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US Clan League


Dec 13, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: BlueCaptainMC
Age: 15
Wins: 500+
Games Played: 2000+
Activity on scale from 1-10: 7.5
Maturity on scale from 1-10: 10 whenever the matter is serious.
Past Experiences In Events: US Clan Leaderboards
Past Clans: Forsaken, Eternity, Salvation, React
Why do you deserve to be a Team Captain over everyone else [Min. 4 Sentences]: I don't deserve to be a TeamCaptain over everyone else, but I think it would be a fun thing to try.


May 6, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Revolosity/Trixterzz
Age: 14
Wins: about 750 with all accounts
Games Played: A million due to scrims ( 5000 )
Activity on scale from 1-10 - 7
Maturity on scale from 1-10 8
Past Experiences In Events: None :/ but a lot of 1v1 tourneys (Was an MCSG mod)
Past Clans: Trama [Member], Excessive [Member], Divine [Leader], Apollo [Member], Triology [Member], Oblivion [Member]
Im sorry to inform you that your application is denied for lack of the use of the proper applicant template.


May 6, 2014
Reaction score
Team Captain Applications:
Minecraft IGN: SportsFan2565
Age: 15
Wins: 2057
Games Played: 6000
Activity on scale from 1-10: 7
Maturity on scale from 1-10: 10
Past Experiences In Events: Clan Wars
Past Clans: ParadoxV1, Rebels, Rivals
Why do you deserve to be a Team Captain over everyone else [Min. 4 Sentences]: Lakers is life. Hound is love. Hound is life. and Lakers is life.

ps: sr. ref pls
Team Captain Applications:
Minecraft IGN: ChrisComedies
Age: 15
Wins: 1000+ all accounts combined
Games Played: 4000+
Activity on scale from 1-10 9/10
Maturity on scale from 1-10 I can be as immature or as mature as I choose to based on the situation. For this question I cant simply rate myself from 1-10.
Past Experiences In Events: wot? If you are talking about clans I have been in the competitive clan community since August 2013.
Past Clans: Rebels, Titans, Current Clan: Trivium
Why do you deserve to be a Team Captain over everyone else [Min. 4 Sentences]: My overall experience as a player in the clan community is an asset when leading. Ive been here in clans longer than a lot of players have been here in total. With my experience here in MCSG I know the calls to make and when to make them. Having that ability will make any team lead by me thrive. Overall, the event seems like a fun one, Im a huge sports fan, especially NFL and this even seems exactly like fantasy football. Im excited to see what the future of this event holds.
Minecraft IGN: BlueCaptainMC
Age: 15
Wins: 500+
Games Played: 2000+
Activity on scale from 1-10: 7.5
Maturity on scale from 1-10: 10 whenever the matter is serious.
Past Experiences In Events: US Clan Leaderboards
Past Clans: Forsaken, Eternity, Salvation, React
Why do you deserve to be a Team Captain over everyone else [Min. 4 Sentences]: I don't deserve to be a TeamCaptain over everyone else, but I think it would be a fun thing to try.
All Accepted as well as ShabbyShark. Thanks for applying.

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