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Current Issues

How do you feel that MCSG has been going recently compared to much earlier (v1)

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Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Hai everyone, Zebra here and I kinda wanted to talk about some current issues that are taking place right underneath our pointy little noses. I've been playing since August (my stats aren't very good because I didn't start seriously playing until recently but that's beside the point) and thinking back to v1 and then comparing it to now there are some issues that have arose and are taking over our community, corrupting it, and not making it as much fun as it used to be. Now, these aren't necessarily things we don't know about, maybe just things that we just don't put too much thought into and a few of them are just things that are wrong with people and there's nothing we can really do to stop them besides making every single one of these people that will be mentioned maybe a potion with a few IQ points.
  • Let's do this in bullet form :p
  • Our first issue, (not-very-fixable) BACCAS. Yeah... Not much to say there... For those of you who didn't know, Mitch (Bajan) and Jerome (Hacksource) have left MCSG for personal/ban-related reasons. I respect that, they were using some illegal mods and failed to rid themselves of these particular modsd after multiple warnings and then were banned, henceforth moving on to other SG servers and eventually creating their own. So, now what makes you think it's smart to A) Copy a skin about someone who totally screwed up the species of wookie. B) Take the lingo created by those two and overuse it while making yourself look like a three-year-old. C) Lobby team like crazy with other baccas like it's a clan, which it's not (and lobby teaming will be in another bullet) and finally D) Act like a noob while wearing a bacca skin, back to that IQ thing, I think that particular skin rids you of all sense and just releases your animal brain.
  • Next up!... TEAMING! Now, before you just rage at me saying that teaming is fine and that I'm stupid and yadayadayada, I'd like to just write this paragraph first. There are times when you SHOULD and CAN team, then there are times when you SHOULDN'T. Let's to the shoulds and cans. These would be if you know the person and/or are in a clan with them. If you know someone from either the real world, other servers, previous friendly competition that made you friends on MCSG, other games, just randomly, or you are paying them to be your friend >:D, you can and should team with them because when you're teaming with someone you know you don't have to worry about being betrayed and the teaming experience makes everyone happy. Now, if you go into a lobby and do the following: "Pls dood tam i fan dood pls pls pls benja benja bacca bacca oafhjsfdhjlsfkah dood dood dood yay 5 ppl tam woo" I 1) will not be able to understand you and 2) will think you are 3 years old like stated earlier. Other people with common sense will and should think the same. Then there are the people who are just like that example who actually team with this person... Oh well.. Again, this is not very fixable, just something that makes me miss the times when everyone had common sense and if you were to lobby team it would be with someone educated and everyone understood how to play the game fairly. Plus, have you ever been killed by a team of 3+ for like 10 straight games and in every game they were type-teaming? Surely happened to me!
  • Third HACKERS. Again, this isn't very fixable and has been an issue forever, but it still angers me so to see people who are insecure or unconfident or just plain bad at PvP so it drives them to hack. First off, if you're bad, there's a good chance you don't even like the game. If that's the case, don't play it. Second there are the trolls. I don't even have anything to say to them besides **** you. Hack clients ruin the game for everyone including you because they are getting you nowhere and teaching you nothing. They will only get you in trouble further in life.
  • Fourth, UNFAIR/UNJUST/BIASED BANS. Back in the days of 2012, this was something that no one ever dreamed to happen. Banned for no reason or for a grudge? Never gonna happen, right?! Wrong. It almost seems like people are applying and recieving mod rank to let out their anger at people who for the most part, did nothing wrong at all. I'm not trying to offend anyone here, but I want to talk about Canziano's ban. I heard about this on Just_Hellooo's channel and I believed this to be the equivalent of an MCSG apocalypse. Not only are moderators being unfair and just feeling like they have to turn almost everything into a ban, but now higher staff members are getting involved. It seems like Staff members are forming cliques and going around getting rid of the people they don't like. Guys, this is a video game. GAME means pretty much for FUN. Not to start WARS. I understand if there may be some rivalry, but this takes it over the top. There is obvious evidence that Canziano was NOT IN ANY WAY using BSM. This seems to be one of many cases that have been happening lately. Either mods don't know the community and know that certain players would never even dream of hacking, or there are some biases going around. I feel that we are encountering both. Then there was the Variede's departure. I believe that that particular event was what sent MCSG spinning in the wrong direction. Variede wanted to have his own servers so he asked Chad if he could buy them out. Now Chad said no, which I would have done too, and so Variede kind of just left. Then Chad was sad/angry about that I guess and according to "legend" he demoted almost all members of Team Variede from whatever rank they were; Donor, Mod, VIP, etc. And then I guess Variede retaliated even further by making SG6 hive exclusive and persuading Team Teweran to do the same with TSG3 (Futuristic City). This just built heat between the two and then everything between Chad vsVariede and everything between important hive players vs important MCSG players just dropped, yet some people continued it. I believe that the beef between the two is gone now and all we do as players is make a big deal about it. MCSG has now taken it a step further and banned people who have made any reference to the hive like having Hive videos on their youtube channel, talking about it, or even seeming to favor the hive on forum threads like it must seem like I am now. Hope it doesn't end up seeming that way because I still love MCSG soooo much no matter how much I rip on it.
  • Here is my fifth and I think what will be my last topic. MAP SELECTION. MCSG used to have incredibly good maps and was one of the reason I liked to play on it because maps had to go through some seriously hardcore criteria before being accepted. Now, it seems like we're so desperate for maps that we're willing to accept maps that are way better than maps that didn't make it in October-December even though we already have what 30-some registered maps? Maybe less, but you know what I mean. We still have our very good old maps, but some have been nerfed due to underplayment and some are overplayed to the point where they're boring. This also contributed to the ridiculous amount of VIP's currently on MCSG. I was told it was over 130, which isn't a lot if you look at it a certain way, but can be a lot if you look at it from a more logical standpoint. 130 people have majorly helped the MCSG community? Because originally to become a VIP, you had to do something EPIC. Or just be a tank... But back to maps, some of these maps are just horrendous, made so someone can get more wins and just beast it up because they made all the secrets on the particular map, or just a map that was given effort, but just wasn't good enough yet still accepted.
  • So all in all, no matter how much I seem to hate MCSG in this post, I just want to post this criticism so maybe someone high up will notice it and try to do something to stop all this madness (maybe I'm overexaggerating but I'm just telling stuff from how I've heard it) and restore MCSG to the old ways. Healthy, fluent and all that other good stuff. BESIDES, it's still the best Survival Games you can get out there if you're basing it on the system. The plugin is absolutely beautiful, the gameplay (system-wise) is spectacularific and all that good stuff. Hope some of you take this deeply and lock it away incredibly emotionally with a key and all that in a deep part of your heart and-- Okay, I'll shut up now. Braiiii.
side note: Some of these things are unfixable and have existed for a while but I'm just pointing them out as a small part of my ranting.


I'm sorry... Too much to read. My eyes hurt. :p

I've only known about JeromeASF and BajanCanadian for about a month. I never knew they hacked on MCSG. What were they using? Were they abusing some sort of bug? o_O


Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
Wait, you can get banned for mentioning the hive servers? I don't think that's very fair.
Also, i do hear about many users being banned for no reason, and i have seen staff hack/abuse/spawn enderpearls to get the chests in the cornocopia when the game starts.


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
The first two are not problems. Baccas and teaming are not problems, they are just things that a select few get annoyed by. In a way, calling Baccas a problem is racist because that's like pointing out another race in the real world. Teaming may be an issue, but there is no possible solution to it.


District 13
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Wait, you can get banned for mentioning the hive servers? I don't think that's very fair.
Also, i do hear about many users being banned for no reason, and i have seen staff hack/abuse/spawn enderpearls to get the chests in the cornocopia when the game starts.
Nothing in this post is true in any way, especially since we cannot spawn anything in so you must be talking about a completely different server. We also do not ban people for talking about the Hive, we punish them when they encourage players to leave our servers to play another one and link that servers website, IP, etc.
Point #3:
Okay, you've seen a hacker in your game. What do you do, wait until you get killed by them, type "wow hacker" in chat and expect it to be magically dealt with, as I have seen a countless.amount of times?

Er, no.

You either a) Stick around, get proof of the player hacking an submit it to the report abuse section on our forums or b) Poke a moderator on TeamSpeak,.informing them of the hackers name, the hack they are using and what server they are playing on.

I'm on my phone so I'm not even going to bother answering point #4, I'll post my reply to it in the morning.


District 13
Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
Wait, you can get banned for mentioning the hive servers? I don't think that's very fair.
Also, i do hear about many users being banned for no reason, and i have seen staff hack/abuse/spawn enderpearls to get the chests in the cornocopia when the game starts.
You can't get banned for mentioning the hive. You just mentioned it and you're not going to be banned. Also mods and srmods can't spawn in items. If you see a staff member abuse their powers or hack, get evidence and report them

For the thread:

Teaming- teaming with random people is a good way to make new friends or enemies. It adds interest to the game and people have been doing it since the start of MCSG.

Unjust bans- not all the srstaff think the same, act the same, hang put with the same people or do the same things. This means having a click where we all agree to hate on specific people is impossible. If one srstaff dislikes someone, we don't all jump in and ban them for no reasons. If a srstaff or regular staff bans someone out of rage unfairly, they will most likely be fired. The srstaff are not the same people. We have different thought processes that keep us unbias.

The whole issue with team variede is not really an issue. The only reason it became this huge argument was because people made a big deal about it. Here's the whole story, team vareide wanted to be their own community and buy MCSG, Chad said no, done. Nothing more. They went their desperate ways and became different communities. The reason team vareide members lost their VIPs and ONLY their VIPs was because they were no longer our official build team. No one was banned for mentioning the hive or having hive videos or likeing the hive. People were banned for advertising but that has been happening since the beginning.

Maps- the maps that are put on the servers are maps that have gotten many love from the communities on their forum thread. If a map isn't liked, people make threads and of enough people hate it, we get polls like the fore and ice one to see if people want it removed.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I'm sorry... Too much to read. My eyes hurt. :p

I've only known about JeromeASF and BajanCanadian for about a month. I never knew they hacked on MCSG. What were they using? Were they abusing some sort of bug? o_O
It was Better Sprint Mod which gives a decent battle advantage due to you can get away easier and get more critical hits in battle (more damage) because you keep sprinting.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
You can't get banned for mentioning the hive. You just mentioned it and you're not going to be banned. Also mods and srmods can't spawn in items. If you see a staff member abuse their powers or hack, get evidence and report them

For the thread:

Teaming- teaming with random people is a good way to make new friends or enemies. It adds interest to the game and people have been doing it since the start of MCSG.

Unjust bans- not all the srstaff think the same, act the same, hang put with the same people or do the same things. This means having a click where we all agree to hate on specific people is impossible. If one srstaff dislikes someone, we don't all jump in and ban them for no reasons. If a srstaff or regular staff bans someone out of rage unfairly, they will most likely be fired. The srstaff are not the same people. We have different thought processes that keep us unbias.

The whole issue with team variede is not really an issue. The only reason it became this huge argument was because people made a big deal about it. Here's the whole story, team vareide wanted to be their own community and buy MCSG, Chad said no, done. Nothing more. They went their desperate ways and became different communities. The reason team vareide members lost their VIPs and ONLY their VIPs was because they were no longer our official build team. No one was banned for mentioning the hive or having hive videos or likeing the hive. People were banned for advertising but that has been happening since the beginning.

Maps- the maps that are put on the servers are maps that have gotten many love from the communities on their forum thread. If a map isn't liked, people make threads and of enough people hate it, we get polls like the fore and ice one to see if people want it removed.
I'm not generalizing, just mentioning a select few. All I was trying to say there was that certain people are either too inexperienced or just ban-happy sometimes. Plus, wasn't egrodo banned from the forums for posting his youtube which had hive videos. All I honestly want is the best for mcsg and was just posting this because of the issues I've seen. As for baccas and teams. Like I said, not fixable it is just personal preference but to go in and just team with 4 people, stick together the whole game and just act, in general because this is the behavior of most people, nooby angers people because it doesn't even give them a chance to have fun playing the game. If you want to succeed in this game, go solo because it will only increase your skill. All teaming does is make you dependent. Also, what if those members of team Variede still wanted to play mcsg? You just ripped some of them off $10,25,50, even $100 for paying for donor. Not all members of that team think the same way as Variede. What if some were to quit the team and play mcsg? Because of what happened, now they won't want to.


District 13
Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
I'm not generalizing, just mentioning a select few. All I was trying to say there was that certain people are either too inexperienced or just ban-happy sometimes. Plus, wasn't egrodo banned from the forums for posting his youtube which had hive videos. All I honestly want is the best for mcsg and was just posting this because of the issues I've seen. As for baccas and teams. Like I said, not fixable it is just personal preference but to go in and just team with 4 people, stick together the whole game and just act, in general because this is the behavior of most people, nooby angers people because it doesn't even give them a chance to have fun playing the game. If you want to succeed in this game, go solo because it will only increase your skill. All teaming does is make you dependent. Also, what if those members of team Variede still wanted to play mcsg? You just ripped some of them off $10,25,50, even $100 for paying for donor. Not all members of that team think the same way as Variede. What if some were to quit the team and play mcsg? Because of what happened, now they won't want to.
If you feel a staff member is unfit to be one or abuse, tell a higher up. I understand that you are trying to help MCSG but some of the issues you talked about are assumptions. For example, the team vareide issue. As I've said before, we only took their VIP from them due to them not being our official build team anymore. If they bought donor, we didn't remove it from them. If they wanted to, they could play our servers right now and we'd be fine with it.

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
If you feel a staff member is unfit to be one or abuse, tell a higher up. I understand that you are trying to help MCSG but some of the issues you talked about are assumptions. For example, the team vareide issue. As I've said before, we only took their VIP from them due to them not being our official build team anymore. If they bought donor, we didn't remove it from them. If they wanted to, they could play our servers right now and we'd be fine with it.
Exactly! They didn't get banned, they just lost their VIP. Even Vareide himself wasn't banned!

Also, what exactly happened with the whole egrodo situation? I looked on members and it said that his profile wasn't available. I understand if it's confidential. From what you said, he must've advertised.

The Arena Master

Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
The only thing i agree with you on is the map selections. It's pretty bad.
Everything else was in V1

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