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Transfer [US] CLOSED

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Oct 11, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: sam_ryan12

What Shall We Call You: Master or Sam What ever you prefer

Age: 12

Skype Name: samdoesyt

Donor: Diamond

Pvp Strengths: fns, rod, bow spam, 2 teams, sword

Pvp Weakness: 3 Teams, Hackers , Looting Speed

Any Expirience: yes I have been in multiple clans But I am looking for something better

Why Do I want to join: I have been looking for a more professional clan and I came across you guys so thats how I ended up here you look like a very good clan and I would like to help make you better.

W/L 19/45 (I play a lot may be different by the time you look at this!)
No, just no


Mar 3, 2014
Reaction score
1. In Game Name: Eclisspur
2. What Shall we call you: Cam
3. Age: 14
4. Skype-Name: cameronr.mclean
5. Do you have Premium? If so, what kind? : I am a platinum donor.
6. PvP-strengths (Be detailed): My strenghts in pvp are, first, the fishing rod. I can use it defensively and/or offensively, depending on the situation. I use it to my advantage to get the first hit going into battle, boosting someone into a wall or to make them take fall damage, or even hitting them away so I can escape if needed. I find it my priority to have (swords of course is #1!) because for a player like myself, if I have a fishing rod or not can turn the tide of the battle towards my favor. I also have good skill with a sword, knowing how to strafe, block at right times, and I can click relatively fast. I am not amazing with the flint and steel, but I can definitely use it well while I am in PVP and will use it to my advantage giving me the upper hand against teams, over stacked players, anytime to boost my odds of defeating my opponent.
7. PvP-weaknesses (Be detailed): I am not the greatest with using the bow. It is my weakness, I can anticipate at a close range how to hit someone but at long range I have difficulties hitting my target.
8. Do you have any previous Clan-experiences?: Yes, I have been in clans for around 8 months now and I have been a Leader, Elite, Co-Owner, and Owner of clans. I have lots of experience playing with and against clans.
9. Why do you want to join Transfer?: I want to join Transfer because I would like to join a very active, full society that I can come on and play clan battles with, or even just hopping on and playing some games and making friends. I love clan battles and as soon as I saw this clan for myself, I have wanted to apply for some time being and here I am, joining what looks to be a great clan that I see a big future for. I also have various friends from previous clans who I play very well with who have just joined your community!
10. W/L: 150/651 (AKA a 1/4.34 ratio)

I hope I am accepted into your clan and am looking forward to the future!


Nov 16, 2014
Reaction score
1. In Game Name: MrProoFy, ImGravityYT, RedFrostYT
2. What Shall we call you: Anything would be fine. Anything that you are comfortable calling me
3. Age: 14
4. Skype-Name: privateproofy
5. Do you have Premium? If so, what kind? : I have a diamond donor on MrProoFy
6. PvP-strengths (Be detailed): I can jitter click (250 clicks in 10 seconds). I am really pretty good ( in my opinion ) with the fishing rod, I can land the fishing rod hit wether if it is boosting a teammate or if it is for combos. Flint and steel I am also good at landing the first try fns, that gives me the advantage and then I just rush them while they are on fire. Bow and sword, I can take out teams with the bow and sword because I like to split them up with the bow and quickly take one out while they are split up.
7. PvP-weaknesses (Be detailed): I am quite bad with the bow when I shoot close Ill have some idea on where to shoot but when I shoot farther shots Im most likely to miss but I sometimes make it depends on the environment etc. I am very apathetic when I get hit with an fns. I feel like I can still kill the person even if they are more stacked and sometimes I do, but other times I also get to aggressive. I am not they best when it comes to dodging arrows wether if it is long range or if it is short. Sometimes my dodging is to obvious and they end up learning what I do
8. Do you have any previous Clan-experiences?: My last clan was #Potent, we were on the US leaderboards and a few people from this clan used to be in the old clan I was in. Im good friends with Cam,Cole, and Instant. I have been leaders of many clans and have had a lot of experience with clan battles.
9. Why do you want to join Transfer?: I feel like I can experience more strats for Clan Battles, Scrims, and just regular games and also hope into clan battles if you ever need an extra member, I am very active. I can show generosity to this clan and maybe some tips. I can help with clan battles scrims/practice and or other things. If you ever need graphics wether Im in the clan or not just contact me I'm pretty good if I do say so myself.
10. W/L: I have many accounts and I am better than the stats I have now. I played on these accounts not caring about the stats until I wanted to get good stats because even if I have decent stats I want you guys to actually see my in action =]. I am trying for stats on RedFrostYT, I can also Jitter Click ( 250 Clicks in 10 seconds )
Last edited:


Dec 14, 2014
Reaction score
1. In Game Name: MrProoFy, ImGravityYT, RedFrostYT
2. What Shall we call you: Anything would be fine. Anything that you are comfortable calling me
3. Age: 14
4. Skype-Name: privateproofy
5. Do you have Premium? If so, what kind? : I have a diamond donor on MrProoFy
6. PvP-strengths (Be detailed): I can jitter click (250 clicks in 10 seconds). I am really pretty good ( in my opinion ) with the fishing rod, I can land the fishing rod hit wether if it is boosting a teammate or if it is for combos. Flint and steel I am also good at landing the first try fns, that gives me the advantage and then I just rush them while they are on fire. Bow and sword, I can take out teams with the bow and sword because I like to split them up with the bow and quickly take one out while they are split up.
7. PvP-weaknesses (Be detailed): I am quite bad with the bow when I shoot close Ill have some idea on where to shoot but when I shoot farther shots Im most likely to miss but I sometimes make it depends on the environment etc. I am very apathetic when I get hit with an fns. I feel like I can still kill the person even if they are more stacked and sometimes I do, but other times I also get to aggressive. I am not they best when it comes to dodging arrows wether if it is long range or if it is short. Sometimes my dodging is to obvious and they end up learning what I do
8. Do you have any previous Clan-experiences?: My last clan was #Potent, we were on the US leaderboards and a few people from this clan used to be in the old clan I was in. Im good friends with Cam,Cole, and Instant. I have been leaders of many clans and have had a lot of experience with clan battles.
9. Why do you want to join Transfer?: I feel like I can experience more strats for Clan Battles, Scrims, and just regular games and also hope into clan battles if you ever need an extra member, I am very active. I can show generosity to this clan and maybe some tips. I can help with clan battles scrims/practice and or other things. If you ever need graphics wether Im in the clan or not just contact me I'm pretty good if I do say so myself.
10. W/L: I have many accounts and I am better than the stats I have now. I played on these accounts not caring about the stats until I wanted to get good stats because even if I have decent stats I want you guys to actually see my in action =]. I am trying for stats on RedFrostYT, I can also Jitter Click ( 250 Clicks in 10 seconds )
250 in 10 lol fuNny jOke ur macros must be R godly


Oct 4, 2014
Reaction score
1. In Game Name: Rmarchand
2. What Shall we call you: Ryan
3. Age: 13
4. Skype-Name: nopopit
5. Do you have Premium? If so, what kind? None :(
6. PvP-strengths (Be detailed): Sword, FnS, BOW ask Asian_Ninjaz about my bow, he knows!! xD Fishing Rod most of the time
7. PvP-weaknesses (Be detailed): Hackers, Fishing Rod Spammers, BiboyQG, etc
8. Do you have any previous Clan-experiences?: Yes, I was in Vividus, VividusV2, that is all. 0_0 Ik, not alot. <3
9. Why do you want to join Transfer?: I want to join Transfer because I see how you guys play, and I would like a clan that has a fun and good environment to play a really fun game with some really good friends. I also know alot of your guys/girls in your clan so I would feel like I am not an outsider. This clan, overall, is a clan that I think would have a great community for me.
10. W/L: 390/2634
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