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The Rebels (US Clan)

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Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
This really pains me to do, but it's for the best. Lately, the entire feel of this clan has changed. All people really care about is how good we look in a pvp standpoint. Honestly, that was the downfall of this clan. What we had was special, we where as tight as a family and always had each others backs in every situation, and now we yell at each other and blame each other for stupid thing when we lose a scrim, or are just FFAing! Even though all this is happening, I love everyone who is, and has been in rebels for as long as I have! Thank you all for the best year ever!

Cheedos - It was you who got me accepted, and thank you so much for doing that! Even though we haven't talked for ages, you where one of my very first online friends and an awesome person <3

Branbob83 - You are the coolest person ever. You are the kind of person that gets you laughing until it hurts not to smile. You where a fantastic leader, and you are an awesome person to be around. Even when it's not all fun and games, you are an amazing person and an equally amazing friend. <3

Maxypie - You, sir, are an amazingly nice and kind person. You are never mean to anyone, no matter how annoying they are and I envy that a lot. You are a fantastic friend and you are gonna be a fantastic leader for this clan <3

duckluv321 - You are incredibly mature, hilarious, and extremely nice to everyone. You did so much for this clan while you where in it, more than you probably know. You are a wonderful friend and i'm really glad you're still active on teamspeak. <3

Turnip - You are an extremely rational person, and helped this clan through so many tough situations, it would be nowhere without all of your help. You are a super nice person, and you are WAY too good at mini games. ily, Scoot. <3

Cupcake - You are a hilarious and amazing person to hang out with, even though I mess with you so much. <3

Rexxy - I STILL HAVEN'T HEARD YOU SPEAK! But seriously, you are so good at expressing exactly what you want to through typing, which I envy so much. you are an awesome person, keep it up. ^-^ (I still remember when you used to fangirl me c;) <3

SpellCaster24 You are a really cool person to hang out with, and a hilarious person at night. I remember when you got locked out of your computer but not teamspeak and me you and sage talked for like 3 hours XD I love you Trevor. <3

polarisXD I have to give you props, through this entire weird evolution of this clan you haven't changed at all. I respect that a lot, btw, SHUT UP. c; <3

Sage | Penguino You are so freaking funny, and you are an awesome person. Ilysm penguino. <3

Burtry and Jacob You guys where so fun to hang out with and awesome people in general. You where the funniest people ever and I really miss that. It really sucks that you guys started enjoying making fun of me and making me feel like complete and utter crap. Anyways thanks for the awesome memories! <3

Flyer I miss you so much bby, we had awesome times hanging out and I hope you make it back on ts once and awhile. <3

WertQuadNine I have SO much respect for you. You manage community events, participate in clan activities and so much more! You are insanely admirable and I hope you make more of an impact in the community than you already have. ily piggeh <3

Zoeticly Maddy, the sass master. You are really good at expressing yourself exactly how you want to, I admire that a lot. You are super nice and where a fantastic occifer. <3

ryanroks594 I never clicked your links, bby. America.

Yesh (DoodleBob91) You are amazing at the gam and are an awesome person. come back more often. c: <3

ZadoHD Your laugh is fantastic, you qt. Get off nasty hive. Ilysm, you are awesome! <3

michael harmon I don't know where to start. You are so freaking funny, you are a little bit of a ho, which is good. You are such a funny guy. Even though you've been a huge jerk lately (DDosing max) We still have awesome memories. The farris wheel, xD

RyanHolland - Your comebacks are fantastic and you are hilarious! The first thing I did in the rebels was betray you, because I only knew you as RyanHolland. xD <3

Where it all started http://prntscr.com/2r5hox
I'm still gonna be active on the TeamSpeak and skype, Best of luck with the clan, I love all of you! <3
Best puppy picture:

*Props to the oldies who get this. c: Wolf, out.
:c well you were really funny and although we never really talked early on when I was member, we had some good conversations the past month and I'm sad it will be less (hopefully you'll still be on) but I hope you have fun wherever you go c:


Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score
Wizterfix & Apzy have been promoted to elite!

We have decided to create a new rank called Captain. They are the ones leading the scrimmages/clanbattles. They will not count to the roster cap and there will be a maximum of 2.

And those two are Soul & CraftyKratonite.

Since we have four spots now open...

APPS ARE OPEN !!!!!!!!!
congrats guys :D


Aug 31, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: Mp5xz
Age: 16
Donor: Complicated
Wins: 480+
Got Skype/TS: Yep
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it): originalskittles
Got a mic: Yep. Thinking about getting a new one soon, my mic is kinda trash right now.
Timezone: west siiide. Washington State making that Pacific Time.
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Played with Branbob a litte. Played with most of the Elites. =]
PvP Strengths: 2v1. bow. fishing people. etc.
PvP Weaknesses: idk. 3v1? with stacked armor..
Past Clans (If any): First clan: #Cobras --> #Empire --> #Primevil --> #Empire.... v2 #Prodigious --> here.
You cool?: my mom thinks so. :s

Best puppy picture: I don't have one.
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