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Transfer [US] CLOSED

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Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
1. In Game Name: DivuxHD
2. What Shall we call you: idc
3. Age: 14
4. Skype-Name: divuxhd
5. Do you have Premium? If so, what kind? : diamond
6. PvP-strengths (Be detailed): sword, rod
7. PvP-weaknesses (Be detailed): bow
8. Do you have any previous Clan-experiences?:invincble
9. Why do you want to join Transfer?: Well I want to start off sorry, me knowing me, I just find myself, thinks Im higher, I learned that I'm A huge Feminine Hygene Product, I don't really deserve a second chance for all the things I have done. I'm not a good, or nice person, I decided that If I am given a second chance I will delete my booter. I will be done with d dosing, I will probs just give it off the someone that wants it. I cant find any other, clan that I like, Im sorry to dex, and storm, mag, all them. mostly dex Dex I'm so sorry I make bad mistakes I just take things to the level it show not be. I ddos for no reason, I'm very sorry, I would love a second chance Thanks Chase I understand If you don't want me back in the clan. Its my fault, I'm so sorry. Sorry to eveyone, its my fault have a good day. - Divux.
10. W/L: .17
If what you are saying is true, and along with the other leaders agree it is, we accept you back into the clan. Accepted as member :)


Nov 9, 2013
Reaction score
1. In Game Name: Sir_Pie_Guy
2. What Shall we call you: Pie
3. Age: 14
4. Skype-Name: it's private. ill let you know if I get in
5. Do you have Premium? If so, what kind? : nope
6. PvP-strengths (Be detailed): Bow
7. PvP-weaknesses (Be detailed): arabs
8. Do you have any previous Clan-experiences?: yes #Serenity #Synergy
9. Why do you want to join Transfer?: I haven't been in a clan in awhile and I feel like joining one. Also I know a few people in here


Dec 12, 2014
Reaction score
1. In Game Name: sik_longboarder
2. What Shall we call you: Sik
3. Age: 14
4. Skype-Name: sik_longboarder
5. Do you have Premium? If so, what kind? : Yes i do, Donor Platinum
6. PvP-strengths (Be detailed):I'm good with the rod, bow, and flint and steel
7. PvP-weaknesses (Be detailed): It Is Hard for most players to take down teams! Like me ;) like team 3+
8. Do you have any previous Clan-experiences?: Yes i do i've been in over 5+ clans!
9. Why do you want to join Transfer?: Because some of my olds friends are in it also it is a pretty good clan! One of the best in my opinion
10. W/L: I have 359 wins and 4006 games played! I reset my stats, but i don't know why!


Oct 18, 2014
Reaction score
1. In Game Name: 4oz_
2. What Shall we call you: 40z / ozy / Quinn
3. Age: 12
4. Skype-Name: TotallyNotRasburry
5. Do you have Premium? If so, what kind? : N/A
6. PvP-strengths (Be detailed): Fishing Rod (Combos, Defencive, etc.) Sword (Mastered Sword PVP) Teams (When I tryhard I'm known to simultaneously take out 2 teams)
7. PvP-weaknesses (Be detailed): Water Battles (I give up to quick) Teams over 4 (No one can take on that big a team)
8. Do you have any previous Clan-experiences?: Yes
9. Why do you want to join Transfer?: I wish I had never left Transfer. Transfer was one of the best experiences in all my days of SG, right up next to recording with 8oz. Each and every one of the players are talented, funny, and the best people on the face of the internet. I'd kill for one last chance, though I doubt it will happen. Anyways, it's worth a try c:
10. W/L: 92/699
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