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[EU] EndGamers | In Hibernation.

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Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
1) Your age: 13+
2) Your In-Game Name: SenchSlash - sognern2
3) Your Skype (PM if needed): SenchSlash
4) Wins/Games played: 295 ish / 1000 ish
5) Your residence (country):Norway
6) How would you rate yourself PvP wise (DO NOT give yourself a mark out of 10): 1
7) a) Your playstyle, i.e Defensive, offensive, etc: Defensive. I mostly play defensive since I'm good at turning when people is running after me.
b) Your strengths: Sword, rod and defensive FnS.
c) Your weaknesses: Bow.
8) Why are you applying for this particular clan: Since EndGamers has touched my heart, and I was always waiting for my return.
9) Why should we accept you: I don't know, thats ur decision.
10) How will you benefit this clan: I will be able to play many clan wars, be nice and cool.
11) How much time are you willing to donate to EndGamers and be active on our teamspeak: All the time I'm spending on Minecraft.
12) Do you consider yourself loyal and trustworthy (if you pause to think, don't apply):Yeah.
13) Any additional information about yourself or the requirements: Not really, unless the wins.
Oath) I, [Sench] agree on my word on the application written above and will support and assist this clan however possible.


Nov 24, 2013
Reaction score
1) Your age: 14
2) Your In-Game Name: mathernjr
3) Your Skype (PM if needed): matherncool
4) Wins/Games played: 850+ 4500+
5) Your residence (country): Norway
6) How would you rate yourself PvP wise (DO NOT give yourself a mark out of 10): 1
7) a) Your playstyle, i.e Defensive, offensive, etc: aggressive
b) Your strengths: Sword
c) Your weaknesses:Bow
8) Why are you applying for this particular clan: Because i can daaaa.
9) Why should we accept you: I am kind of goood and i am acctive.
10) How will you benefit this clan: Help in clanwars, And I am a acctive person so its eZy 2 get me on (If I am Home)
11) How much time are you willing to donate to EndGamers and be active on our teamspeak: 2-5 hours.
12) Do you consider yourself loyal and trustworthy (if you pause to think, don't apply): Yes I do
13) Any additional information about yourself or the requirements: I am Awsm
Oath) I, [please insert name] agree on my word on the application written above and will support and assist this clan however possible. I do
Last edited:


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
1) Your age: 14

13) Any additional information about yourself or the requirements: I am Awsm

First of all, I'm the awesome here :D

Oath) I, [please insert name] agree on my word on the application written above and will support and assist this clan however possible.
And secondly, did you even realize that you didn't insert your name in the oath?

- I don't decide this


Nov 8, 2013
Reaction score
Having nice holiday how's it going ScrubGamers did I miss anything bad yet


Feb 15, 2013
Reaction score
1) Your age: 15
2) Your In-Game Name: cheezedoodles
3) Your Skype (PM if needed): cheezedoodles.sander
4) Wins/Games played: 599 / 2100
5) Your residence (country): Norwei
6) How would you rate yourself PvP wise (DO NOT give yourself a mark out of 10): 9 /10
7) a) Your playstyle, i.e Defensive, offensive, etc: Defensive, offensive etc..
b) Your strengths: Sword and pingwhoring =D
c) Your weaknesses: nothing
8) Why are you applying for this particular clan: Cos I love teku
9) Why should we accept you: Cos im good at the game
10) How will you benefit this clan: leaving tommorow
11) How much time are you willing to donate to EndGamers and be active on our teamspeak: idk a coupple minutes maib??
12) Do you consider yourself loyal and trustworthy (if you pause to think, don't apply): yas for this day =d
13) Any additional information about yourself or the requirements: im col
Oath) I, [chesdudle] agree on my word on the application written above and will support and assist this clan however possible.


Jan 17, 2014
Reaction score
1) Your age: 15
2) Your In-Game Name: cheezedoodles
3) Your Skype (PM if needed): cheezedoodles.sander
4) Wins/Games played: 599 / 2100
5) Your residence (country): Norwei
6) How would you rate yourself PvP wise (DO NOT give yourself a mark out of 10): 9 /10
7) a) Your playstyle, i.e Defensive, offensive, etc: Defensive, offensive etc..
b) Your strengths: Sword and pingwhoring =D
c) Your weaknesses: nothing
8) Why are you applying for this particular clan: Cos I love teku
9) Why should we accept you: Cos im good at the game
10) How will you benefit this clan: leaving tommorow
11) How much time are you willing to donate to EndGamers and be active on our teamspeak: idk a coupple minutes maib??
12) Do you consider yourself loyal and trustworthy (if you pause to think, don't apply): yas for this day =d
13) Any additional information about yourself or the requirements: im col
Oath) I, [chesdudle] agree on my word on the application written above and will support and assist this clan however possible.
Accepted, Rank: Elite.
Welcome to EndGamers
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