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Emperors EU

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Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
i donz evn cr ef deh rustr i5 ful ;/ helo

1. IGN: xGGw10X
2. Skype name(If private PM us) : gregzw10
3. Nickname/Name: Gregor or xGG or GG ;b
4. Age: 11 soon to be 12
5. Country: Scotland, UK LADDIE
6. Donator: No. ;/
7. Wins (Minimum 250): 141 but soo many hakrs, u know?
8. Games Played: 1450+ Idc anymore doe
9. PvP Strengths(Explain in detail): Fns placements and judging where people will go. Also Bow judgment. And good with sword strafing and rod spam tactics.
10. PvP Weaknesses (Not teams, hackers, etc): Todays modern MCSG. xD But seriously only good ping abusers and decent players.
11. What type of player would you say you are? : An offensive player who can hold his own and is reliable.
12. Previous clan expirience: Alot but... #React, #TheFoxes, #TheWidowz
13. Have you played with any members of the clan before: all basically xD apart from afew
14. How much do you play: everyday!
15. Why do you want to join Emperors? : Bcause you're all kool kids :D and smepchial <69
What are you expecting us to do? I don't get it.


District 13
Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score
i donz evn cr ef deh rustr i5 ful ;/ helo

1. IGN: xGGw10X
2. Skype name(If private PM us) : gregzw10
3. Nickname/Name: Gregor or xGG or GG ;b
4. Age: 11 soon to be 12
5. Country: Scotland, UK LADDIE
6. Donator: No. ;/
7. Wins (Minimum 250): 141 but soo many hakrs, u know?
8. Games Played: 1450+ Idc anymore doe
9. PvP Strengths(Explain in detail): Fns placements and judging where people will go. Also Bow judgment. And good with sword strafing and rod spam tactics.
10. PvP Weaknesses (Not teams, hackers, etc): Todays modern MCSG. xD But seriously only good ping abusers and decent players.
11. What type of player would you say you are? : An offensive player who can hold his own and is reliable.
12. Previous clan expirience: Alot but... #React, #TheFoxes, #TheWidowz
13. Have you played with any members of the clan before: all basically xD apart from afew
14. How much do you play: everyday!
15. Why do you want to join Emperors? : Bcause you're all kool kids :D and smepchial <69
I am sorry but you have been declined. Reasons: The roster is full.


District 13
Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score
1. IGN: ItsMacahd/ _M6

2. Skype name(If private PM us) : itsmacahd

3. Nickname/Name: maca/ macauley

4. Age: 14

5. Country: England m8

6. Donator: nu D:

7. Wins (Minimum 250): erm.. Not a lot XD but I have 800+ On hive

8. Games Played: a lot I was veri big nab

9. PvP Strengths(Explain in detail): Starafing, bow, swords, rod and FnS I feel as my main strength is a bow I hit about 85 % of my shots, I also love strafing my opponent it Is really a good tactic and with fairly good ping it is very useful to do

10. PvP Weaknesses (Not teams, hackers, etc): my Nervs ;-; whenever I get nervous I play so bad:p

11. What type of player would you say you are? : aggressive

12. Previous clan expirience: None XD but I have experience as I've been in a lot of good clans on hive.

13. Have you played with any members of the clan before: Meib

14. How much do you play: erryday

15. Why do you want to join Emperors? : amazing clan!
Ps I do know that applications are closed but yolo
You have been declined. I dont think you will be active in the clan as I know you as a Hive player. I have given way to many Hive players the chance and I am not giving anymore. Sorry.


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
Hei mitt navn er Sench, og jeg ønsker denne klanen lykke til videre! Forresten Cheer?


Jun 21, 2012
Reaction score
1. IGN: bananaboyman29
2. Skype name(If private PM us) : tommymx1
3. Nickname/Name: Banana
4. Age: 14
5. Country: England
6. Donator: Nope.
7. Wins (Minimum 250): 352
8. Games Played: 1538 No excuses :p
9. PvP Strengths(Explain in detail): I'm quite fast and agile witgh the sword and I'm a very good runner.
10. PvP Weaknesses (Not teams, hackers, etc): Water in general and fishing rods..
11. What type of player would you say you are? : A team player because I prefer to help and have help.
12. Previous clan experience: Prophecy <3, TeamSypher <3, Netherians <3
13. Have you played with any members of the clan before: Sparky, Shaunypie, me and Sliabh are both Irish :D
14. How much do you play: I was off for ages but back on so I'm getting back to almost every day and soon every day.
15. Why do you want to join Emperors? : Because it ahs strong, upcoming members and a good recoird in clan battles but looks fun at the same time.
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