IGN: esweeney10
Age (Must be 13, Exceptions can be made): 13
Donor (not needed): none
Wins: 121
Games Played: 1884 (learned to play at around 1300, so my stats should be 90/500)
Microphone? yes
Previous Clans: stealthytechno (asylum)
PvP Strengths: flint and steel, swords, rod
PvP Weaknesses: bow, Stream teams
Do you know anyone from this clan?: YettiPlays and I watch a lot of the leaders videos and see them on crisp (that chokepoint break doeeeee)
How active are you 1/10: 7/10
Why should we accept you?: I should be accepted into Xenos because MCSG alone is getting a little boring and I would like to apply for a clan that will get me more competitive in MCSG. I am a very competitive player and will contribute a lot to Xenos.