IGN(Ingame Name): Lucidictive
Wins(150+ rule implemented 5/26/2013): I don't have 150, I have 75. I can make up for this in skill, you can try me out or something, I am half-decent. Also, the reason I have only 75 is because I stopped playing when MCSGv2 came out to play on another server, which I recently stopped playing.
Skype/Teamspeak?(Required): My skype: Slingshot1200 and I have teamspeak. I tried going onto your teamspeak which is in the thread, but I could not connect.
Will you be dedicated to this clan?: I will. I must admit this was not my first choice as I have friends in another clan, but after realizing that I will not get accepted because I don't have enough wins and I don't play some server that they all play, I wanted to branch out to clans with people that I haven't played with.
How much do you like MCSG?: I like it a tremendous amount. I love this server, and I will never stop playing until MCSG dies.
Have you ever teamed with BurningFire213, , smallr?: Unfortunately, no. I have only seen and fought them on roxbot.
How often do you get on?: I get on often. Not so much recently because I hate the sprint bug and not having optifine is hard for me. Hence why the small amount of wins.
PvP weaknesses/strengths?: Strengths: Bows at Close/Far range, Fishing Rods, Close Combat, taking out teams and clan wars. Weaknesses: Water Combat and the obvious lag+hackers combo. Also not so good with a bow at Mid-Range.
Favorite maps?: SG4, SG2, SG1, Breeze, Solar Frost, I like most maps.
I realize that I don't have many wins, but if you accept me to try-outs, you will not be disappointed!