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The Rebels (US Clan)

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District 13
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
Also I know that you applied for more than one clan (you were accepted for trial into Rebublic) Please choose one clan to apply for and one clan only.
I'll just stay in republic. Sorry!


Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
Actually, although meant to be a joke? (I hope), this came over kind of disrespectful.
Rexxyy and I are the only people who got officer without talking, so that's invalid.
And just because there are currently 3 girls as officer does not mean that girls have a better chance of getting officer. Duck, Maddy, and Lexi have all earned their position, just as Max, myself and Cooper did. The officers and leaders pick the new officers based on who they think would do the best job, not because they're a girl. Therefore, this is also invalid.
Regarding telling people to come on teamspeak, look back about 20-30 pages, not just the people who got officer tell people to come on the teamspeak. It's people simply trying to be helpful. Therefore, all 3 reasons, and your post are invalid and irrelevant.
I could say a lot of mean things, but it's not even worth it. I've been an officer in this clan for more than 3 months and I'm still dealing with the sexist remarks. I get it, it's the internet. I get it, this is a game. But you are STILL knitpicking at this topic. Are you still so butthurt that you were removed from the clan that this is your only way at getting back at us? Really? I work my butt off and do all I can to better this clan. This is my family. Sure I'm a girl. Why is that a big deal? How pathetic of you to consider that a good enough reason to claim that we aren't good enough.

You are making yourself look extremely foolish. You are making your clan look bad as well because I know this topic has gone on with more people.

I am proud of the staff this clan has created. You're overlooking the fact we have 3 males as well. But you know, that's not the issue. The issue to this day with you in particular is that you were kicked from the clan. And this is your way of not only getting back at me, Shea, and Lexi, but the clan in general.

Do me a favor and never post on this thread again.
My turn! :D

Look pal, I don't know who you think you are, but saying things like this was the exact reason you were kicked from the clan. That is so incredibly disrespectful to Lexi and all the officers, and you really have no right to say what you said. You were never on the teamspeak or even played with the clan, so you really don't have a say in who deserves officer. I don't know why you think it's ok to say these things, but please get off the thread. Next time you post something disrespectful, a mod will be involved. Goodbye, and good riddance.

~ Bran
Haha, that's so funny all of us forgot to laugh this time, and the last 3 or so times people posted things like this. Harsh? Maybe, but it's true.

Every single officer has earned their position, and there's no denying that. Just because it just so happens we have two officers who don't use their mic, and three that are girls, means absolutely nothing regarding why they are officer. They are officers because they earned, and deserved it. Telling people to get on TeamSpeak is part of their job, and part of being a good clan member, so I don't see the problem with that..

Keep comments like these to yourself, and off of our thread.It's completely pointless, and a low blow to anyone this concerns.

(yes, this gif is necessary)
Really? This wasn't needed at all, and all the officers are officers for a reason. Bran and Max just don't go handing out officer.. All the officers work their butt off, if you were actually on the TS when you were in the clan, you would know that. Instead of assuming, can you actually take the time to think about what we do? I'm trying not to be mean, but that was really out of line, joke or not. Get off the thread.
Yeah uh huh
Guide to get officer:

Tell people to get on ts.
Don't talk on ts.
Be a girl.



Sep 3, 2013
Reaction score
Gg10 no re wrckd like a baller with no swag under that hood yo

Back on topic
Seriously hunter y u gotta be so off topic?
Xquuuuuuuuuuuez mi, u wan a licking (like you're gonna get best up licking, who would lick you, you haven't showered since March.


On topic.


Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
Xquuuuuuuuuuuez mi, u wan a licking (like you're gonna get best up licking, who would lick you, you haven't showered since March.


On topic.
You forgot the close parenthesis. I actually it's January not March.


Sep 10, 2012
Reaction score
Actually, although meant to be a joke? (I hope), this came over kind of disrespectful.
Rexxyy and I are the only people who got officer without talking, so that's invalid.
And just because there are currently 3 girls as officer does not mean that girls have a better chance of getting officer. Duck, Maddy, and Lexi have all earned their position, just as Max, myself and Cooper did. The officers and leaders pick the new officers based on who they think would do the best job, not because they're a girl. Therefore, this is also invalid.
Regarding telling people to come on teamspeak, look back about 20-30 pages, not just the people who got officer tell people to come on the teamspeak. It's people simply trying to be helpful. Therefore, all 3 reasons, and your post are invalid and irrelevant.
Really? This wasn't needed at all, and all the officers are officers for a reason. Bran and Max just don't go handing out officer.. All the officers work their butt off, if you were actually on the TS when you were in the clan, you would know that. Instead of assuming, can you actually take the time to think about what we do? I'm trying not to be mean, but that was really out of line, joke or not. Get off the thread.
My turn! :D

Look pal, I don't know who you think you are, but saying things like this was the exact reason you were kicked from the clan. That is so incredibly disrespectful to Lexi and all the officers, and you really have no right to say what you said. You were never on the teamspeak or even played with the clan, so you really don't have a say in who deserves officer. I don't know why you think it's ok to say these things, but please get off the thread. Next time you post something disrespectful, a mod will be involved. Goodbye, and good riddance.

~ Bran
I could say a lot of mean things, but it's not even worth it. I've been an officer in this clan for more than 3 months and I'm still dealing with the sexist remarks. I get it, it's the internet. I get it, this is a game. But you are STILL knitpicking at this topic. Are you still so butthurt that you were removed from the clan that this is your only way at getting back at us? Really? I work my butt off and do all I can to better this clan. This is my family. Sure I'm a girl. Why is that a big deal? How pathetic of you to consider that a good enough reason to claim that we aren't good enough.

You are making yourself look extremely foolish. You are making your clan look bad as well because I know this topic has gone on with more people.

I am proud of the staff this clan has created. You're overlooking the fact we have 3 males as well. But you know, that's not the issue. The issue to this day with you in particular is that you were kicked from the clan. And this is your way of not only getting back at me, Shea, and Lexi, but the clan in general.

Do me a favor and never post on this thread again.
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