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Vote to Bring Hungry Hills Back!

Should Hungry Hills be Brought Back?

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District 13
Oct 6, 2012
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You aren't listening. FOR THE LAST TIME, IT's THE SAME SIZE AS SG1!!!!!!
You are not listening, I know it's the same size but sg1 seems smaller because it is 50% water,the reason people don't like this map is because it seems alot bigger


Aug 10, 2012
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I refuse to let Hungry Hills go! It is an amazing map! Sometimes people forget that the Survival Games is supposed to be time consuming. These people also forget that there is a time limit. Me and the guys who made the map went through months of time and effort to make it. I enjoy playing on the map because it is not a map that makes it so you die really quickly. It is a map that gives everyone a chance to become a victor. Plus, people play Hungry Hills like they play the other Survival Games maps. But in truth, they are not playing it correctly. Hungry Hills was meant to change the way you play the survival games. It shouldn't just be about killing people and possibly winning. If you want that go onto a pvp server. I hate to see this map go and I can't imagine what the Survival Games will turn into without it. Hungry Hills revolutionized the Survival Games, bringing it back to it's original state of survival. The Survival Games is supposed to be about survival. I just hope that the people who hate it realize this. And I hope that they bring this map back to be played and enjoyed by many people.
And yes, I am one of the creators of the map.
i never just played to kill people immediately like sg 4 obviously i killed them later so i would win but i just loved the map for what it looked like as well i embraced it and loved it and if u did make it i am in debt to you


District 13
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
You are not listening, I know it's the same size but sg1 seems smaller because it is 50% water,the reason people don't like this map is because it seems alot bigger
Also, SG1 at least had some cool and interesting landmarks scattered around the map, as well as some simple decoration. (Trees, etc.) Hungry Hills frustrated so many players cause the hills made the gameplay on it, well, frustrating, and it was almost impossible to find another player with 5 or 4 tributes left.

Hungry Hills, like I said in my previous post probably won't be brought back, unless it gets some tweaks. But, OliBear said he's improving the map. Which, when it's done, I'd be more than excited to see. Cause don't get me wrong, that map looked like it took a massive amount of work, I honestly felt bad whenever it got voted and people would go: "AH MAN, NOT HUNGRY HILLS."

I kind of want to switch my vote to something higher now. :p


Dec 29, 2012
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Hungry Hills was bar-none the best map that existed on these servers. CaptainJS, I applaud you for making this thread in hopes to bring it back. In fact, you and Olibear are almost celebrities to me, considering how much I've thought about the work put into the making and preservation of this map. Sadly, the MCSG admin and moderators seemed to agree to rid their servers of Hungry Hills. I cannot understand why. The beauty of the map only exists because of its lack of structures and excess in size. I cannot even begin to count the number of times that I've heard people bag on Hungry Hills in lobbies and before matches played on it. Their hate comes from ignorance and laziness. People no longer understand what MCSG is truly about: SURVIVAL. As Olibear said in his previous posts, members are no longer willing to explore, to find new things.
Although the main objective of the games is to win, they still forget that there is more to playing than winning. Hungry Hills idealized everything about MCSG that many of the newer and smaller maps have drifted away from. KILLING is not the objective, or at least it shouldn't be. You should, above all things, have fun.
I will admit, Hungry Hills was not for the faint of heart. It took a bit of skill to actually be able to win. Now, the losers would always take their frustrations out on the fans of the map. "There should be more chests!" "Why is it so damn big?" You know why it's so big? Because the map was less of a map, and more of an, experience. There are plenty of chests, you just have to LOOK for them. I find the laziness bothersome.
If you've made it this far into the rant, I congratulate you. You put up with me for this long. Thank you for taking your time to read this, especially if you're Olibear or CaptainJS. I greatly support your cause.

Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
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Oops, I accidently voted for 2, meant to vote for 1. I saw no reason to remove this map; sure it wasn't my favorite, but there are MANY other maps I would have wanted to see go over this. The two newest ones, for example, should not be here. #BringBackHungryHills2013

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
Oops, I accidently voted for 2, meant to vote for 1. I saw no reason to remove this map; sure it wasn't my favorite, but there are MANY other maps I would have wanted to see go over this. The two newest ones, for example, should not be here. #BringBackHungryHills2013
#BringBackHungryHills2013! SPAM IT ON THE GAMES!!!!:p


Feb 24, 2013
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I love hungry hills and even if maps are hated, the more maps on these servers, the better! :D Even bring the disliked ones back because they do get played sometimes!

Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
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Now, I do want Hungry Hills back, but I think it needs to see some changes first. It needs more chests, obviously, and definitely a few more landmarks to help you find your way around. And, if it is back, I think because of its massive size, it should be used for 48-player servers. Which of course would even more so warrant the need for more chests.

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