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The Rebels EU Division

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Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
Hello, Kallbergz here. I am here to announce that after 15 months of being a clan, we the staffs of Rebels EU have decided that it's time for us to go. As you probably can tell, we are lacking motivation of playing MCSG and leading a clan. We've been super inactive lately, much because of the motivation being at the bottom. Disbanding was something we wanted to avoid but we really couldn't keep this from happening. It was a fun ride, playing together with this clan and it's really sad that it had to come to an end. I have been the leader since the beginning and the clan really have changed since then but now we are more inactive than ever. There have been a lot of great times as well as tough times but overall its been fun. I want to thank every member that have once been in the clan and played with us and I want give a special thanks to the ones who have been here since the start and stayed with us through everything. We probably won't ever come back as a clan but who knows, maybe someone else than me feel like picking up the clan and give it one more try. I hope I will see everyone around here in this community and that just because Rebels disbanded I hope you won't leave just yet. Once again I want to thank everyone who have ever been part of this wonderful clan!

For anyone who wonders, we will have our last clan war now against Bobby Jones and the Boys so wish us luck. :)

Leader of Rebels - Kallbergz
gg ketness <3 : - (

requiescat in pace


District 13
Oct 27, 2013
Reaction score
Hello, Kallbergz here. I am here to announce that after 15 months of being a clan, we the staffs of Rebels EU have decided that it's time for us to go. As you probably can tell, we are lacking motivation of playing MCSG and leading a clan. We've been super inactive lately, much because of the motivation being at the bottom. Disbanding was something we wanted to avoid but we really couldn't keep this from happening. It was a fun ride, playing together with this clan and it's really sad that it had to come to an end. I have been the leader since the beginning and the clan really have changed since then but now we are more inactive than ever. There have been a lot of great times as well as tough times but overall its been fun. I want to thank every member that have once been in the clan and played with us and I want give a special thanks to the ones who have been here since the start and stayed with us through everything. We probably won't ever come back as a clan but who knows, maybe someone else than me feel like picking up the clan and give it one more try. I hope I will see everyone around here in this community and that just because Rebels disbanded I hope you won't leave just yet. Once again I want to thank everyone who have ever been part of this wonderful clan!

For anyone who wonders, we will have our last clan war now against Bobby Jones and the Boys so wish us luck. :)

Leader of Rebels - Kallbergz
Kall you've always been an amazing Leader, from the first time I met you over a year ago now. You were, in many ways, my inspiration when I made Ghost, and I always hoped to be like you guys. Rebels have always been, in my opinion, the fairest and most respected clan on EU MCSG. You led this clan to greatness, you were literally unbeatable but then everyone saw it slowly diminishing. It happens with everyone I guess. Congratulations on 15 months as such an amazing clan, you guys will no doubt go down in EU history. Good luck in your final clan war man <3



Jul 25, 2014
Reaction score
Hello, Kallbergz here. I am here to announce that after 15 months of being a clan, we the staffs of Rebels EU have decided that it's time for us to go. As you probably can tell, we are lacking motivation of playing MCSG and leading a clan. We've been super inactive lately, much because of the motivation being at the bottom. Disbanding was something we wanted to avoid but we really couldn't keep this from happening. It was a fun ride, playing together with this clan and it's really sad that it had to come to an end. I have been the leader since the beginning and the clan really have changed since then but now we are more inactive than ever. There have been a lot of great times as well as tough times but overall its been fun. I want to thank every member that have once been in the clan and played with us and I want give a special thanks to the ones who have been here since the start and stayed with us through everything. We probably won't ever come back as a clan but who knows, maybe someone else than me feel like picking up the clan and give it one more try. I hope I will see everyone around here in this community and that just because Rebels disbanded I hope you won't leave just yet. Once again I want to thank everyone who have ever been part of this wonderful clan!

For anyone who wonders, we will have our last clan war now against Bobby Jones and the Boys so wish us luck. :)

Leader of Rebels - Kallbergz
This clan was just a awesome fairest clan that i know! Good luck in the future <3


Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
Awwww R.I.P guys, this clan was amazing in all aspects and I wish the best for all the members, elites & staff. I am, personally so sorry to see such a clan go... :/ <3

-Shandy :)


Mar 1, 2014
Reaction score
Well Rebels... all things get to an end. Thank you, for the short but amazing journey that many of you gave me during this past few mounths. Thank you, for giving me a chance when i was nooby at clan stuff and kinda new to the MCG community. Thank you, for being such amazing people. It meant a lot to me. Thank you.


Sep 6, 2013
Reaction score
Oh, this is a very bad news...one of the best clan, from today, will be in our heart forever.
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