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[EU] Top 5 Underated Players

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Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
1) Zethiz (emilpiva14) & Lifeyz_ (DestinyyHD)
These guys are great at PvP and I hate it when people say "They are not good, I 7 hearted them yesterday." That's most of the times, pretty much bullshit and if you did it was probably you hitting them off the mountain.

2. Masacre4rd
This guy is awesome in 1v1's, he know how to use every weapon and are great at it. This guy is someone to watch out for.

3. arontjuuh
He have improved (in my opinion) a lot since he left Rebels. I was actually quite suprised when I fought in a scrim and i'm looking forward to some more fights against him.

4. joethepro15
To be honest I didn't pay that much attention to him just before now. I fought him 1v1 on Cove and noticed that he was quite good pvper. I haven't seen many people putting him in their top 10, or maybe they have? I don't know, but after all I wanna fight this guy more in MCSG and Minecraft in general.

5. blueosten
This guy has a great teamwork both from what i've seen and from what I heard. This guy fights for the clan DeadPixels and he have really proven that together with them he can fight in many fierce battles.


Dec 28, 2013
Reaction score
1) Fearcannon
He is insane with the bow and as he rarely uses the rod he gets insane crits and combo's

2) FightForGods
When i used to fight him i could kill him most times, but now he is amazing with FnS, Rod and bow he is very aggressive and his new play style suits him very well and i can see him getting far with his pvp skills

3) SenchSlash
This guy is really, really good and dosent get the credit he deserves. he is very good with all tools and he should be someone that is feared. but he does have a cocky attitude like saying GG 10 and rekt when he kills you and also he once targeted me off spawn with 6 others and then said GG when you killed me. if you change that you might be considered better than are at the moment.

4) TomahawkGoesChop
This guy just wont die I hit him so many times ive even called regen hacks on this guy because he takes so long to die. but this guys stats don't say how good he is.

5) WeRcreeper
This guy is far too cocky and many people don't like him because of this, but he's still a great player and i hate to admit it. but he's very ragey and takes the game too serious, as well as killing guys in full leather and saying GG 10. every time he kills someone he say's something to make them mad and there is no need for it maybe people would respect him if he didnt do this.
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Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
1) Fearcannon
He is insane with the bow and as he rarely uses the rod he gets insane crits and combo's

2) FightForGods
When i used to fight him i could kill him most times, but now he is amazing with FnS, Rod and bow he is very aggressive and his new play style suits him very well and i can see him getting far with his pvp skills

3) SenchSlash
This guy is really, really good and dosent get the credit he deserves. he is very good with all tools and he should be someone that is feared. but he does have a cocky attitude like saying GG 10 and rekt when he kills you and also he once targeted me off spawn with 6 others and then said GG when you killed me. if you change that you might be considered better than are at the moment.

4) TomahawkGoesChop
This guy just wont die I hit him so many times ive even called regen hacks on this guy because he takes so long to die. but this guys stats don't say how good he is.

5) WeRcreeper
This guy is far too cocky and many people don't like him because of this, but he's still a great player and i hate to admit it. but he's very ragey and takes the game too serious, as well as killing guys in full leather and saying GG 10. every time he kills someone he say's something to make them mad and there is no need for it maybe people would respect him if he diodnt do this.
WeRCreeper is permabanned though :p


Mar 6, 2013
Reaction score
"I. Inconceivable81, I beat most players very easily, unless it's in DeathMatch, as my main tactic is waiting for the right time, and choosing the right terrain, and DeathMatch is just ping fights.

NingleWingle, it's hilarious how I beat you with full leather vs. full iron and the same sword, and you call me bad. Also, SenchSlash put himself on his list, and I easily beat him whenever we meet. If anyone wants to, I would be happy to wreck you in a fair fight on MCSG, just add inconceivable81 on Skype.

Beating cocky is allowed when the cockiness is the truth."

I'm sorry, but it is clearly obvious that you are one of the most cocky people, and are basically saying in your Top5 list, I am the most underrated player because everyone thinks I am bad, and I am actually really really good so I should totally be there. Do you not get the fact that no one agrees with your opinion and just doesn't want you to post, as it causes flame. Since I have known you, you have been the most cocky person I have ever met, by saying that my clan only has 1 decent player and yours has 5 amazing players who could easily wreck them in a 1v1. You are just so cocky is makes me really annoyed whenever I see you. You are always like "l2p noob you are always in a team," and I only play for the fun of being with friends. So if you would for once stop being cocky, I think everyone would appreciate it.
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Dec 25, 2013
Reaction score
1) TheOBO1
Simpy amazing with swords
2) Austin_HG

3) rexmanx
Pretty good with swords.

4) .Zethiz
-1 Ping.
5) Randy_Nub
Pretty good player.
6. shaunypie
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Jan 14, 2013
Reaction score
"I. Inconceivable81, I beat most players very easily, unless it's in DeathMatch, as my main tactic is waiting for the right time, and choosing the right terrain, and DeathMatch is just ping fights.

NingleWingle, it's hilarious how I beat you with full leather vs. full iron and the same sword, and you call me bad. Also, SenchSlash put himself on his list, and I easily beat him whenever we meet. If anyone wants to, I would be happy to wreck you in a fair fight on MCSG, just add inconceivable81 on Skype.

Beating cocky is allowed when the cockiness is the truth."

I'm sorry, but it is clearly obvious that you are one of the most cocky people, and are basically saying in your Top5 list, I am the most underrated player because everyone thinks I am bad, and I am actually really really good so I should totally be there. Do you not get the fact that no one agrees with your opinion and just doesn't want you to post, as it causes flame. Since I have known you, you have been the most cocky person I have ever met, by saying that my clan only has 1 decent player and yours has 5 amazing players who could easily wreck them in a 1v1. You are just so cocky is makes me really annoyed whenever I see you. You are always like "l2p noob you are always in a team," and I only play for the fun of being with friends. So if you would for once stop being cocky, I think everyone would appreciate it.
your post contradicted it's self..
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