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Redemption [US Division]

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District 13
Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
Would a leader please come onto the Triton ts, and or give me the ts to this clan. I wish to discuss a reschedule instead of Friday 8:15est we change it to Saturday at 8:15est. I don't feel like playing on a friday so ya. If you are alright with that time just reply saying thats fine tyty


May 19, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft Username:chris101031/TenHearted (Yeah Im TenHearted :p)
Win Count: 408 (chris101031) 29 (TenHearted)
Game Count:4880 (chris101031) 338 (TenHearted)
Skype Name:chris101031

Maturity (#/10, Explain): im a 8 i can be a 9 when i really need to be at this momment after missing all of my best friends on the game of minecraft i feel i need to be a 11 becuase i miss everyone of you so i will be as mature as i have to be this time around
Why should we accept you into the Redemption above all? Because overall im a great pvper a good leader and i know my way around the mcsg community i know every clan battle map and also since i was a old member i know all the clan routes so if i get accepted back it would mean the world to me guys ily all
What Skills Do You Possess? (PvP, Teamwork, Etc.):
i can pvp surprisingly well i can be a great teamate in clan battles and i have a leadership talent that can help the clan out alot i know i was a officer before and i felt the need to be one but i dont care just being in the clan would mean everything to me hopefully i can work my way back up to become my old rank and it would be like nothing changed but no everything has changed i miss everyone i cant stop SAYING THAT I MISS EVERYONE AJ LUKE DANIEL JUSTIN JAKE ETHAN GAMER ANDREW JORDAN ETHAN AND GARY :_: PLease Put Your Time ANd Consideration into this application that i tried my best to fill out
You have been "accepted" as almost a Pending Trial Member. Please be active to be accepted as *full* Pending Trial Member or even *full* Trial Member.
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