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Redemption [US Division]

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Jul 31, 2014
Reaction score
The fact that u guys know u lose and still continue to not post a loss is what is pathetic here. I don't care if Synergy is disbanded, its disrespectful not to post a loss just because a clan is disbanded now. We beat u guys fair, so post the loss like a legitimate clan. Or u can continue to say that we look desperate... Kind of like how u guys are so desperate not to post a loss, u DQ someone for an inappropriate skin xD. If you wanna be in the clan community, post your losses, and post your wins, if u don't feel like you're able to do simple tasks like that, i suggest u play something a little less complex like legos without a forum page
hi synergyv2 ur picture is ugly af change it snap, like ur internet in 10 sec
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
The fact that u guys know u lose and still continue to not post a loss is what is pathetic here. I don't care if Synergy is disbanded, its disrespectful not to post a loss just because a clan is disbanded now. We beat u guys fair, so post the loss like a legitimate clan. Or u can continue to say that we look desperate... Kind of like how u guys are so desperate not to post a loss, u DQ someone for an inappropriate skin xD. If you wanna be in the clan community, post your losses, and post your wins, if u don't feel like you're able to do simple tasks like that, i suggest u play something a little less complex like legos without a forum page
Which is why your 'respectable clan' disbanded right? Get off the thread and I'll consider it.


Jan 2, 2015
Reaction score
I never took them down (they weren't there in the first place), let him speak for himself, I like it when he whines.
You like when i whine? lol kiddo i'm simply saying u should post your losses. If u believe this is whining, listen to your clan members when we beat ur clan and u guys cry and reject posting losses because "A randy killed one of us, or u guys hacked, or u used more than 6, or u randy teamed." Post your loss, BogenHD isn't sticking up for me, hes stating the procedure for losing a battle, simple as that.
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
You like when i whine? lol kiddo i'm simply saying u should post your losses. If u believe this is whining, listen to your clan members when we beat ur clan and u guys cry and reject posting losses because "A randy killed one of us, or u guys hacked, or u used more than 6, or u randy teamed." Post your loss, BogenHD isn't sticking up for me, hes stating the procedure for losing a battle, simple as that.
LOL I'm not a kid, and none of us cry because of a loss against some kid clan.
If you want to stop whining, I'll consider, so get off the thread, 'kiddo'.
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