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Top clan Season 2


May 29, 2014
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hey were looking for a banner if neone would like to make the official banner for Top Clan Season 2 u can dm me... In the banner Id like both shanrrbananrr (me obvi) and Joshuaplays with the map turbulence in the background colors preferably red and red ish but whatever u think looks nice...ill give u credit in the description


May 23, 2013
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1. Name of clan. #Ares

2. Number of Players in clan. 9

3.Does your clan like lemonade? Ya!

4.Do you agree to the rules? Yes


Oct 3, 2013
Reaction score
1. IGN. qxerft
2.Past Clans. Organizations, Infernal ;p, spiritus, Forsaken, inferno now. A few other I don't remember
3.Moderating Experience if any. I was a mod on lovepvp and a few other servers no one has heard about
4.Do you know either of the hosts? i talked to Shan and Joshua a few times in game when I was playing in Top Clan season 1
5.How could you make Top Clan Season 2 a better environment for the players? I would try to help all players who need it and stop any and all flame from occurring in a mature fashion


Oct 17, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: My Minecraft IGN is EpicPotato773.

Past Clans: The Clans that I have been in are: Paradox, #Chop, #Complexity, Extinct, Purge, Revolution, and The Tigers.

Moderating Experience if any: I have many years of Moderating experience including: hosting 3 successful Minecraft Faction Servers, having Moderator in the previous season of Top Clan, Moderator on 5 or more different servers, and Admin on 3 servers.

Do you know either of the hosts: Yes I know both shanrrbananrr and JoshuaPlays.

How could you make Top Clan Season 2 a better environment for the players: I could make the Top Clan Season 2 a better environment for players in many ways. The First being that I am a non-byes person which means that I don't pick sides. I would pick the Clan that has won Fair and Square. The Second reason on how I can make Top Clan Season 2 a better environment for players is that I am very fair when it comes to decision making. The Third reason on why I should be a Moderator in Top Clan Season 2 is that I am very alert when it comes to players playing in these sort of events, you may never know when a Clan sneaks a hacker in to benefeit themselves which I would be able to prevent along with some help from the other Staff Members. The Third reason is that I have a lot of experience as a Moderator as I have informed you about in Question 3.
The Final reason on how I could make Top Clan Season 2 a better environment for players is that I am a very nice/friendly person.


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
1. IGN. Giggity69Goo
2.Past Clans. I have been in Aviate v2, Forsaken (trial, left after a bit), Chrome, Draconis (Owner), Project Chrome (Leader)
3.Moderating Experience if any. I currently am a mod for the Red Forest build team. They have a server coming out soon that I will moderate on, but for now I help with organizational problems and things on the forums. For example, if someone were to post their builder application on the MCSG Forums, I would direct them to post it on the Red Forest forums in the applications section. Additionally I am a moderator for the CoveMC which is a EU based PvP server that is currently going under hibernation and to make a big comeback soon. There, I usually deal with spammers, hackers, etc.
4.Do you know either of the hosts? Sadly, not very much. Although I have talked to Shan and Joshua briefly before.
5.How could you make Top Clan Season 2 a better environment for the players? I would enforce all rules in the server whenever I am on it. Additionally I have a keen eye for hackers, so if I ever see anybody hacking I'll take my recording software and record them. Overall, I'm trying to say that I would be great at dealing with rule-breakers no matter what the rules are.


May 29, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: My Minecraft IGN is EpicPotato773.

Past Clans: The Clans that I have been in are: Paradox, #Chop, #Complexity, Extinct, Purge, Revolution, and The Tigers.

Moderating Experience if any: I have many years of Moderating experience including: hosting 3 successful Minecraft Faction Servers, having Moderator in the previous season of Top Clan, Moderator on 5 or more different servers, and Admin on 3 servers.

Do you know either of the hosts: Yes I know both shanrrbananrr and JoshuaPlays.

How could you make Top Clan Season 2 a better environment for the players: I could make the Top Clan Season 2 a better environment for players in many ways. The First being that I am a non-byes person which means that I don't pick sides. I would pick the Clan that has won Fair and Square. The Second reason on how I can make Top Clan Season 2 a better environment for players is that I am very fair when it comes to decision making. The Third reason on why I should be a Moderator in Top Clan Season 2 is that I am very alert when it comes to players playing in these sort of events, you may never know when a Clan sneaks a hacker in to benefeit themselves which I would be able to prevent along with some help from the other Staff Members. The Third reason is that I have a lot of experience as a Moderator as I have informed you about in Question 3.
The Final reason on how I could make Top Clan Season 2 a better environment for players is that I am a very nice/friendly person.
will u be more active this tournament?


District 13
Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
will u be more active this tournament?
Shan, when I got banned for hacking I was sorry, I didn't mean to ruin anybody's gameplay but I was in a servers that ripped-off MCSG and I hacked on there and I forgot so when I went on your server they were on, and it was fun to use them, but it was just my friends on, so i though they didn't care and then they cared and I turned them off, can I have a shot at moderator is season 3 please? I don't hack, but I wanted to ruin a server that ripped off MCSG, I am so sorry :/. At least forgive me! <3

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