IGN: GforcetheWarrior
Skype: gforcethewarrior
Age (Must be 13, Exceptions can be made): 13
Donor (not needed): Platinum
Wins: 176
Games Played: 1335
Microphone? Blue Yeti
Previous Clans: Darkmoon, Horizon, Corrupt, Wanted, #Emmity
PvP Strengths: Sword (I have good ping) Fishing Rod, Bow, and FNS
PvP Weaknesses: None
Do you know anyone from this clan?: Nope ( But hopefully I can get closer to them)
How active are you 1/10: 11
Why should we accept you?: Yes because, I play daily, like 24/7. I won't miss most clan battles, and I will be kind to everyone. I am not sensitive and I will take things as a joke. My stats are bad but, I will show you what i've got if you trial me.