then.
And that's why we have few age exceptions.
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May 8, 2012
Reaction score
Become House Captain and SRC President
Get Straight As in both semesters.
Organise the Market Day stalls for my grade (60 kids)
Get my idea picked for the Australian National Museum's replacement of K-Space
Get the top shifts at the school canteen (which meant more free food... Nomnomnomnom)
Get Active Member on the MCSG forums
Win the Australia National Schools Teams Championship in the Girls Primary Division as Captain of my team.
Coordinate the Yearbook 2013
I love how you included getting active member in your list XD.

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