Took another break from the thread, work to be resumed.
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http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/1543833/mamiacraft24/ Enjoy!IGN : Mamiamacraft24
Details : ( I only make Human skins! ( Maybe pokemons ) Do not request a robot/witch/anything like that ) : It would be great if you could maybe add some detail to my skin, and also add one of those thingys that you put in your pocket and hold up to your eye to see, and a classy hat too. Just make it more classy. That'd be great. Thank you
http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/1543857/nohatejustmine/ Enjoy!IGN: NoHateJustMine
Details: Kid In a Light blue jacket With Headphones. Shaded Please?
I said jacket but thats great, thanks!
http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/1543885/mp5xz/ Enjoy!IGN : Mp5xz
Details : ( I only make Human skins! ( Maybe pokemons ) Do not request a robot/witch/anything like that ) : Could you make a skin with a hood on (gray sweatshirt), that's what I wear to school everyday.. o_o
or could you just put some shading on my skin that I have on now?
Thanks dude! Could you find the skin I have on now (Anonymous) and add shading on it? o:
http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/1543934/goforgoldcroz/ Enjoy!IGN : GOFORGOLDCROZ
Details : ( I only make Human skins! ( Maybe pokemons ) Do not request a robot/witch/anything like that ) : Hair = dirty blonde with a cow lick on the right side. Skin = white with a bit of tanness (bluey green eyes). Shirt = Dark red with a gold G on the back. Pants = Just semi dark blue jeans c;. Shoes = Red nikes!
Of Course!Thanks dude! Could you find the skin I have on now (Anonymous) and add shading on it? o:
http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/1546690/mp5xz/ Enjoy!Thanks dude! Could you find the skin I have on now (Anonymous) and add shading on it? o: