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US Clan League


May 10, 2013
Reaction score
Team Captain Applications:
Minecraft IGN: SportsFan2565
Age: 15
Wins: 2057
Games Played: 6000
Activity on scale from 1-10: 7
Maturity on scale from 1-10: 10
Past Experiences In Events: Clan Wars
Past Clans: ParadoxV1, Rebels, Rivals
Why do you deserve to be a Team Captain over everyone else [Min. 4 Sentences]: Lakers is life. Hound is love. Hound is life. and Lakers is life.

ps: sr. ref pls


May 6, 2014
Reaction score
Applications: [Open]
Regular Player Applications:
Minecraft IGN:Nanos14
Amount of Wins:387
Amount of Games Played:3390
Activity on scale from 1-10 8
Maturity on scale from 1-10 8.6
Reason you would like to join the US Clan League [Min. 2 sentences]:This looks like a really fun thing to do with my spare time.And I like cake so that helps out a lot.
Regular Player Application:
Minecraft IGN: Hsnapn
Age: 16
Amount of Wins: 640
Amount of Games Played: 3400
Activity on scale from 1-10: 8
Maturity on scale from 1-10: 8
Reason you would like to join the US Clan League [Min. 2 sentences]: This is a cool alternative to US Clan Leaderboards and seems like a lot of fun. I want to be a part of this because it'd be a good way to talk with different players. :D
Ref Application:
Minecraft IGN: Hsnapn
Age: 16
Wins: 640
Games Played: 3400
Activity on a Scale from 1-10: 8
Maturity on a scale from 1-10: 8
Past Experiences with Being Staff In An Event: Hosted tournaments, however, server host or staff would back out. :(
Past Clans: Elated, TheHidden, ArtOfPvP, Vitality, Trama, Benediction, ArtOfPvP, Synergy
Why do you deserve to be Event Staff over other's [Min. 6 Sentences]: I really like to be involved with things like this so i can assure you i will be active. I think that a ref of this will need that trait because battles will be happening all the time with 16 teams. I'll be able to communicate with other squads. I'm also a fan of hearing both sides of the story incase a DQ or problem comes up regarding a battle. Lastly, I'd like this US Clan League thing to go far and have good people as staff. Thanks :) *Can you be staff and normal player?*
Accepted: You Will Be added to the draft pool.
Staff application is denied because we are handing pick staff sorry.


May 6, 2014
Reaction score
Applications: [Open]
Regular Player Applications:
Minecraft IGN: FriscoBridge
Age: 13
Amount of Wins: 500 [With alts]
Amount of Games Played: 4000
Activity on scale from 1-10 : 7 - 8 very active
Maturity on scale from 1-10 I can be mature during cbs 7
Reason you would like to join the US Clan League [Min. 2 sentences] I want to join the Us Clan League because I think this is a really good idea. I also want to join because its a great chance to get involved in the community while doing something I love [Clans].​
Applications: [Open]
Regular Player Applications:
Minecraft IGN: TheDream_Dude
Age: 13
Amount of Wins: 900+
Amount of Games Played:5000+
Activity on scale from 1-10:9
Maturity on scale from 1-10:08
Reason you would like to join the US Clan League [Min. 2 sentences]: Tey told me to
Minecraft IGN:XiFinateSnipeZ
Amount of Wins:200
Amount of Games Played:1400
Activity on scale from 1-10 Ten
Maturity on scale from 1-10 Eight
Reason you would like to join the US Clan League [Min. 2 sentences]: I have lots of expericnce in the game so I think I will make this leauge very intresting experience for me and onther players.I am good on the field and off and very diciplined when told what to do!
Accepted: You Will be Added to the Draft Pool


Sep 3, 2014
Reaction score
Applications: [Open]
Team Captain Applications:
Minecraft IGN: FierceShadowMC/Eluq
Age: 13, 4 months away from 14.
Wins: 261
Games Played: 502
Activity on scale from 1-10: 10
Maturity on scale from 1-10: 8.5
Past Experiences In Events: I play as an above average pvper.
Past Clans: Rivals (many more but this is the one with all the memories ;)
Why do you deserve to be a Team Captain over everyone else [Min. 4 Sentences]: I am an above average PvPer. I know how to pvp and know call outs many call outs. I play very smart (as you can see in my ratio) and defensive. I know many routes and alot of maps on MCSG. I feel that I can or try to start leading or atleast giving it a try. I think I can be a great captain just with experience and practice. Hopefully this can give me that. I know the Sr.Admin and Admin of this thread.

Thank you,
Eluq or Dan


May 6, 2014
Reaction score
Applications: [Open]
Team Captain Applications:
Minecraft IGN: FierceShadowMC/Eluq
Age: 13, 4 months away from 14.
Wins: 261
Games Played: 502
Activity on scale from 1-10: 10
Maturity on scale from 1-10: 8.5
Past Experiences In Events: I play as an above average pvper.
Past Clans: Rivals (many more but this is the one with all the memories ;)
Why do you deserve to be a Team Captain over everyone else [Min. 4 Sentences]: I am an above average PvPer. I know how to pvp and know call outs many call outs. I play very smart (as you can see in my ratio) and defensive. I know many routes and alot of maps on MCSG. I feel that I can or try to start leading or atleast giving it a try. I think I can be a great captain just with experience and practice. Hopefully this can give me that. I know the Sr.Admin and Admin of this thread.

Thank you,
Eluq or Dan
Captian plz
Team Captain Applications:
Minecraft IGN: Jccandfriends
Wins:combined 700+
Games Played:3000
Activity on scale from 1-10 8
Maturity on scale from 1-10 9
Past Experiences In Events: CoHost of clan wars (techaton), Winner of 2v2 tournament.
Past Clans: Rebels (leader)
Why do you deserve to be a Team Captain over everyone else [Min. 4 Sentences]:First off i want to say that this looks like an awesome idea. I want to be captain because i think that my past and present experience of leading a clan not just in battles but keeping it running and trying to keep things in order and players happy, could help a lot in this event. With my experience i can take a group of people who may have never played together and build up chemistry and friendship between players. This is also a great opportunity to meet other people and make the community more closely knit. Not only will i try to build chemistry with my team but i will try to help people individually with pvp or even leading. There is not much more people can learn about pvp but with leading, i can teach people new ways to look at things and new strategies they may not have known. If not captian i would be happy to be a player :).
Both pending, but when lakers gets on your most likely getting accepted.

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