• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

Omega [US Team]


May 10, 2013
Reaction score
That server is a place for us to joke around on. He downloaded hacks and turned them on for a big laugh. He would never do something like that. Before you go around throwing slander again, how about you find some true hard evidence where it counts - on MCSG.

You also added that "We thought they toggled" Lol you never 'thought' we toggled because we never gave you reasoning to think that. Your simply going off of rumors that you've heard other clans say about us. It's funny a lot of clans that we've beaten have tried saying we toggled. So they recorded a fight that they 'thought was suspicious', but the mods said it wasn't. Take Valiance for example, we came back from 0-4 and won the whole battle, so what did they do? They tried saying we toggled. But look who the mods agreed with saying we don't hack or toggle. Good day.
i didn't know 6 1/2 block crits were a thing sry.
pokemon gets that on dream

Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
When Outset disbands:


We had a good run fellows. We was legit asf and we can also get headsnaps and 6 block hits. Were still legit, keep that in mind. But today we are disbanding. For what reason? we was permbanned for hacking, which we don't. We rekt a few people that we made a comeback on. We also had a petition to become "comeback kids" because we magically become good once we get scraped and comeback when it looks like we hacked. Please keep in mind we don't hack and that we were falsely accused and falsely banned.

I would love to thank these people for making Outset what it is today

Bugatti, his headsnaps were amazing and wasn't a hacker.

31Days, his was as well and he done some amazing teamwork with Bugatti. Amazing team they was.

Everyone else just sat there while they carried us.

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