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The God Debate v2

Do you believe in God?

  • Yes

    Votes: 58 49.2%
  • No

    Votes: 60 50.8%

  • Total voters
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Jun 5, 2015
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There is no such thing as a perfect world. If it was, everyone would be lazy. No one would show appreciation for what they have in their life. Have you seen The Giver? It is about an attempt to recreate a Utopian society, but in the end it took all emotion away from everyone. Even if god was real, I'm not sure it would be possible to make life perfect. (I might not necessarily believe in god, but I do know that a perfect society is just not possible)
I actually read The Giver book, and it was a good book.

However, people are always talking about how god is so great, and if god was so great and had all that power, then why is there bad in the world, and why wouldn't a perfect society work under god? God is so powerful and an almighty being right?


District 13
Aug 1, 2012
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You guys are acting like if god is real, the world is going to be perfect. He wants us to figure things out and do things ourselves.


Oct 11, 2014
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I actually read The Giver book, and it was a good book.

However, people are always talking about how god is so great, and if god was so great and had all that power, then why is there bad in the world, and why wouldn't a perfect society work under god? God is so powerful and an almighty being right?
I guess we'll never know what he is capable of if he is real.


District 13
Apr 21, 2013
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I don't believe in God. I mean no offense to any religious people.
When I was young I was told to believe in God and he made everything by my parents. I listened to them and did believe in God. I prayed when I needed help and nothing ever happened. My family never went to church or talked much about the bible. The only thing I knew was that there was a God and I trusted them. My whole life I've heard about evolution and the big bang theory and always knew that to be face mainly because they are scientists. I never put any thought about how science and religion contradicts each other. When I heard my friend say he was an atheist and how religion and science contradicts each other, my thought about everything changed. My whole view on religion changed and I started to doubt religion.

When it was my time to go to high school, I applied to the local public school. I did not get in due to the small about if space in the school and competition. All the other public school were not good so I was forced to go to a catholic school. I was very reluctant about this and did not want to go there. I had not choice. The more I learned about religion the more I realized how it made no sense to me. My teacher never told us any evidence for why God exists. I feel learning more about religion helped my reject religion. I watched many debates on youtube and learned a lot about both sides and finally decided to become an atheist and reject all religion.

Why would an all powerful, all loving, and all knowing God allow so much hate and pain in the world that could easily be left out when he was creating the universe. I ask many people why they believe in God. They say because God gives them hope and they have a personal relationship with him. I don't doubt their honesty then they say they believe in God. I usually ask, If you were born in a different country such as india, would you still believe in your God? Probably not.

You believe in God because your parents tell you. If you lived in India then you would believe in he Hindu Gods. What religion you believe in is determined by where you live. Most of the time people believe in God because they don't know about evolution or misunderstand it. People usually say, they are not monkeys or if we came monkeys then why are there still monkeys. We came from a common ancestor with monkeys. We split from the common ancestor and went different ways.

People say atheists can't be moral without religion or God. Religions people say we have no moral barrier. They usually say, if there is not God then why do we have morals? Morals don't come from God, they come from humans. The bible says

"If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother ... Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city ... And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die."
Deuteronomy 21:18-21​

Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13. "First, Thou shalt not lie with a man, as with a woman: it is abomination. Second, If a man lie with a man, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

They found a man that gathered sticks upon the sabbath day. ... And the LORD said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death: all the congregation shall stone him with stones.... And all the congregation brought him without the camp, and stoned him with stones, and he died; as the LORD commanded Moses. Numbers 15:32-56
The bible clearly states we should kill people if we disobey our parents, be gay, and work on Sunday. Is that moral? We don't do that today because we know its not moral. If the bible is perfect then why do we say things in the bible is not moral.
From a great deal of evidence supporting evolution to terrible things in the bible I don't see why I should believe in God. If anyone wants to challenge anything I said or bring up a new argument proving the existence of God, I will be more than happy to answer your question. I can be good without religion and the bible. We all can.

No disrespect to others.​
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District 13
Aug 1, 2012
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Yeah, great excuse.
Not an excuse at all. Im not religious at all and I haven't gone to church in 5 years. I do and don't beilieve in god but if he was real, then I think he wants to see us evolve and not make it "perfect". Maybe god's definition of perfect is different than ours, who knows.


Nov 13, 2014
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Alright I am here to join this debate. As a kid I have grown up with Jewish beliefs and gone to a school that does teach those beliefs. As I have grown up I have grown into a really complex belief in a higher power. I do believe in a said God, to a certain extent. I don't believe in his capability to "control others" and all that stuff. I do believe people can make their free choices and have their own free will, I believe God set himself as a failsafe for if something bad happens on earth. Also adressing the bringing up of disease and war and all the things the "bible" says not to do. I believe that like in the Noah in the ark story (the world gets so horrid and evil that "God" makes a flood that eliminates the population besides all that are on Noah's ship.) God is there for when evil gets overly uncontrolled. They're needs to be a balance between good and bad, or people will not appreciate all that they have. It is there to smack some reality into people. I believe the bible is filled more with anictdotes then real tales. I also do have many different beliefs from Christian religion so this is all my opinion. Btw I love these convos!


Apr 20, 2012
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While I'm agnostic, I also don't believe entirely in science and that everything included in that field is true. There is so much that we really don't know about, and religion and science are two ways of approaching this. One method is explaining our universe was created by a singular person, another is desperately trying to use actual tangible facts. Both of them aren't necessarily completely true because we have a limit as to what we can understand and perceive.

The word "theory" is slapped onto a surplus of scientific discoveries, from the big bang to gravity. Sure, there has been a ton of evidence to support these hypotheses, but theories are only commonly regarded as "correct". We will never have access to a book that explains everything we could ever imagine.

There is truly no limit as to where we can go from here. For all we know, this whole universe can be a third grader's science project. It's not like there's any scientific evidence to denounce it.

I'm not saying science is "bad", I appreciate the fact that we are trying to explain phenomena with actual tangible evidence, and while we think we have a lot of it covered, we'll never truly be sure. It would be impossible to test everything under every circumstance. We will never know if all planets are spherical or semi-spherical because we haven't examined every single planet in the universe to validate this claim. Who knows what may be out there? For all we know, there could be planets of shapes that we could never imagine.

I am not sure of my stand point pertaining to beliefs. While science seems more convincing than religion in my eyes, we'll never truly know the answers to all of our questions. Rules that we thought explained our reality are being proven wrong frequently.

This may sound dumb, but I like to think of the universe as whatever we want it to be. I've spent far too many sleepless nights pondering the origins of our universe and questions about it, and for the sake of maintaining my sanity, I'll think this way,


Jul 11, 2013
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Ok don't reply with a lot of flame, but modern religion is a way to keep people in line, and my social studies teacher was surprised when I was the only one that answered that. [He was looking for that]

I don't believe that there is some sort of godly being that controls everything, who is awesome right? If god is so great, then why are there bad people in the world, why is there disease, why is there war?
They only way to get rid of bad people and such is to get rid of emotion, and what would be the enjoyment in that ;-;
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