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Exodus | US Team

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Dec 23, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:HashtagForTheWin
Games Played:1500 something
Time Zone:Central
Skype Username:hashtagforthewin
Pvp Strengths: fishing rod, Bow, fns
Pvp Weaknesses:Teams of 3+, lag, hackers
Rate yourself from 1-10:8
Why do you want to join?:Lots of my friends are in here
If accepted, will you stayed committed?:Yes but only Thursday maybe, fridays, saturdays, and sundays
Previous Clans:#ThePast (Disbanded ;-;)
Recommended :D
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Qyxr / Blade7764
Age: 14
Wins: Qyxr (180+) Blade7764 (255+) Therefore, I meet the requirement of 350+ wins.
Games Played: Qyxr (562+) Blade7764 (2681+ Yes, I know. It's terrible.)
Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time.
Skype Username: kcudet

Pvp Strengths:
I'm often noticed for my bow spam, so I'd have to say that bow is my strongest suit here. I would say I'm fairly decent at FnS. I'm slightly above average with sword combat, although I'm terrible with melee on No-NCP servers (LovePvP). As for teams and hackers, teams of less than 4 are generally easy for me to take out, depending, of course, on their individual skill level. Hackers are a kind of 50/50 for me, as they either completely destroy me, I find out a way to kill them (usually with the help of someone else), or I run them out in Deathmatch, hoping I have more kills. Another thing I'm fairly decent at is dodging fire, depending on how skilled the fire placement is, but it is usually telegraphed and countered easily.

Pvp Weaknesses:
Now, I'm not going to be the cocky guy that, in this section, fills out "Nothing" or completely ridiculous things that have nearly no odds of ever happening, such as "hacker teams of 14" and such. I know my weaknesses, and I'm currently striving to make them strengths. My main personal weakness is being over-frustrated when I lose to situations I know I shouldn't have. Albeit losing to a simple team of 2 or a hacker, I occasionally rage, which hinders my overall performance greatly and causes me to go on massive losing streaks. I'd say that my overall mood affects my game. This is something I realize, and obviously have to work on. However, the times I do rage, I'm always playing solo, with teams, I try to laugh it off. Another personal weakness would be communicating, I'm slightly, well, awkward, in Teamspeak and Skype calls with people I don't know that well, and it would be a possible problem if I don't have good communication with other members of the clan.

As for in-game weaknesses, it would have to be people who spam their fishing rod, because the sudden knockback disorients me a bit, although it isn't that hard to set them on fire when they rush. Teams of 4 are a challenge as well, going solo at least, as they can constantly switch members out, have the injured ones regen, then repeat the cycle indefinitely. Water fights would have to be another thing I would say that's 50/50. If I have a decent amount of arrows, if can be a breeze (see what I did there? :3). It also depends on my opponents armour and gear. If they have full iron and a stack of arrows, and we're too far in the water, I'm obviously screwed. My last weakness would be over-committing to fights, sometimes I just rush in without a care in the world, and it usually stabs me in the back. I have to work on knowing when to run and regen.

I'm sure I have plenty of other weaknesses, as well as strengths, but I'm too lazy to list all of them.
Rate yourself from 1-10: I'd say a strong 7.8. I'm definitely not the best player ever, but I'm certainly not the worst.
Why do you want to join?: I've been thinking of joining a clan for weeks now, and have been constantly looking over countless clan threads, looking for one I might enjoy being in, and this is one of them. I also recall playing with a few members of the clan, such as TopBandit, elderunicorn, and BacccaPlaysMC, and I think it would be cool to get to know everyone better as well. As well as, at the time of we typing this, I have written over 680 words, voluntarily. Although I think I enjoyed it.
If accepted, will you stayed committed?: Definitely, unless a serious IRL or personal issue comes about, making me go on break, or leave altogether, which is highly unlikely.
Previous Clans: None, if accepted, this will be my very first, and hopefully it will last quite a long time.

Sidenote: To whoever has read this up to here, thanks. I'm pretty sure it must have sucked to get here. Unless you skipped to the bottom. On that note, you should totally read it anyway. Alright?
Your Application was Accepted! Your rank will be "Trial" as of now ;)
Just stay active on both TS and skype and you will be promoted within no time!


Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Qyxr / Blade7764
Age: 14
Wins: Qyxr (180+) Blade7764 (255+) Therefore, I meet the requirement of 350+ wins.
Games Played: Qyxr (562+) Blade7764 (2681+ Yes, I know. It's terrible.)
Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time.
Skype Username: kcudet

Pvp Strengths:
I'm often noticed for my bow spam, so I'd have to say that bow is my strongest suit here. I would say I'm fairly decent at FnS. I'm slightly above average with sword combat, although I'm terrible with melee on No-NCP servers (LovePvP). As for teams and hackers, teams of less than 4 are generally easy for me to take out, depending, of course, on their individual skill level. Hackers are a kind of 50/50 for me, as they either completely destroy me, I find out a way to kill them (usually with the help of someone else), or I run them out in Deathmatch, hoping I have more kills. Another thing I'm fairly decent at is dodging fire, depending on how skilled the fire placement is, but it is usually telegraphed and countered easily.

Pvp Weaknesses:
Now, I'm not going to be the cocky guy that, in this section, fills out "Nothing" or completely ridiculous things that have nearly no odds of ever happening, such as "hacker teams of 14" and such. I know my weaknesses, and I'm currently striving to make them strengths. My main personal weakness is being over-frustrated when I lose to situations I know I shouldn't have. Albeit losing to a simple team of 2 or a hacker, I occasionally rage, which hinders my overall performance greatly and causes me to go on massive losing streaks. I'd say that my overall mood affects my game. This is something I realize, and obviously have to work on. However, the times I do rage, I'm always playing solo, with teams, I try to laugh it off. Another personal weakness would be communicating, I'm slightly, well, awkward, in Teamspeak and Skype calls with people I don't know that well, and it would be a possible problem if I don't have good communication with other members of the clan.

As for in-game weaknesses, it would have to be people who spam their fishing rod, because the sudden knockback disorients me a bit, although it isn't that hard to set them on fire when they rush. Teams of 4 are a challenge as well, going solo at least, as they can constantly switch members out, have the injured ones regen, then repeat the cycle indefinitely. Water fights would have to be another thing I would say that's 50/50. If I have a decent amount of arrows, if can be a breeze (see what I did there? :3). It also depends on my opponents armour and gear. If they have full iron and a stack of arrows, and we're too far in the water, I'm obviously screwed. My last weakness would be over-committing to fights, sometimes I just rush in without a care in the world, and it usually stabs me in the back. I have to work on knowing when to run and regen.

I'm sure I have plenty of other weaknesses, as well as strengths, but I'm too lazy to list all of them.
Rate yourself from 1-10: I'd say a strong 7.8. I'm definitely not the best player ever, but I'm certainly not the worst.
Why do you want to join?: I've been thinking of joining a clan for weeks now, and have been constantly looking over countless clan threads, looking for one I might enjoy being in, and this is one of them. I also recall playing with a few members of the clan, such as TopBandit, elderunicorn, and BacccaPlaysMC, and I think it would be cool to get to know everyone better as well. As well as, at the time of we typing this, I have written over 680 words, voluntarily. Although I think I enjoyed it.
If accepted, will you stayed committed?: Definitely, unless a serious IRL or personal issue comes about, making me go on break, or leave altogether, which is highly unlikely.
Previous Clans: None, if accepted, this will be my very first, and hopefully it will last quite a long time.

Sidenote: To whoever has read this up to here, thanks. I'm pretty sure it must have sucked to get here. Unless you skipped to the bottom. On that note, you should totally read it anyway. Alright?
Congrats on the most well written application I have ever seen for a clan. Welcome to Team Exodus, we hope you enjoy your stay :)
Jan 18, 2014
Reaction score

Minecraft IGN: Push_Up_Elephant
Age: 13
Wins/Games Played/Ratio: 412/2460
How long have you been in #Exodus: 5 days

Question 1: In what ways have you helped this clan out?:I would say i helped this clan out a lot i talked to most of members that are on the TS and i play with them which makes us and the people who were playing get to know each other and know each other tactics and how they play and fight others and how we could help. Like the first day i joined the clan we did an in clan scrim like 4v4 and me and the other members really worked well together and we got to now each other and now me ( the new person in the clan ) we had laughs and when 1 of us needed help we were there to help each other. I'm on everyday for at least 2-3 hours practicing with clan so we ALL can get better even though yeah you don get to win every game your ratio gets worse and worse but playing with the clan is way better then solo we get to better and better each day. Most times after battles i usually say we should do a inner clan scrim or before battles to get warmed up it helps us get much better.

Mention situations and events!
Question 2: Do you believe that you qualify for a staff member? Well, Most people would say its a little to early to apply for staff when i just joined 5-6 days ago but i feel yes i did have an argument with one of the members and it ended i am sorry to that person who i argued with but. I do think i qualify for staff member because i think its not about how long you've been in the clan i think its about how committed you are and i think i am on at least 2-4 hours a day playing with the clan talking with them and just having a bunch of great laughs.
Why?(be descriptive!!!)
Question 3: In what ways would your presence benefit us, give examples: I could benefit this clan by organizing clan scrims and keeping people in line from arguments.
Question 4: How would you describe this clan? I would describe our clan as a NewBorn in Twilight. I would say this because in Twilight the NewBorn is the strongest, quickest, smartest, and fiercest.
Question 5: Who is your favorite member in this clan, and why?: I would have to say my favorite member in the clan is HashTagForTheWin i knew him for the longest out of all the members we had losts of fun and we have been in 3 different clan together i knew him since december when i was in Relentless and i still play with him and hope we play for a while.


Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score

Minecraft IGN: Push_Up_Elephant
Age: 13
Wins/Games Played/Ratio: 412/2460
How long have you been in #Exodus: 5 days

Question 1: In what ways have you helped this clan out?:I would say i helped this clan out a lot i talked to most of members that are on the TS and i play with them which makes us and the people who were playing get to know each other and know each other tactics and how they play and fight others and how we could help. Like the first day i joined the clan we did an in clan scrim like 4v4 and me and the other members really worked well together and we got to now each other and now me ( the new person in the clan ) we had laughs and when 1 of us needed help we were there to help each other. I'm on everyday for at least 2-3 hours practicing with clan so we ALL can get better even though yeah you don get to win every game your ratio gets worse and worse but playing with the clan is way better then solo we get to better and better each day. Most times after battles i usually say we should do a inner clan scrim or before battles to get warmed up it helps us get much better.

Mention situations and events!
Question 2: Do you believe that you qualify for a staff member? Well, Most people would say its a little to early to apply for staff when i just joined 5-6 days ago but i feel yes i did have an argument with one of the members and it ended i am sorry to that person who i argued with but. I do think i qualify for staff member because i think its not about how long you've been in the clan i think its about how committed you are and i think i am on at least 2-4 hours a day playing with the clan talking with them and just having a bunch of great laughs.
Why?(be descriptive!!!)
Question 3: In what ways would your presence benefit us, give examples: I could benefit this clan by organizing clan scrims and keeping people in line from arguments.
Question 4: How would you describe this clan? I would describe our clan as a NewBorn in Twilight. I would say this because in Twilight the NewBorn is the strongest, quickest, smartest, and fiercest.
Question 5: Who is your favorite member in this clan, and why?: I would have to say my favorite member in the clan is HashTagForTheWin i knew him for the longest out of all the members we had losts of fun and we have been in 3 different clan together i knew him since december when i was in Relentless and i still play with him and hope we play for a while.
I like you a Elephant, and it's up to ProBats, but personally I would deny this application. You haven't been in this clan long enough. But it's up to ProBats.
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