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Apex - US Clan

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Jul 17, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Solosis
Age: 18
Microphone/Headset: yes
Got Slack/TS: yes
Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod): diamond donor
Past bans (If Any): yes, they have been dealt will accordingly.
Past clans (If Any): vanguard, forsaken, excel, triology
PvP strengths: bow
PvP weaknesses: running into fire
Ratio: 1/6
How often have you played with any members: I have played with most of the members
Why should we choose you for Apex: I would be a good addition to the clan. I am good at pvp and team fights and would love to be apart of this clan.
Anything you would like to add: Thanks for the consideration.
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Unclassified|Ceraron
Age: 13
Microphone/Headset: Yes
Got Slack/TS: Yes
Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod): Got an account with platnium donnor
Past bans (If Any): No, I have never been banned on past bans.
Past clans (If Any): Synergy, Vexation, Aura, Forsaken
PvP strengths: I am really good with flint and steal. When it comes to the bow, however, I am not as good. I am decent though. I use the fishing rod a lot, so I am good with it.
PvP weaknesses: I am not as bad, bu i would like to be better at water fights.
Ratio: 1/2
How often have you played with any members: I use to play with GentleSnivy a lot.
Why should we choose you for Apex: I can help with the cbs and with my maturity and I am stable at all times. I am a chill person, I don't talk unless I need to.
Anything you would like to add: My pc is broken at this momment so you can put me as "pending" or "Trial" as of now. that is if i get accepted in any way. I am hoping to fix my pc in a week., that is if i get accepted.
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Dec 30, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: GodErmac and GodErmax (GodErmac was Ermax)


Microphone/Headset: Saber headphones

Got Slack/TS: yea

Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod): Non donor on GodErmac and diamond donor on GodErmax (I use for scrims, cbs, etc)

Past bans (If Any): I had a past ban on MCSG before for trash talking but I was inmuture back then and know I am very muture. Also I got that ban Upheled so it donsn't affect me at all.

Past clans (If Any): Atrocity, Valiance, Future, Evasive, Serenity

PvP strengths: Swords and FnS

PvP weaknesses: Fishing rod

Ratio: I had a 1/6 on my old stats before the stats reset. The account name was Ermax but I change
it to GodErmac to get my cape back :p. It was 120/637 and GodErmax is 95/1305. (I use GodErmax for scrims and cbs.)

How often have you played with any members: Not really but I am planning to :)

Why should we choose you for Apex: You should choose me because I am very ''experienced'' and dedicated player. I am always on and available. If you need me just find a way to contact me. I will be on the teamspeak most likely. I will try my best to get in this clan.

Anything you would like to add: I am very nice, funny, and chill person to hang around with, I am also very mature person. I am well aware of how clan battles and clans work.


Oct 11, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: GodErmac and GodErmax (GodErmac was Ermax)


Microphone/Headset: Saber headphones

Got Slack/TS: yea

Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod): Non donor on GodErmac and diamond donor on GodErmax (I use for scrims, cbs, etc)

Past bans (If Any): I had a past ban on MCSG before for trash talking but I was inmuture back then and know I am very muture. Also I got that ban Upheled so it donsn't affect me at all.

Past clans (If Any): Atrocity, Valiance, Future, Evasive, Serenity

PvP strengths: Swords and FnS

PvP weaknesses: Fishing rod

Ratio: I had a 1/6 on my old stats before the stats reset. The account name was Ermax but I change
it to GodErmac to get my cape back :p. It was 120/637 and GodErmax is 95/1305. (I use GodErmax for scrims and cbs.)

How often have you played with any members: Not really but I am planning to :)

Why should we choose you for Apex: You should choose me because I am very ''experienced'' and dedicated player. I am always on and available. If you need me just find a way to contact me. I will be on the teamspeak most likely. I will try my best to get in this clan.

Anything you would like to add: I am very nice, funny, and chill person to hang around with, I am also very mature person. I am well aware of how clan battles and clans work.
You forgot to include that you get 30 cps


Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
You guys coming in like a Wreeeeecking baaaallllll
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