First off, I have 3 accounts. So I'll go through them all...
So my first account on minecraft was called "iarcoch", I know it might sound rather inappropriate in English, but I assure I didn't know at that time. So everyone remembers the time when they played Club Penguin, and I had a IGN called iarcoch, now I come from Wales, and In Welsh iarcoch actually stands for "Red Chicken". And my friend loved to play minecraft, and I wanted to play at home, so I bought it on a really bad family laptop.
My second account is called AwesomeCakePvP, now one late night ( I think on a Friday) I was thinking for youtube names, and decided on AwesomeCake, but unfortunately that account was already taken on youtube ;-;. But I liked the name of it, so I had a spare £20, and bought a new minecraft account, called AwesomeCakePvP. The reason I have the word "PvP" in it was firstly I thought It was cool at that time. And secondly AwesomeCake was already taken. So Yea.
My third account is called cosmoshort, now I have nothing to do with this name. But for what I heard it was completely random. A friend of mine, had a friend that quit minecraft, and I mean at that time MCSG was infested with hackers, so I got pretty pissed. So my friend offered my the account. And yea.