1. IGN: victorvp9
2. Skype name(If private PM us) : victor.pedersen8
3. Nickname/Name: Victor
4. Age:13
5. Country: Denmark
6. Donator: Diamond
7. Wins (Minimum 450): 56
8. Games Played:312
9. PvP Strengths(
Explain in detail):I'm wery good in Near figt with the fns and then just shoot them if they run, and i'm very good to make crits.
10. PvP Weaknesses (Not teams, hackers, etc): Week against ROD
11. What type of player would you say you are? : Gamer~ ^^
12. Previous clan expirience:
The Legacy - Thats was Awesome to play with them, and hope i could the same with you...
13. Have you played with any members of the clan before:Yea, one of my best friends is in here - hes IGN: Gaxriexz or magnusmand123
14. How much do you play: Every day
15. Why do you want to join Emperors? : Because mah Friend is in here and it look nice, and i'm good at PvP =))