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Apex - US Clan

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Jul 22, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:
Vuxii [Main] // GodV2 [Alternate Account] // Affects [Alternate Account]


I have a Blue Snowball microphone.

Got Slack/TS:
I have Teamspeak [My nickname is usally Vuxii [Juggernaut], and I have Slack, since I have it from past staff experience.

Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod):
Platinum on "Vuxii" // Regular on "GodV2" // Regular on "Affects"

Past bans (If Any):
Some BSM bans, but nothing major :)!

Past clans (If Any):
I have a lot of past clan experience. I started playing clans in February 2014, but never took them seriously till September. Some of my past clans were Ascendancy, Haunted, Desteria, and The Imprisoned.

PvP Strengths:
- Sword [Roughly 10 CPS]
- Flint and Steel [Spam4Lyfe]

PvP Weaknesses:
- Bow Spam [;-;]

Legacy Stats: 1/8
Stats [After 4/1/15]: 1/3.5

Legacy Stats: 21/139
Stats: 0/1

Legacy Stats: 12/62
Stats: N/A

How often have you played with any members:
I have talked to Eden and a lot of the trial members on the TeamSpeak. I'm even talking to them right now :)! Also, I got killed my Ceroria in Gapple PVP ;-;.

Why should we choose you for Apex:
I am a very hardworking player, and I am very active. I am usually on from 5 PM - 8 PM EST on weekdays, and 12 PM - 7 PM EST on weekends. I am a half-decent PvP'er, and I can hold my own in clan battles and scrimmages.

Anything you would like to add:
Hey! My name is Vuxii, also known as Juggernaut :). I love to play UHC and Anime, and I love pandas <3.

Last edited:


Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Saliva
Age: I have currently lived on this planet of Earth for 15 years 23 days and 18 hours 51 minutes and 14 seconds.
Microphone/Headset: I currently have Astro A40 as my current headset.
Got Slack/TS: I have both Slack and Teamspeak to communicate with members of the clan.
Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod): I currently have platinum donor.
Past bans (If Any): I have once been banned for so called "Speed Hacks" 2 years ago when the particle glitch was a thing.
Past clans (If Any): I have been in Divine and Element etc as my previous clans.
PvP strengths: My current pvp strengths are Sword PVP and placing Flint and Steels.
PvP weaknesses: My current weakness in pvp is my lack of clicking speed.
Ratio: My current ratio isn't the best but I think its decent. Its currently a 1/5.
How often have you played with any members: I have been playing a lot with the members recently and would love to play in clan battles in scrims with this clan.
Why should we choose you for Apex: You should choose me because I am a pretty good PVPer that can hold my ground and get picks in Clan Battles and Scrims.
Anything you would like to add: Thank you for your consideration of my application and I really hope that I can get accepted in this clan


May 20, 2012
Reaction score
Applying for him since he told me to.

Minecraft IGN: Atu / Dirl
Age: 14
Microphone/Headset: ye fam, Logitech G430 Gaming Headset.
Got Slack/TS: Sure
Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod): Gold on Dirl
Past bans (If Any): Got banned for hacking but immediately unbanned after dispute
Past clans (If Any): Protocol, Rivals, Valiance, Vanguard, Eternity, Sovereign
PvP strengths: Sword/Rod, sword fights
PvP weaknesses: Fire
Ratio: 1/2
How often have you played with any members: Well most of the trials I'm pretty good friends with
Why should we choose you for Apex: I believe my experience, pvp skill, etc. is sufficient and above average. I regularly preform above average in clans, and have experience in events such as clan wars. I'm decently known in the community, and well established in the clan community I know how to play in battle situations, and preform very well with my sword skill. well with my sword skill. I did use to have many hacking accusations in the community but most of them have been sorted out, and most of the community believe i am legitemate now.
Anything you would like to add: I feel like I would fit in well with the clan and would want to join as I feel I would be a worthwhile addition to the clan. I am a loyal member, and have never left a clan before disbansion. I've also been in top tier clans such as protocol and rivals, and regularly preformed well, and had good relations with the clans. I hope to join this family and find new spark in this community again.

Thank you for reading


District 13
Sep 1, 2014
Reaction score
head cheerleader because i was first post.


Jul 11, 2012
Reaction score
The hype for this clan reminds me of Sector Six except people can actually get in :)


Vanicle | Vanessa

District 13
Sep 14, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Unclassified|Ceraron
Age: 13
Microphone/Headset: Yes
Got Slack/TS: Yes
Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod): Got an account with platnium donnor
Past bans (If Any): No, I have never been banned on past bans.
Past clans (If Any): Synergy, Vexation, Aura, Forsaken
PvP strengths: I am really good with flint and steal. When it comes to the bow, however, I am not as good. I am decent though. I use the fishing rod a lot, so I am good with it.
PvP weaknesses: I am not as bad, bu i would like to be better at water fights.
Ratio: 1/2
How often have you played with any members: I use to play with GentleSnivy a lot.
Why should we choose you for Apex: I can help with the cbs and with my maturity and I am stable at all times. I am a chill person, I don't talk unless I need to.
Anything you would like to add: My pc is broken at this momment so you can put me as "pending" or "Trial" as of now. that is if i get accepted in any way. I am hoping to fix my pc in a week., that is if i get accepted.
You've been accepted as a trial member. Please come on the TS to receive your rank and to get to know the rest of the members and trial members.

Minecraft IGN: ItsBenjii | Rezolvix
Age: 13
Microphone/Headset: Razer Krakens Pro.
Got Slack/TS: I got both.
Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod): Diamond on Rezolvix.
Past bans (If Any): I've gotten banned before for hacks but I had sufficient evidence that I wasn't hacking.
Past clans (If Any): Omega, Aura, etc.
PvP strengths: Sword, Rod, Bow, etc.
PvP weaknesses: Water Fights, Taking a 1v6.
Ratio: 1/2.5 (Rezolvix is my cb account)
How often have you played with any members: I've teamed with all the trial members in this clan :3
Why should we choose you for Apex: You should choose me for Apex for many reasons. I'm pretty mature and used to when it comes to clans. I've been in many clans since the start, and I became a MCSG player in 2013, so yea :p I'm also helpful when it comes to Teamspeak perms, graphics, and helping others with problems.
Anything you would like to add: I play other games besides Minecraft such as CS:GO and League. I'm going to be on everyday unless something shows up.

Vanessa told me to fix my app too :p
You've been accepted as a trial member. Please come on the TS to receive your rank and to get to know the rest of the members and trial members.

Minecraft IGN: My Minecraft IGN is Lambourghini.
Age: I am 14 years of age.
Microphone/Headset: Yes, I use my Apple Earbuds.
Got Slack/TS: Yes, I have both Slack and TS.
Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod): My Current Game rank is Regular but I plan on purchasing a Donor sometime within the next few weeks.
Past bans (If Any): I have been banned before for Supected Use of Kill Aura but it was a complete misunderstanding. I was banned by a relatively new Mod to MCGamer who didn't have much experience.
Past clans (If Any): I have been in Crimson and Tigers.
PvP strengths: My Top 2 PvP Strengths are... my ability to Bow and my ability to gain Combos by using a Fishing Rod.
PvP weaknesses: My Top 2 PvP Weaknesses are... my ability to use the Flint and Steel and my Ability to run for long periods of time.
Ratio: My Current Ratio is a 1/16 but that is a result of the Teams that I have encountered following the Global Leaderboards Reset.
How often have you played with any members: I have not yet had the privilege to play with any of the Apex Members but I can't wait to do so.
Why should we choose you for Apex: You should choose me for Apex for a few reasons. The First reason being that I am a very active person. I am on for the majority of the day during both weekdays and weekends. The Second reason being that my PvP skill shows to be exceptional due to the amount of experience that I have in this game. The Third and Final reason on why you should accept me into Apex is that I am a very friendly person and I would love the opportunity to meet new people.
Anything you would like to add: Thank You for taking the time out of your day to read my Application.
You've been accepted as a trial member. Please come on the TS to receive your rank and to get to know the rest of the members and trial members.

Minecraft IGN: Itsjuannn | arrivals
Age:13 years of age
Micropho ne/Headset: yea , turtle beach headset and mic
Got Slack/TS: I'm not aware what slack is , I feel like a randy but i do have team speak and if u need me to set up the ts if it isn't already I can do that for you
Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod): I have diamond donor on arrivals and platinum on itsjuannn
Past bans (If Any):nothing over an hour , nothing major , I used bsm on 1.6 when I.7 had came out cuz 1.7 didn't work for me because Minecraft was being poop that day and I didn't want to get a disadvantage but it was only a 50 second ban
Past clans (If Any): in my sig , I would list of them but it would take to long and I'm on a phone so it would look very Bad lol
PvP strengths: ping . rod . sword pvp , team fights , and I'm good at getting picks and also i pull some pretty sick flint and steels , my final strengths is leading. I have lead plenty of clans like aura,insurgence,heaven and I have a way to get people hyped .
PvP weaknesses: long range bow , like getting a shot from parking lot to road on valleyside
Ratio: haven't even played .. Since stats reset . but before with all my ACC's combined it was 800+/6k
How often have you played with any members: imanol . snivy they were in NY clan
Why should we choose you for Apex: I have been around the community for more than a year ,iI have lots of clan xp and teamwork , I'm also very active person and I will be devoted and and loyal to this clan. Also I have lots of strats that I can offer to this clan with knowledge of map secrets and tactics and some secrets of my own we can pull out .
Anything you would like to add: I won't be on for a while due to me moving.and me not having access to a computer or internet . also sorry my app isn't very good I'm doing this on phone and it way harder
You've been accepted as a trial member. Please come on the TS to receive your rank and to get to know the rest of the members and trial members.


District 13
Sep 1, 2014
Reaction score
itsbenjii for trial.
i think your smoking


Jan 4, 2015
Reaction score
You've been accepted as a trial member. Please come on the TS to receive your rank and to get to know the rest of the members and trial members.
I'll be on in a couple of weeks , thanks

You've been accepted as a trial member. Please come on the TS to receive your rank and to get to know the rest of the members and trial members.

You've been accepted as a trial member. Please come on the TS to receive your rank and to get to know the rest of the members and trial members.

You've been accepted as a trial member. Please come on the TS to receive your rank and to get to know the rest of the members and trial members.
I'll be on in weeks , thanks for the trial :]

Vanicle | Vanessa

District 13
Sep 14, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:
Vuxii [Main] // GodV2 [Alternate Account] // Affects [Alternate Account]


I have a Blue Snowball microphone.

Got Slack/TS:
I have Teamspeak [My nickname is usally Vuxii [Juggernaut], and I have Slack, since I have it from past staff experience.

Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod):
Platinum on "Vuxii" // Regular on "GodV2" // Regular on "Affects"

Past bans (If Any):
Some BSM bans, but nothing major :)!

Past clans (If Any):
I have a lot of past clan experience. I started playing clans in February 2014, but never took them seriously till September. Some of my past clans were Ascendancy, Haunted, Desteria, and The Imprisoned.

PvP Strengths:
- Sword [Roughly 10 CPS]
- Flint and Steel [Spam4Lyfe]

PvP Weaknesses:
- Bow Spam [;-;]

Legacy Stats: 1/8
Stats [After 4/1/15]: 1/3.5

Legacy Stats: 21/139
Stats: 0/1

Legacy Stats: 12/62
Stats: N/A

How often have you played with any members:
I have talked to Eden and a lot of the trial members on the TeamSpeak. I'm even talking to them right now :)! Also, I got killed my Ceroria in Gapple PVP ;-;.

Why should we choose you for Apex:
I am a very hardworking player, and I am very active. I am usually on from 5 PM - 8 PM EST on weekdays, and 12 PM - 7 PM EST on weekends. I am a half-decent PvP'er, and I can hold my own in clan battles and scrimmages.

Anything you would like to add:
Hey! My name is Vuxii, also known as Juggernaut :). I love to play UHC and Anime, and I love pandas <3.

You've been accepted as a trial member. Please come on the TS to receive your rank and to get to know the rest of the members and trial members.

Minecraft IGN: Saliva
Age: I have currently lived on this planet of Earth for 15 years 23 days and 18 hours 51 minutes and 14 seconds.
Microphone/Headset: I currently have Astro A40 as my current headset.
Got Slack/TS: I have both Slack and Teamspeak to communicate with members of the clan.
Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod): I currently have platinum donor.
Past bans (If Any): I have once been banned for so called "Speed Hacks" 2 years ago when the particle glitch was a thing.
Past clans (If Any): I have been in Divine and Element etc as my previous clans.
PvP strengths: My current pvp strengths are Sword PVP and placing Flint and Steels.
PvP weaknesses: My current weakness in pvp is my lack of clicking speed.
Ratio: My current ratio isn't the best but I think its decent. Its currently a 1/5.
How often have you played with any members: I have been playing a lot with the members recently and would love to play in clan battles in scrims with this clan.
Why should we choose you for Apex: You should choose me because I am a pretty good PVPer that can hold my ground and get picks in Clan Battles and Scrims.
Anything you would like to add: Thank you for your consideration of my application and I really hope that I can get accepted in this clan
You've been accepted as a trial member. Please come on the TS to receive your rank and to get to know the rest of the members and trial members.

Applying for him since he told me to.

Minecraft IGN: Atu / Dirl
Age: 14
Microphone/Headset: ye fam, Logitech G430 Gaming Headset.
Got Slack/TS: Sure
Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod): Gold on Dirl
Past bans (If Any): Got banned for hacking but immediately unbanned after dispute
Past clans (If Any): Protocol, Rivals, Valiance, Vanguard, Eternity, Sovereign
PvP strengths: Sword/Rod, sword fights
PvP weaknesses: Fire
Ratio: 1/2
How often have you played with any members: Well most of the trials I'm pretty good friends with
Why should we choose you for Apex: I believe my experience, pvp skill, etc. is sufficient and above average. I regularly preform above average in clans, and have experience in events such as clan wars. I'm decently known in the community, and well established in the clan community I know how to play in battle situations, and preform very well with my sword skill. well with my sword skill. I did use to have many hacking accusations in the community but most of them have been sorted out, and most of the community believe i am legitemate now.
Anything you would like to add: I feel like I would fit in well with the clan and would want to join as I feel I would be a worthwhile addition to the clan. I am a loyal member, and have never left a clan before disbansion. I've also been in top tier clans such as protocol and rivals, and regularly preformed well, and had good relations with the clans. I hope to join this family and find new spark in this community again.

Thank you for reading
You've been declined. Have him post his own app and if he can't tell him to message me or Soul on the TS.


Jul 4, 2014
Reaction score
You've been declined. You may reapply but please come on our teamspeak more to get to know people and download slack.

You've been accepted as a trial member. Please come on the TS to receive your rank and to get to know the rest of the members and trial members.

You've been declined. Your application is not up to standards. You may reapply, but I recommend reanswering some of these and coming onto our TS to get to know everyone.

You've been declined. Your application is not up to standards. You may reapply, but I recommend reanswering some of these and coming onto our TS to get to know everyone

You've been declined. Your application is not up to standards. You may reapply, but I recommend reanswering some of these and coming onto our TS to get to know everyone

You've been declined because you are a bit too young at the moment. However, if you come onto the TS and get to know the rest of the members we may be able to make an exception.

You've been accepted as a trial member. Please come on the TS to receive your rank and to get to know the rest of the members and trial members.

You've been accepted as a trial member. Please come on the TS to receive your rank and to get to know the rest of the members and trial members.

You've been accepted as a trial member. Please come on the TS to receive your rank and to get to know the rest of the members and trial members.
Im getting on TS now :) I was at an IRL friends house ;( and I got slack


Jul 4, 2014
Reaction score
I am reapplying, cause I now CAN be active :) (Not guaranteeing I will be)
Minecraft IGN: Triipiing/Sovereign
Age: 15
Microphone/Headset: Ye
Got Slack/TS: yes.
Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod): plat
Past bans (If Any): almost 2 years ago I got banned for bsm
Past clans (If Any): randy ones.
PvP strengths: idk rod
PvP weaknesses: slow click
Ratio: 1/8
How often have you played with any members: i play with vansity everyday
Why should we choose you for Apex: cause I miss clans.
Anything you would like to add: vansity is my bf.
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