Hello everyone, I am making this thread to express my opinion. I don't want any flame, If there is, I'll get a mod to lock it.
I think there shouldn't be any age limit for moderator.
Why should people be judged on age? Should it not be on how well there application is written and how mature they act? If you would like to have a calm debate about this topic, feel free to post.
If you arecan owner of a server yourself, I th nk you should take this into considerstion.
Simply stated, age comes with experience.
Sure, underage applicants can sometimes be mature. However, I've noticed something with current teen pop culture; they all seem to think that they are mature and can handle any situation. I used to think like this as well, but there are situations you just haven't been in touch with and once it hits you, you'll be on the ground with your legs tied to the earth's core, unwilling and not able to get up. I do realize that some people, mostly 12 or 13, believe they have the maturity/responsibility/leadership skills to become a moderator. But honestly, if they enjoy the idea of being a moderator, they could always make mature and correct reports on players; that's essentially being a mod helper. If that's not good enough for you, and you're just in it for the tag, you should probably walk away because that's a definition of not being ready for the job.
While MCSG doesn't exert the best staff team, I have to say they do give a damn about who is and who isn't getting the job. I completely agree with their judgment on age. Another reason that MCSG could be doing this is because they don't want a bad name for a server. Imagine a well-aged player on the forums, looks through the senior mods, sees one 'Age: 12'. They're obviously going to be put off. They'd be more pleased to find a server full of staff aged 19+. I think anyone would be more comfortable with a well-aged server.
I recognize MCSG has an age exception rule. While this seems great, I find it to be slightly toxic. Some moderators, no names shall be said, should definitely not be moderator, ESPECIALLY not an age exception. Currently, I'm sure that the certain moderators, which no names shall be said again, are going to have strict talking-to's. Honestly, the only good age exception I've seen is
Tironas11, which at that point I'm sure the staff would disagree with me on that.
Anyways my point being, again: Age comes with experience.