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Top 10 MCSG Players You Have Fought.

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Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score
In No order:
1. Darkrai202 (Au)
2. Kytria (Au)
3. Hendrick1999 (As)
4. BillabongBoy98 (Au)
5. LinkOcarinaTime (Au)
6. Elisha_Mutang (As)
7. Soggypickle (Us)
8. DayBreak_27 (As)
9. YoungWolfyy_
10. Blamph (Us)
Did not expect to see my name appear in any list. Geee.. Thanks >.<

-= The Top 10 PvPer's =-
1 - Hend - Very beast with the bow! I hardly can escape it! He is the one who trained me until this very day!My sensei!
2 - Elisha - A very well played guy. The best swordsmen I know. A strategic guy and a hard one to fight!
3 - Cobrastyles - He is the guy who brought me into The Beijing Ducks as well as Hendrick. He pushed me to my limits in terms of Sword fight. My sensei!
4 - MightyJack - A very strategic PvPer who I hardly win against. His playing style is was different than mine. Beast with the bow as well as the "fishing rod" technic!
5 - darkrai202 - When the AU server's are hosted in Singapore, this guy had a really hard time fighting us "Asian". If he lays a hit with his high MS, you're dead.
6 - Gustav Mahikano - Kytria is beast in both sword and the bow when the AU Server's were hosted in Singapore. Fighting through the lag, he can still kill me!
7 - DayBreak_27 - This "BenBen" is the guy with the tactic when it comes to flint and steel. He is always over-prepared for a fight. 10 FnS? Ridiculous but beast!
8 - Jessicajustin - I thought this guy was a "her". I added her on Skype just to see if it's true. I was wrong. I have the same level of skill as this guy. Very good at stalling DM. I win some, I lose some.
9 - ausparady - This guy is the guy who I love to see the most in the AU back then. Fighting through the lag with his PvP skills. Unbelieveable! He truly earns a place in my opinion!
10 - NinjaIrwin

- A beast when it comes to annoying me during DM. Good at block-hitting >.<


Sep 4, 2012
Reaction score
My Top Ten Would Be
1)not sure haven't met a guy who is really hard to fight but maybe Daybreak?
2)LeWilmon / DayBreak
10) Damoisawesome/ausparady


Jan 6, 2013
Reaction score
1. gcb99 Very good at swords, and short range bows, great at surviving and chasing, hard to kill.

2. Elgoldo Very good at swords, tactics are his strenght.

3. Fax Fastest clicker out there, amazingly usefull in sword fights.

4/5 Charlesyummyegg Good strategies, knows how to survive.

4/5 teovald Strong at swords and bows, but lack of strategy.

6. EdtheG Good sword pvper and strategist, able to survive and just a good player overall.

7. ExKing Good at swords, and all other skills are over average.

8. nicolaigk1 New player, very skilled in swords.

9. Pununa Good at swords, strategy, but lack of bow skill.

10. Mindahl Very good strategist, everything he did was just great. But i'll have to put him on place 10 becouse that was long time ago.
Why not me :/ Just wait, I am going to kill you every time from now on ! >:)


Jan 6, 2013
Reaction score
1. _zeX99_- Amazing sword and bow skills. Great tactics! Above all a player everyone should respect.
2. gcb99- Good tactics, very, very good with the sword and a player I look up to.
3. Faxulous- The one and only player that is unstoppable if he has great connection.
4. Elgoldo- Really good tactics and above all a great player. If you need a good chest route, just follow this guy and you will have one.
5. teovald- Good sword skills and pretty good with the bow.
6. CharlesYummyEgg- A very good player, great PvP skills and he has good tactics.
7. Pununa- Good player, and he knows how to survive in difficult situations.
8. xExtract- Beast with the sword and is good at parkour (I guess :p)
9. Nicolaigk1- Great player overall, and has probably good strategies since he has over 8.7k bounty :eek:
10. ExKing- Just because he is the SillyIdioticRaikou <3


Jan 6, 2013
Reaction score
These are the best players I have fought in all my experience:
1. Guntorian : Back in the very old day, this was one of the rare players with over 4500 points. Incredible strategies, which were very unknown in his day.
2. Owain (xExtract) : Amazing tactics and fighting strats with both the bow and sword. Attacks with an amazing style and at the weak times against players. Fast and dangerous.
3/4. _zeX99_ : Overall one of the best pvpers I have ever seen. Good at short and at the same time long range with the bow. Caution: Can be very arrogant, but this makes him stronger.
3/4. gcb99 : Great player, he doesn't have any flaws. Good with the sword and especially bow at short range. Hard to defeat.
5. BlueMoonP : This player gets his power by how he's feeling. I've beaten him multiple times, though when he's feeling good, there is no way around him. Wisest player out there.
6. IcecoolR : This player has a high sense to kill. Perhaps the player that has killed me the most. Traitor.
7. TheOBO1 : The most skilled person with a bow I have ever seen. He often knows your every move.
8. Charlesyummyegg : Had some great fights with this guy. He always beat me or got beaten with a very strong will.
9. Gravey4rd : For me considered one of the most tactical players ever. Knows when to move and all ways to fight.
10. brynemannen8 : Most underrated player in my opinion. Far above average with both the sword and bow.
aww, so charming! #BowFTW!!


Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
These are the best players I have fought in all my experience:
1. Guntorian : Back in the very old day, this was one of the rare players with over 4500 points. Incredible strategies, which were very unknown in his day.
2. Owain (xExtract) : Amazing tactics and fighting strats with both the bow and sword. Attacks with an amazing style and at the weak times against players. Fast and dangerous.
3/4. _zeX99_ : Overall one of the best pvpers I have ever seen. Good at short and at the same time long range with the bow. Caution: Can be very arrogant, but this makes him stronger.
3/4. gcb99 : Great player, he doesn't have any flaws. Good with the sword and especially bow at short range. Hard to defeat.
5. BlueMoonP : This player gets his power by how he's feeling. I've beaten him multiple times, though when he's feeling good, there is no way around him. Wisest player out there.
6. IcecoolR : This player has a high sense to kill. Perhaps the player that has killed me the most. Traitor.
7. TheOBO1 : The most skilled person with a bow I have ever seen. He often knows your every move.
8. Charlesyummyegg : Had some great fights with this guy. He always beat me or got beaten with a very strong will.
9. Gravey4rd : For me considered one of the most tactical players ever. Knows when to move and all ways to fight.
10. brynemannen8 : Most underrated player in my opinion. Far above average with both the sword and bow.
I remember Guntorian but I remember him hacking :(
Dont know if Im wrong but im pretty sure


Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
  1. G33ke
  2. Egrodo
  3. Gravey4rd
  4. Reven86
  5. Elgoldo
  6. GCB
  7. Canziano
  8. Zex
  9. Zeno
  10. JustAHotdog
This is all just from persoanl experience. I know there are many others out there that are great.


May 12, 2013
Reaction score
Mine Are:
1. Hanfi12
2. GuyK, because he's GuyK
3. Blamph, his fast clicking kills me so fast
4. Breadman14, his strafing is tremendous (He doesn't play mcsg a lot anymore)
5. iProGames, I killed him but he called me Hacker :/
6. Vampiregirl1212, She block hits most of the time, sometimes I beat her.
7. mjwick, His fishing rod is his best weapon.
8. BluemoonLP, He is great with his bow, really wise player
9. Reven86, He's a great pvp'er and a great person.
10. Teovald :), he is great with his bow and sword when lag on his side..


Nov 20, 2012
Reaction score
I guess I'll make one

1. YoYoFrotto Dat fishing rod bruh
2. leo2by4 Brilliant overall
3. TheKidz101 (I think of myself good at bows) :)
4. snoopyk9 All aroung good at pvp
5. Blamph Dat clicking
6. jefeperro the bestest betrayer of all time (Congratz on 1000)
7. xSwagGiraffe Really good at sword pvp
8. GippersGaming Idk, never could beat him :/
9. Math_Magician good. Nuff said
10. Ocean43 greatest teammate evaaaa


I remember Guntorian but I remember him hacking :(
Dont know if Im wrong but im pretty sure
He didn't hack, trust me. Unless he knows something I don't, which is highly possible. We were friends, I couldn't imagine that.
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