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[EU] EndGamers | In Hibernation.

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Feb 15, 2013
Reaction score
1) Your age: 14
2) Your In-Game Name: PedroRiwking
3) Your Skype (PM if needed): pedro.ferreira.7
4) Wins/Games played: 20 : 215 My stats are bad as I didn't try for mcsg before but I'm trying to change that.
5) Your residence (country): Portugal
6) How would you rate yourself PvP wise (DO NOT give yourself a mark out of 10): I get pretty good reach and get accused for macros quite a lot now I've gotten used to it. I think I'm a very good sword pvper and I've been trying to get better with the bow as I've seen many people kill me just because of it and I do think it's a very good tatic. I'm very spontaneous when it comes to clan wars so if I ever get into a sticky situation I usually get out of it.
7) a) Your playstyle, i.e Defensive, offensive, etc: I tend to be a offensive player as I always trust my reach but it's something I've been trying to change. But if I played overstacks me or my teammates tell me to run I will do so and completly turn into a different player as in trying to get ping hits using the secondaries as much as possible bowspamming etc... something a defensive player would do.
b) Your strengths: Even though I get about 30-40 ping I get very good hits with my sword. Fighting ping-players is not a problem for me. I do struggle a bit when fighting very experienced players or very good sg tacticians, but who doesn't? That's not really a problem for me since I have encountered inumerous of the best pvpers and tacticians not only from MCSG and also Hive(Nexus too huehue jk). Since I learned how to mostly pvp in OCN I know a lot about fighting with not so much armor like full iron or less. I also learnt my sword skills in playing potion pvp and getting combos easily.
I'm very good with the sword because I'm very accurate with the sword and also my ping helps. Sometimes I get people from my own clan inventing excuses that ''they can't hit me'' or that ''I have macros''. I've fought many of the best players in hive not just in mcswish also in cove and hive (obviously) and some of them accused me of macros or double click. I'm normally very accurate and fast with my sword because of my sensitivity. I always try and adjust it so I can be the best as possible and give the best quality always. I'm also very smart when fighting with the sword since I know when to ; block-hit, critical-hit, block-hit and critical-hit or just fight normally.
Fishing Rod
Even though the fishing rod doesn't work properly in hive anymore I've learnt how to time it very well to get good combo hits with it. I can use the fishing rod very well offensivly but still working on it defensivly. The fishing rod is something very important for all sg players if they want to become the best of the best and it's something I try and be better at everyday. I'm also working on everyday how to do ''The Jorgen'' better everyday since my rod spaming hasn't been the best. I try and have the most accurate rod spam always tring to hit 10/10 rod ''uncast''.
Flint and Steel
I'm very good with the flint and steel. I can use one charge to get a team os 2/3 on fire. I've learnt these tatics with MCSG players which they are known for being very good at using the Flint and Steel. I can both use the flint and steel to my advantage defensively and offensively. I also know how to deal with the situation when someone uses the flint and steel against me.
I get between 40-50 ping but it really seems like 10-30. With my accuracy combined with my ping and clicking speed I can get very good double/triple/quadruple hits on very good players. I normally get the first hit while fighting a player because my connection, accuracy and clicking speed. All of these combined make me a great player and I always try to push my self to improve to be the best of the best.
Communication / Knowledge of maps
I'm very good at communicating with my teammates. If there is anything happening I'm usually fast and clear explaining what is happening and where. Since I know most hive maps pretty well I can explain where people are exatcly in the map. I know a lot of chest routes in different maps so I can just use another chest route if someone has taken my main one.
c) Your weaknesses: Usually I'm a very good 1v1er but when I get into a 1v1 with a very good bow user I tend to panic as it's very easy for him to take my health. Sometimes in swish I get into a 1v1 with very strong bow users and I normally lose as it's easy for them to take my health away and very hard for me to take theirs away with my bow. It's something I've been working on getting better with the bow, other than that nothing really. ImTheNarwhal can teach me xDDD
8) Why are you applying for this particular clan: It's one of the best clans and I'm a hive player but to get double, triple hits in hive it's very hard. I can get them in swish so I think I can also get them in mcsg as well. I think I would suit well in this clan aswell.
9) Why should we accept you: I know I've been getting a lot of hate but that's just a fase people will get over it. I'm a nice guy and I've noticing that people start trying to get me mad but I just ignore it. I'm usually a very chill person and don't cause any trouble or flame. I'm always in the side of my teammates and I would hope you guys could give me a chance instead of being like the others and just calling me a macro user and declining me.
10) How will you benefit this clan: I'm a good player and very spontaneous. I think I'm different from the other players and I'm a very good team player aswell.
11) How much time are you willing to donate to EndGamers and be active on our teamspeak: I will be very active in the teamspeak and even more active in the skype chat. I'm normally very active with my clans and tend to make friends fast.
12) Do you consider yourself loyal and trustworthy (if you pause to think, don't apply): I tend to stay in clans for a while if I'm having fun in them and it applies to this clan.
13) Any additional information about yourself or the requirements: I know I've been getting a lot of hate but I hope you guys can ignore that. I can prove to you guys I'm better person than the other people talk about and I'm a nice guy and tend to make friends fast. Please just give me a chance.
macro =D


Jan 6, 2013
Reaction score
1) Your age: 14
2) Your In-Game Name: PedroRiwking
3) Your Skype (PM if needed): pedro.ferreira.7
4) Wins/Games played: 20 : 215 My stats are bad as I didn't try for mcsg before but I'm trying to change that.
5) Your residence (country): Portugal
6) How would you rate yourself PvP wise (DO NOT give yourself a mark out of 10): I get pretty good reach and get accused for macros quite a lot now I've gotten used to it. I think I'm a very good sword pvper and I've been trying to get better with the bow as I've seen many people kill me just because of it and I do think it's a very good tatic. I'm very spontaneous when it comes to clan wars so if I ever get into a sticky situation I usually get out of it.
7) a) Your playstyle, i.e Defensive, offensive, etc: I tend to be a offensive player as I always trust my reach but it's something I've been trying to change. But if I played overstacks me or my teammates tell me to run I will do so and completly turn into a different player as in trying to get ping hits using the secondaries as much as possible bowspamming etc... something a defensive player would do.
b) Your strengths: Even though I get about 30-40 ping I get very good hits with my sword. Fighting ping-players is not a problem for me. I do struggle a bit when fighting very experienced players or very good sg tacticians, but who doesn't? That's not really a problem for me since I have encountered inumerous of the best pvpers and tacticians not only from MCSG and also Hive(Nexus too huehue jk). Since I learned how to mostly pvp in OCN I know a lot about fighting with not so much armor like full iron or less. I also learnt my sword skills in playing potion pvp and getting combos easily.
I'm very good with the sword because I'm very accurate with the sword and also my ping helps. Sometimes I get people from my own clan inventing excuses that ''they can't hit me'' or that ''I have macros''. I've fought many of the best players in hive not just in mcswish also in cove and hive (obviously) and some of them accused me of macros or double click. I'm normally very accurate and fast with my sword because of my sensitivity. I always try and adjust it so I can be the best as possible and give the best quality always. I'm also very smart when fighting with the sword since I know when to ; block-hit, critical-hit, block-hit and critical-hit or just fight normally.
Fishing Rod
Even though the fishing rod doesn't work properly in hive anymore I've learnt how to time it very well to get good combo hits with it. I can use the fishing rod very well offensivly but still working on it defensivly. The fishing rod is something very important for all sg players if they want to become the best of the best and it's something I try and be better at everyday. I'm also working on everyday how to do ''The Jorgen'' better everyday since my rod spaming hasn't been the best. I try and have the most accurate rod spam always tring to hit 10/10 rod ''uncast''.
Flint and Steel
I'm very good with the flint and steel. I can use one charge to get a team os 2/3 on fire. I've learnt these tatics with MCSG players which they are known for being very good at using the Flint and Steel. I can both use the flint and steel to my advantage defensively and offensively. I also know how to deal with the situation when someone uses the flint and steel against me.
I get between 40-50 ping but it really seems like 10-30. With my accuracy combined with my ping and clicking speed I can get very good double/triple/quadruple hits on very good players. I normally get the first hit while fighting a player because my connection, accuracy and clicking speed. All of these combined make me a great player and I always try to push my self to improve to be the best of the best.
Communication / Knowledge of maps
I'm very good at communicating with my teammates. If there is anything happening I'm usually fast and clear explaining what is happening and where. Since I know most hive maps pretty well I can explain where people are exatcly in the map. I know a lot of chest routes in different maps so I can just use another chest route if someone has taken my main one.
c) Your weaknesses: Usually I'm a very good 1v1er but when I get into a 1v1 with a very good bow user I tend to panic as it's very easy for him to take my health. Sometimes in swish I get into a 1v1 with very strong bow users and I normally lose as it's easy for them to take my health away and very hard for me to take theirs away with my bow. It's something I've been working on getting better with the bow, other than that nothing really. ImTheNarwhal can teach me xDDD
8) Why are you applying for this particular clan: It's one of the best clans and I'm a hive player but to get double, triple hits in hive it's very hard. I can get them in swish so I think I can also get them in mcsg as well. I think I would suit well in this clan aswell.
9) Why should we accept you: I know I've been getting a lot of hate but that's just a fase people will get over it. I'm a nice guy and I've noticing that people start trying to get me mad but I just ignore it. I'm usually a very chill person and don't cause any trouble or flame. I'm always in the side of my teammates and I would hope you guys could give me a chance instead of being like the others and just calling me a macro user and declining me.
10) How will you benefit this clan: I'm a good player and very spontaneous. I think I'm different from the other players and I'm a very good team player aswell.
11) How much time are you willing to donate to EndGamers and be active on our teamspeak: I will be very active in the teamspeak and even more active in the skype chat. I'm normally very active with my clans and tend to make friends fast.
12) Do you consider yourself loyal and trustworthy (if you pause to think, don't apply): I tend to stay in clans for a while if I'm having fun in them and it applies to this clan.
13) Any additional information about yourself or the requirements: I know I've been getting a lot of hate but I hope you guys can ignore that. I can prove to you guys I'm better person than the other people talk about and I'm a nice guy and tend to make friends fast. Please just give me a chance.
Wow clanhopper...


Jun 19, 2013
Reaction score
1) Your age: 14
2) Your In-Game Name: PedroRiwking
3) Your Skype (PM if needed): pedro.ferreira.7
4) Wins/Games played: 20 : 215 My stats are bad as I didn't try for mcsg before but I'm trying to change that.
5) Your residence (country): Portugal
6) How would you rate yourself PvP wise (DO NOT give yourself a mark out of 10): I get pretty good reach and get accused for macros quite a lot now I've gotten used to it. I think I'm a very good sword pvper and I've been trying to get better with the bow as I've seen many people kill me just because of it and I do think it's a very good tatic. I'm very spontaneous when it comes to clan wars so if I ever get into a sticky situation I usually get out of it.
7) a) Your playstyle, i.e Defensive, offensive, etc: I tend to be a offensive player as I always trust my reach but it's something I've been trying to change. But if I played overstacks me or my teammates tell me to run I will do so and completly turn into a different player as in trying to get ping hits using the secondaries as much as possible bowspamming etc... something a defensive player would do.
b) Your strengths: Even though I get about 30-40 ping I get very good hits with my sword. Fighting ping-players is not a problem for me. I do struggle a bit when fighting very experienced players or very good sg tacticians, but who doesn't? That's not really a problem for me since I have encountered inumerous of the best pvpers and tacticians not only from MCSG and also Hive(Nexus too huehue jk). Since I learned how to mostly pvp in OCN I know a lot about fighting with not so much armor like full iron or less. I also learnt my sword skills in playing potion pvp and getting combos easily.
I'm very good with the sword because I'm very accurate with the sword and also my ping helps. Sometimes I get people from my own clan inventing excuses that ''they can't hit me'' or that ''I have macros''. I've fought many of the best players in hive not just in mcswish also in cove and hive (obviously) and some of them accused me of macros or double click. I'm normally very accurate and fast with my sword because of my sensitivity. I always try and adjust it so I can be the best as possible and give the best quality always. I'm also very smart when fighting with the sword since I know when to ; block-hit, critical-hit, block-hit and critical-hit or just fight normally.
Fishing Rod
Even though the fishing rod doesn't work properly in hive anymore I've learnt how to time it very well to get good combo hits with it. I can use the fishing rod very well offensivly but still working on it defensivly. The fishing rod is something very important for all sg players if they want to become the best of the best and it's something I try and be better at everyday. I'm also working on everyday how to do ''The Jorgen'' better everyday since my rod spaming hasn't been the best. I try and have the most accurate rod spam always tring to hit 10/10 rod ''uncast''.
Flint and Steel
I'm very good with the flint and steel. I can use one charge to get a team os 2/3 on fire. I've learnt these tatics with MCSG players which they are known for being very good at using the Flint and Steel. I can both use the flint and steel to my advantage defensively and offensively. I also know how to deal with the situation when someone uses the flint and steel against me.
I get between 40-50 ping but it really seems like 10-30. With my accuracy combined with my ping and clicking speed I can get very good double/triple/quadruple hits on very good players. I normally get the first hit while fighting a player because my connection, accuracy and clicking speed. All of these combined make me a great player and I always try to push my self to improve to be the best of the best.
Communication / Knowledge of maps
I'm very good at communicating with my teammates. If there is anything happening I'm usually fast and clear explaining what is happening and where. Since I know most hive maps pretty well I can explain where people are exatcly in the map. I know a lot of chest routes in different maps so I can just use another chest route if someone has taken my main one.
c) Your weaknesses: Usually I'm a very good 1v1er but when I get into a 1v1 with a very good bow user I tend to panic as it's very easy for him to take my health. Sometimes in swish I get into a 1v1 with very strong bow users and I normally lose as it's easy for them to take my health away and very hard for me to take theirs away with my bow. It's something I've been working on getting better with the bow, other than that nothing really. ImTheNarwhal can teach me xDDD
8) Why are you applying for this particular clan: It's one of the best clans and I'm a hive player but to get double, triple hits in hive it's very hard. I can get them in swish so I think I can also get them in mcsg as well. I think I would suit well in this clan aswell.
9) Why should we accept you: I know I've been getting a lot of hate but that's just a fase people will get over it. I'm a nice guy and I've noticing that people start trying to get me mad but I just ignore it. I'm usually a very chill person and don't cause any trouble or flame. I'm always in the side of my teammates and I would hope you guys could give me a chance instead of being like the others and just calling me a macro user and declining me.
10) How will you benefit this clan: I'm a good player and very spontaneous. I think I'm different from the other players and I'm a very good team player aswell.
11) How much time are you willing to donate to EndGamers and be active on our teamspeak: I will be very active in the teamspeak and even more active in the skype chat. I'm normally very active with my clans and tend to make friends fast.
12) Do you consider yourself loyal and trustworthy (if you pause to think, don't apply): I tend to stay in clans for a while if I'm having fun in them and it applies to this clan.
13) Any additional information about yourself or the requirements: I know I've been getting a lot of hate but I hope you guys can ignore that. I can prove to you guys I'm better person than the other people talk about and I'm a nice guy and tend to make friends fast. Please just give me a chance.
Well son, what have you been doing this evening? I have written a 1000 words paragraph it is a lot of fun! Holy Good this thing is long


Dec 21, 2012
Reaction score
He uses almost the same application for every new clan he joins.
Not necessary, if you don't like me you can always solve the problems over skype and I use that application because I've written it. What's the points of doing a whole new one if my strenghts are the same? My weakness are not the same and you can check my old application I've changed it.


Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
1) Your age: 14
2) Your In-Game Name: PedroRiwking
3) Your Skype (PM if needed): pedro.ferreira.7
4) Wins/Games played: 20 : 215 My stats are bad as I didn't try for mcsg before but I'm trying to change that.
5) Your residence (country): Portugal
6) How would you rate yourself PvP wise (DO NOT give yourself a mark out of 10): I get pretty good reach and get accused for macros quite a lot now I've gotten used to it. I think I'm a very good sword pvper and I've been trying to get better with the bow as I've seen many people kill me just because of it and I do think it's a very good tatic. I'm very spontaneous when it comes to clan wars so if I ever get into a sticky situation I usually get out of it.
7) a) Your playstyle, i.e Defensive, offensive, etc: I tend to be a offensive player as I always trust my reach but it's something I've been trying to change. But if I played overstacks me or my teammates tell me to run I will do so and completly turn into a different player as in trying to get ping hits using the secondaries as much as possible bowspamming etc... something a defensive player would do.
b) Your strengths: Even though I get about 30-40 ping I get very good hits with my sword. Fighting ping-players is not a problem for me. I do struggle a bit when fighting very experienced players or very good sg tacticians, but who doesn't? That's not really a problem for me since I have encountered inumerous of the best pvpers and tacticians not only from MCSG and also Hive(Nexus too huehue jk). Since I learned how to mostly pvp in OCN I know a lot about fighting with not so much armor like full iron or less. I also learnt my sword skills in playing potion pvp and getting combos easily.
I'm very good with the sword because I'm very accurate with the sword and also my ping helps. Sometimes I get people from my own clan inventing excuses that ''they can't hit me'' or that ''I have macros''. I've fought many of the best players in hive not just in mcswish also in cove and hive (obviously) and some of them accused me of macros or double click. I'm normally very accurate and fast with my sword because of my sensitivity. I always try and adjust it so I can be the best as possible and give the best quality always. I'm also very smart when fighting with the sword since I know when to ; block-hit, critical-hit, block-hit and critical-hit or just fight normally.
Fishing Rod
Even though the fishing rod doesn't work properly in hive anymore I've learnt how to time it very well to get good combo hits with it. I can use the fishing rod very well offensivly but still working on it defensivly. The fishing rod is something very important for all sg players if they want to become the best of the best and it's something I try and be better at everyday. I'm also working on everyday how to do ''The Jorgen'' better everyday since my rod spaming hasn't been the best. I try and have the most accurate rod spam always tring to hit 10/10 rod ''uncast''.
Flint and Steel
I'm very good with the flint and steel. I can use one charge to get a team os 2/3 on fire. I've learnt these tatics with MCSG players which they are known for being very good at using the Flint and Steel. I can both use the flint and steel to my advantage defensively and offensively. I also know how to deal with the situation when someone uses the flint and steel against me.
I get between 40-50 ping but it really seems like 10-30. With my accuracy combined with my ping and clicking speed I can get very good double/triple/quadruple hits on very good players. I normally get the first hit while fighting a player because my connection, accuracy and clicking speed. All of these combined make me a great player and I always try to push my self to improve to be the best of the best.
Communication / Knowledge of maps
I'm very good at communicating with my teammates. If there is anything happening I'm usually fast and clear explaining what is happening and where. Since I know most hive maps pretty well I can explain where people are exatcly in the map. I know a lot of chest routes in different maps so I can just use another chest route if someone has taken my main one.
c) Your weaknesses: Usually I'm a very good 1v1er but when I get into a 1v1 with a very good bow user I tend to panic as it's very easy for him to take my health. Sometimes in swish I get into a 1v1 with very strong bow users and I normally lose as it's easy for them to take my health away and very hard for me to take theirs away with my bow. It's something I've been working on getting better with the bow, other than that nothing really. ImTheNarwhal can teach me xDDD
8) Why are you applying for this particular clan: It's one of the best clans and I'm a hive player but to get double, triple hits in hive it's very hard. I can get them in swish so I think I can also get them in mcsg as well. I think I would suit well in this clan aswell.
9) Why should we accept you: I know I've been getting a lot of hate but that's just a fase people will get over it. I'm a nice guy and I've noticing that people start trying to get me mad but I just ignore it. I'm usually a very chill person and don't cause any trouble or flame. I'm always in the side of my teammates and I would hope you guys could give me a chance instead of being like the others and just calling me a macro user and declining me.
10) How will you benefit this clan: I'm a good player and very spontaneous. I think I'm different from the other players and I'm a very good team player aswell.
11) How much time are you willing to donate to EndGamers and be active on our teamspeak: I will be very active in the teamspeak and even more active in the skype chat. I'm normally very active with my clans and tend to make friends fast.
12) Do you consider yourself loyal and trustworthy (if you pause to think, don't apply): I tend to stay in clans for a while if I'm having fun in them and it applies to this clan.
13) Any additional information about yourself or the requirements: I know I've been getting a lot of hate but I hope you guys can ignore that. I can prove to you guys I'm better person than the other people talk about and I'm a nice guy and tend to make friends fast. Please just give me a chance.
Extremely immature
And many people say he uses macros so...


Dec 21, 2012
Reaction score
Extremely immature
And many people say he uses macros so...
Extremely immature? It's not my problem patrick is a racist... and also I never even talked to you and I barely know you and you barely know me. You're just doing this cause your clan members hates me. Pevasty just stop. You have my skype solve it there.


Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
Extremely immature? It's not my problem patrick is a racist... and also I never even talked to you and I barely know you and you barely know me. You're just doing this cause your clan members hates me. Pevasty just stop. You have my skype solve it there.
Dude, you were always immature in mystic, causing arguments and you were being racist as well. We don't need to take this to skype because this argument/ conversation is over.
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