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Should banned players be removed?

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Aug 10, 2015
Reaction score
You should pass me easily, haven't played on my main for a month. Please do it so I can be number 69 on the list k thanks.
lemme screenshot it me being 69th 1st :)

Says the player who admitted to hacks. Who knows whether you were joking or not, you were in fade afterall.
It was clearly a troll thread mate. The rick roll was amazing. Still holding your grudges on dean/oscar....

I play on alts and if I don't want I win, I don't have to.
If i want another player to win unfairly i will let them whilst i am in a 7 team, So I play on alts so my main doesn't look bad.


Apr 6, 2015
Reaction score
HAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA, Kequannn? me? Nice joke.

Do you ever get sick of being the most annoying guy on forums?
GIVE UP HAYDEN. When will you reach the point that you realise no one likes you and you're just another low life, immature, lying twat surfing the wide world of the internet. All you do is try to put harsh stuff on others for reasons that are unknown. The fact that you put effort into abusing people, causing flame, roasting and ranting about a block game is absurd. For heavans sake, stop trying. I couldn't care less what reply you're going to give me, but people need to vouch this. I can't imagine what your parents would think of a grown 16 year old teen talking to younger teens/kids in such a bad manner. Smh


Jul 5, 2014
Reaction score
GIVE UP HAYDEN. When will you reach the point that you realise no one likes you and you're just another low life, immature, lying twat surfing the wide world of the internet. All you do is try to put harsh stuff on others for reasons that are unknown. The fact that you put effort into abusing people, causing flame, roasting and ranting about a block game is absurd. For heavans sake, stop trying. I couldn't care less what reply you're going to give me, but people need to vouch this. I can't imagine what your parents would think of a grown 16 year old teen talking to younger teens/kids in such a bad manner. Smh
Hey hey hey. Easy tiger. Don't forget that you are also massively disliked in this community. And Hayden is a real nice guy if you get to know him. So cut the bullcrap and get on with life. And for the record please stop denying that you don't hack. Cause you do hack. And you've been hacking for at least a year or more. So please stop.
Have a nice day bro :)

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