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The Rebels (US Clan)

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Sep 3, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: Burtry (Used to be Burtry then Zayngoose now Burtry again)
Wins: 207 on Burtry and 38 on Zayngoose (I know I'm about 5 wins under but an acception maybe? <3)
Got Skype/TS: Got 'em both
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) BurtryBirch
Got a mic: Yeppers
Timezone: PST
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: A lot.
PvP Strengths: Bow/sword kind of but my fps suck now so it's harder.
PvP Weaknesses: Maxypie
Past Clans (If any) Rebels and Kewl Kidz Klan
You cool?:I'm cool as ice, fairly nice, and ain't about the hacking life.
Credentials: http://gyazo.com/af521f1441032632a1f43a629360c516
Best puppy picture:



Jul 25, 2013
Reaction score


Got Skype/TS: both

Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) bigmagnum1998

Got a mic: yes

Timezone: UTC/GMT +10 hours

How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: plenty of times, with bran, max,mayra

PvP Strengths: good a sword battle

PvP Weaknesses:uses fns too much

Past Clans (If any:)none

You cool?:yes!!!

Best puppy picture:



Dec 21, 2012
Reaction score
Since a lot of crap just happened, I would like to just say a few things, since I really haven't had the chance:

Maxypie - You're doing a great job at leader, almost any other clan would disband if something like this happened, but you're just pushing on through <3

Cscoop - I am extremely sad that you left, and honestly think you had the Co-Leader spot within reach! You were one of my best buddies in rebels, and the reason I joined!(Invited me to craft-tub, then I hung out with more rebels, and then ended up applying!)

Turnip - You were possibly the best officer, but the fact you couldn't talk held you back from your true potential! D: Will miss you so much <3


Nov 28, 2012
Reaction score
Well, a lot of you probably saw this coming. I've been thinking about is a while, but it's finally time. After about 9 months in this clan, I am leaving the Rebels. I simply find myself not enjoying MCSG and a lot of the stuff we do as a clan anymore (scrimmages being the most common), which is why I find myself not hanging out with you guys as often. You all have a ton of fun with scrimmages and I don't want to be that one guy always complaining about them and holding you all back. These last 9 months have been a heck of a ride with a ton of fun memories. I never want to leave this family, although I may be leaving the roster. I'll still be on Skype and TS.

Now time for the thank you's - and I have a ton :p

RyanHolland - Ryan, I never would have been in this amazing clan or gotten officer without you. You are a hilarious guy and a great leader, I specifically remember my interview where you and Crafty argued for basically the whole time, and then had to leave because of a clan battle. I spoke like 3 words and I was expecting to get denied because I never really came on the TS. However, you saw something in me and accepted me. I miss the old days and it's still a ton of fun talking to you nowadays. <3

Branbob83 - Basically since I got officer, we didn't see eye to eye regarding a ton of stuff. As different as our views may be, I have so much respect for you for leading the clan for the past few months despite a really busy IRL schedule, you are hilarious and never failed the cheer me up. Thanks a ton everything you've done for Rebels, and me. I'll be sure to keep losing 1v1s to trees. <3

Maxypie - Max, I'm really sorry, I wish I could be a bigger help to you starting the new era here with you as leader, but I have no doubt you'll do great running this clan. You are basically the nicest person I've met on MCSG. You're a great leader as well. Keep doing what you're doing and I have no doubt Rebels will flourish again. Thanks for being a great friend and someone I could talk to. <3

duckluv321 - Shea, you've been the person I can rant to and speak my mind entirely without worrying about anything. Thanks for being there and helping me with a ton these last few months. Cards Against Humanity is always hilarious, Cookieslap is still the best game ever and we will forever be MCSG Pros. Anyways keep making incredible art and helping the community and the Rebels. Thank you <3

Rexxy - Lexi, you've been the other person I can speak my mind to entirely. Thanks for being there for me. We'll always be the mute officers for life. Good luck, and stay good at PVP (even though I'll 10 heart you on swish all day [not]) <3

Cscoop - Cooper, we hadn't really talked much through my time here until recently. You are one of the funniest people here and your comebacks and XXGOMLs are hilarious. Even though we didn't always see eye to eye, you're a great friend. Wolves < Foxes. <3

Flyer - Gage, you were the closest person in MCSG to me since I was accepted into Rebels until you left. I had a ton of fun talking to you and playing MCSG with you. I'll always beat you at OMGPOP pool though. Foxes < Wolves <3

Zoeticly - Maddy, we were never really that close, but thanks for helping me through my toughest time here and for being someone I could talk to. <3

Gipp - Thanks for being bad at minerware and cookie slap. But seriously, lately you've been the one person I've talked to the most about everything, even though we didn't always agree, thanks for being there. <3

Cupcake - roses r red violets r blue. Eden, you never fail to make me laugh with your poetry, singing, and inability to spell words. Keep singing and making amazing art. <3

piranga - You are one of the nicest person here, your voice is adorable and you're hilarious. You've been one of my closest friends for months now, and now I will no longer have to worry about you asking me to remove your ranks :p <3

CraftyKratonite - Crafty, you are by far the funniest person in this clan. You always put me in a better mood than I was before, stay sexy. <3

Since I don't want to make this insanely long, I'll just tag everyone else who's influenced throughout my time here in some way or another. <3
Fox myruhh7 SpellCaster24 LiningHawk1702 polarisXD Sage | Penguino WertQuadNine Virtual bunnyhunny ScrewYouGumby2 NewieLordArbiter ryanroks594 chipclip Johan1555 Arched10 Yesh (DoodleBob91) resistantcorn12 Torchy michael harmon Denster91 Zado Auroraty|Kristie omega_moon Sixorr Kimberly mikefroot Soul ChrisComedies TheKidz101

To all the current members that I haven't already tagged, best of luck in the future. I'm sorry I never really got to know you guys very well but you are all amazing people. See you guys around <3
Blazerboy123 iancool Apzy shakyy Prosaur MasonBulldog TehSteelFlexer Rhino1928 A13X9 Jccandfriends Wizterfix Keanu267

Stay amazing everyone. <3
Turnipple, ive known you for so long. The first time I joined TS with Kimberly and Johan1555 you were there. I completely respect your decision to leave as long as I can still 10 heart you.


Dec 25, 2012
Reaction score
Turnip I love you sis <3 One of my favorite people in Rebels even tho we didn't talk as much I wanted to. I'm sad to see you leave ._. But ily and I hope you'll be on the Teamspeak.


Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score


Jan 25, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft ID:TommmyW209
Donor:none but i think im getting diamond for life soon
Got Skype/TS:yes
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it)tommy.watson95
Got a mic:yes
Timezone:pacific standard
How often have you teamed with the Leade
rs/Officers:i team with sage often and ive teamed once with coooper

PvP Strengths:Bow Combo locks Fishing rod
PvP Weaknesses:bow spamming
Past Clans (If any)none sadly
You cool?:ye boy
Best puppy picture


May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: Chordicals, slater233, NikoAD(Don't use anymore), And Deathlights
Age: I am currently the age of 16.
Donor: I have both diamond donor on slater23: and my new main Chordicals.
Wins: I have around 800/4000 with all of my alts combined.
Got Skype/TS: Yes, I currently own both Skype and a working Teamspeak 3. I also own my own teamspeak 3 server with 25 slots on it.
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) Yes, my skype name is SlaterTheG
Got a mic: Yes I have a mic. I currently own a pair of Turle Beach p11's. They have some amazing sound quality and a really nice mic. People tell me mic has no background noise at all, so I guess it would fit for this clan :3
Timezone: EST. I know that most of the rebels are PST, but if you guys give me a chance, I will be donating all of my time to The Clan. I can be on around 3-4 hours on the week and 6-unlimited on the weekend. :]
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Well, I use to team some with all of the past officers and leaders, but they left. ;-; But over the next week, I am willing to put allow my time to play with everybody in the clan!
PvP Strengths: Sword PvP, big clan fights, defense, FnS, rod and I also have a lot of experience with clans. I have recently played in a lot of scrmminges and have participated in clan wars 3 and the brand new one by Techaton.
PvP Weaknesses: Bow spamming, Teams of more than 4+, Laggy situations, Hackers in some sort, and I am working on playing more aggressively in clan battles.
Past Clans (If any) Convulsion, Legion
You cool?: Well some people think I'm pretty cool, so I guess I would say that with meeting some of the members, I can become as coo as them. :D (But not as cool as bran)
Best puppy picture:
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