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Exodus | US Team

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Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
Status: Recruiting
Minecraft IGN: zimemaster12
Games Played:863
Time Zone:UTC
Skype Username:MC Zimemaster
Pvp Strengths: Flint and Steel, Sword
Pvp Weaknesses: Bows
Rate yourself from 1-10: 7
Why do you want to join?: FlyingFalcon03 recommended
If accepted, will you stayed committed?: Yes
Previous Clans: None
I'm Sorry, but you've been DECLINED!
Reason: Lack of wins, please apply later once you meet our prerequisite ;)


Jun 10, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Educating_
Age: 14
Wins/Games Played/Ratio: 151/560 - 0.26 ratio.
How long have you been in #Exodus: 2 weeks.
Part 2:
The questions above is basic information that staff need to know. The second part consists of writing a Detailed paragraph stating why you want to join the staff. Keep in mind that, to be a staff member for this clan, you must have been a member for 3-5 weeks. This way we can get to know you guys. In your paragraph, make sure to answer the following questions (detailed).

Question 1:
In what ways have you helped this clan out?: I have participated in almost every clan battle, and most of those were wins. I am always active on TS, and I get to know the newcomers. I've done a couple clutch situations in battles that resulted in wins, and I feel that I have been in this clan long enough to be a great officer. I am very "educated" with clans and I know how to handle situations that an officer would need to handle.
Question 2: Do you believe that you qualify for a staff member?: I am very "educated" with clans and I know how to handle situations that an officer would need to handle. I know how to make right decisions, and you can trust me with the privilege of being an officer. I know how to work TeamSpeak comfortably, and I know when someone is not being active and/or breaking clan rules. I can be more active on the thread pages, welcoming players when they get accepted, and answering questions people may have. I feel I am well known in the clan, therefore if people have a problem, they can talk to me and feel comfortable. Again, I am very active with the clan, so I can be there when people have problems or requests.
Question 3: In what ways would your presence benefit us, give examples: Well, I am always on the TS, when it is up, so there would always be someone in authority there to help. I feel that people are not afraid to talk to me, so that wouldn't be an issue. I like to make people feel welcome, therefore I would welcome the newcomers, and help them with whatever they may need. I am experienced with setting ranks on TS/and all of the functions. I feel having me as an officer would be very beneficial to the clan.
Question 4: How would you describe this clan?: Ever since I joined, not once have I had a problem. Everyone has been so nice and welcoming, and it really is a great system we have. I feel that if I were in a position of more authority, I could make people feel more welcome to stay longer. I feel this clan is only beginning, and I would love to be in the officer position to watch it strive. Already, the clan has improved so much, and it's only going to get better. The clan has a great set up with the TeamSpeak, and Skype chat, and it is a very organized clan. This clan, is like no other I've been in before.
Question 5: Who is your favourite member in this clan, and why?: I don't have a favourite person. Each person in this clan is unique in their own way. Not one is better than the other. This clan is like a huge family. We all get along, and I don't think I could like one more than the other. Really, this clan has great potential. All the players here are skilled, still developing people. These types of players make for a good clan, as we all learn from each other. Learning from a whole bunch of developing players with a lot of skill, makes for some very good players, and this clan is definitely going to go far.
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Educating_
Age: 14
Wins/Games Played/Ratio: 151/560 - 0.26 ratio.
How long have you been in #Exodus: 2 weeks.
Part 2:
The questions above is basic information that staff need to know. The second part consists of writing a Detailed paragraph stating why you want to join the staff. Keep in mind that, to be a staff member for this clan, you must have been a member for 3-5 weeks. This way we can get to know you guys. In your paragraph, make sure to answer the following questions (detailed).
Question 1: In what ways have you helped this clan out?: I have participated in almost every clan battle, and most of those were wins. I am always active on TS, and I get to know the newcomers. I've done a couple clutch situations in battles that resulted in wins, and I feel that I have been in this clan long enough to be a great officer. I am very "educated" with clans and I know how to handle situations that an officer would need to handle.
Question 2: Do you believe that you qualify for a staff member?: I am very "educated" with clans and I know how to handle situations that an officer would need to handle. I know how to make right decisions, and you can trust me with the privilege of being an officer. I know how to work TeamSpeak comfortably, and I know when someone is not being active and/or breaking clan rules. I can be more active on the thread pages, welcoming players when they get accepted, and answering questions people may have. I feel I am well known in the clan, therefore if people have a problem, they can talk to me and feel comfortable. Again, I am very active with the clan, so I can be there when people have problems or requests.
Question 3: In what ways would your presence benefit us, give examples: Well, I am always on the TS, when it is up, so there would always be someone in authority there to help. I feel that people are not afraid to talk to me, so that wouldn't be an issue. I like to make people feel welcome, therefore I would welcome the newcomers, and help them with whatever they may need. I am experienced with setting ranks on TS/and all of the functions. I feel having me as an officer would be very beneficial to the clan.
Question 4: How would you describe this clan?: Ever since I joined, not once have I had a problem. Everyone has been so nice and welcoming, and it really is a great system we have. I feel that if I were in a position of more authority, I could make people feel more welcome to stay longer. I feel this clan is only beginning, and I would love to be in the officer position to watch it strive. Already, the clan has improved so much, and it's only going to get better. The clan has a great set up with the TeamSpeak, and Skype chat, and it is a very organized clan. This clan, is like no other I've been in before.
Question 5: Who is your favourite member in this clan, and why?: I don't have a favourite person. Each person in this clan is unique in their own way. Not one is better than the other. This clan is like a huge family. We all get along, and I don't think I could like one more than the other. Really, this clan has great potential. All the players here are skilled, still developing people. These types of players make for a good clan, as we all learn from each other. Learning from a whole bunch of developing players with a lot of skill, makes for some very good players, and this clan is definitely going to go far.
Your Application is now "Under Review"
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Educating_
Age: 14
Wins/Games Played/Ratio: 151/560 - 0.26 ratio.
How long have you been in #Exodus: 2 weeks.
Part 2:
The questions above is basic information that staff need to know. The second part consists of writing a Detailed paragraph stating why you want to join the staff. Keep in mind that, to be a staff member for this clan, you must have been a member for 3-5 weeks. This way we can get to know you guys. In your paragraph, make sure to answer the following questions (detailed).
Question 1: In what ways have you helped this clan out?: I have participated in almost every clan battle, and most of those were wins. I am always active on TS, and I get to know the newcomers. I've done a couple clutch situations in battles that resulted in wins, and I feel that I have been in this clan long enough to be a great officer. I am very "educated" with clans and I know how to handle situations that an officer would need to handle.
Question 2: Do you believe that you qualify for a staff member?: I am very "educated" with clans and I know how to handle situations that an officer would need to handle. I know how to make right decisions, and you can trust me with the privilege of being an officer. I know how to work TeamSpeak comfortably, and I know when someone is not being active and/or breaking clan rules. I can be more active on the thread pages, welcoming players when they get accepted, and answering questions people may have. I feel I am well known in the clan, therefore if people have a problem, they can talk to me and feel comfortable. Again, I am very active with the clan, so I can be there when people have problems or requests.
Question 3: In what ways would your presence benefit us, give examples: Well, I am always on the TS, when it is up, so there would always be someone in authority there to help. I feel that people are not afraid to talk to me, so that wouldn't be an issue. I like to make people feel welcome, therefore I would welcome the newcomers, and help them with whatever they may need. I am experienced with setting ranks on TS/and all of the functions. I feel having me as an officer would be very beneficial to the clan.
Question 4: How would you describe this clan?: Ever since I joined, not once have I had a problem. Everyone has been so nice and welcoming, and it really is a great system we have. I feel that if I were in a position of more authority, I could make people feel more welcome to stay longer. I feel this clan is only beginning, and I would love to be in the officer position to watch it strive. Already, the clan has improved so much, and it's only going to get better. The clan has a great set up with the TeamSpeak, and Skype chat, and it is a very organized clan. This clan, is like no other I've been in before.
Question 5: Who is your favourite member in this clan, and why?: I don't have a favourite person. Each person in this clan is unique in their own way. Not one is better than the other. This clan is like a huge family. We all get along, and I don't think I could like one more than the other. Really, this clan has great potential. All the players here are skilled, still developing people. These types of players make for a good clan, as we all learn from each other. Learning from a whole bunch of developing players with a lot of skill, makes for some very good players, and this clan is definitely going to go far.
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
Razzamatazle's Application!

Minecraft IGN: Razzamatazle
Age: 14
Wins: 363
Games Played: 3684
Time Zone: Mountain Time Zone
Skype Username: Have it!

Pvp Strengths: Fishing Rod, Quick FnS, Killing teams of 2-3 and Strafing
Pvp Weaknesses: Teams of 3-4+, Hackers and Mendoza510
Rate yourself from 1-10: 7
Why do you want to join?: Becuase this clan seems amazing and looks like it has cool members!
If accepted, will you stayed committed?: Of course!
Previous Clans: #Complexity

Accepted As A Full Member!


Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
Yes, but that won't be possible until I make the application lol.
Plus, to become the leader, you will be tested on many things. So I'll update you guys about the leader
application ;)
Tell me when you make the app


Dec 23, 2013
Reaction score
Also I have a question. Shouldn't the players who are higher authority of officers be the ones responding to officer applications? In mcsg, Sr. Mods respond to Mod applications. Don't you think it should be the same concept here? Just a suggestion :p

EDIT: But to have that concept, we would need more than one Leader ;)
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