IGN(Ingame Name): yahcookie
Wins(Must have 30+): 484
Skype?: yeah
How will you help the clan?: I am the best
How much do you really like MCSG?: I'm banned. As of now, i hate it.
Have you ever teamed with BurningFire213, xlivusee, jcamotts, or smallr?: yeah
How often do you get on?: a lot
PvP weaknesses/strengths?: I once got 10th place and I've been in deathmatch 2 times
Favorite maps?: Fallen Empire, SG5, SG1, and Survival Kingdom
Is it okay if I am in an other clan? I'm using this clan as sort of a "backup clan", and if I have members of the Romans and Hurricanes in a server, I will have to team with Romans members.
Is this eligible for me to do?