What is your Minecraft IGN?: WeWiZ
How old are you?:12.5 (I hope you understand that i can't help my age, i hope you guys understand that i am mature enough)
Where are you from? Sweden
What is your skype name? wewiz.mc
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 300) 666
How many games have you played? 2136 (i know i had a very bad computer, i know that people already use this excuse but i had
Tell us about your PvP strenghts? Close fights, Fishingrod and fns, i will get better with the bow .
Weaknesses? (Don't include what is beyond your control, Lag, Teams, Hackers etc" I am really bad with the bow and when its getting intense sometimes but that always a thing you have to practise on, i dont like water fights when you are alone against a team of 2, 3, 4
What are your favourite maps? SG4, SGH, Solar Frost and Breeze Island, i miss Demons Breeze, i mean i like more maps but i cant tell all of them.
Why do you want to be in #TheRebels EU?: Because i have been in many different clan's before, Swedish clans and English type of clans but they will always disband or just close it for no reason. So i hope i will get accepted it will mean a lot.