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US Clan Events Introduction


Oct 27, 2013
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State of Clans

Ever since last year, players have began to say "The Clan Community is not what it once was", my response to this is Who's fault is that? In reality, it can't really be blamed on one person, because it is everyone's fault. My opinion on the matter is its your fault. Remember those thoughts of making a clan? I think the biggest thing wrong with the community is no one is stepping up to make Clans great again, to be active and aspire to be the best.

Who are the top Clans right now? Legacy, Rebels and eventually Destiny. Legacy is a Clan that has it's ups and downs, but more recently it thought about potentially disbanding, if it would have disbanded I would hate to know the future of Clans. Rebels right now are at their weakest point in a while, but eventually they will rebuild themselves up. Destiny, they are new nothing much can be said.

Then Who? Forsaken? Redemption? That Reband of Synergy? Crimson? Valor?

Those Clans we are so use to seeing are gone: Forgotten, Rivals, Eternity, Prodigious/Triton, Sovereign/Vanguard, Protocol, and Elevate.

Skipping recently said "There is no point in joining Clan Wars, if we are just going to win". The statement reminds of Forgotten just getting sick of having no competition.

Where is there to go from there?

The Story
Really it is up for the Players to Decide from there.

This is project that has been brewing for just over a month, now. The idea was a originally shut down, but last night I decided to bring it back. The idea was originally conceived when I asked Lakers, if I could take up USCL as my own event. Eventually, we came up with a new Idea to merge USCL, USCLB, and Clan Wars to work together. A month ago, Lakers, Zeno, Exo and I decided we wanted to jump start Clans and get them back to where they once were. During these meetings, many things were thrown around like the Idea of Elo for Leaderboards, Donations for Clan Wars, and remaking USCL.

Exodus and Zeno decided it didn't make since for them and their Event USCLB. Well, the Idea then fell apart without the support of one the main events of the Clan Community. Yesterday, I released UHC Wars and I can genuinely say there is hype for the event. USCL had recently started back up this past week, and I felt like Lakers and I were doing alot of unnecessary work especially since we had Refs then I realized all but two Referees were CW Staff then I asked Lakers if we could just have CW be USCL staff.

It got me thinking we should bring back this Idea. The idea of giving a reason for Players and Clans to be active in the community and on MCG.

What is Going to happen?

We form US Clan Events.
Well, Lakers is getting Demoted :p to an Administrator, he will remain in charge of USCL and will still Maintain full control with I. US Clan League will continue on for the time Being.

BogenHD will be Promoted to Administrator to help host UHC Wars as we begin to take on a new Event.

Clan Wars, I haven't decided if I would like to appoint a specific player to be in charge or if I continue to be the sole Leader. KingTut and Zeno will be demoted for the time being. Clan Wars has been officially been pushed back into March, so for the time being the Thread will be locked and will be opened back up sometime next month.

The Sr. Staff rank will be reserved for people who we feel are best at helping the Administrator of that Event.

What are the Goals?
- Make Clans Enjoyable Again
- Have USCLB join us on our Endevor, eventually
- Build a Relationship with the MCGamer Staff
- Have more Clans created
- Eventually have Youtube/Twitch Channel for US Clan Events where all content can Go.

Thanks for your time,

Ryan Owner of US Clan Events
Great idea!


Dec 7, 2014
Reaction score
Calling u by ur main account in which ur banned? Yeah i would love to see u get staff bud
Banned? multiwolf isnt banned XD. +That isnt my account. Im getting staff if you keep this "argument" on.


District 13
Dec 27, 2012
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With the recent close of US Clan League, US Clan Events is being reformed to have fits the needs/purpose in this community and along to help Events. Clan Wars and UHC Wars, however, will continued to be scheduled for their current dates.

If you have any Suggestions or Insight on what you like to see us Accomplish, do or operate please contact or PM me.

- Thanks Ryan



Dec 10, 2014
Reaction score
With the recent close of US Clan League, US Clan Events is being reformed to have fits the needs/purpose in this community and along to help Events. Clan Wars and UHC Wars, however, will continued to be scheduled for their current dates.

If you have any Suggestions or Insight on what you like to see us Accomplish, do or operate please contact or PM me.

- Thanks Ryan


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