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The Forgotten [US Team]

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Dec 21, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: emamyles.
Age: I am currently 14 years of age.
Got A Mic: Yes, I own a mic with decent quality with little to no background noise.
Got Skype/TS: I have both.
Skype Name: I'm pretty sure everyone on the roster has my Skype, but if you need it still, it's myles12345678910.
PvP Strengths: Flint and Steel, Close Combat, and Bow. [With the bow, I have bad days and good days. I don't know why, but usually I do pretty good with it.]
PvP Weaknesses: One of my main weaknesses definitely has to be dodging flint and steel. I have been becoming better at this, but sometimes it's pretty tricky to avoid it. Also, I have a bit of difficulty with bow fights, I usually like to rush in, but tend to get bow spammed and it doesn't work out all that well.
How Often Have You Teamed With Any Members: I think I have teamed with all the members on the roster considering I am an Ex-Forgotten member.
Why Should We Choose You For The Forgotten: I may not be known as a PvP god or anything, but I think my skills are pretty decent. I'm not going to say I'm good, but I've been told by quite a few people my PvP skills are good. I believe I won't have trouble fitting in, considering I know everyone in the clan [some more than others], and have a positive relationship with those who I don't know as well.
Anything You Would Like To Add: I may have been inactive in the past, but I'm not inactive anymore. Before, I was inactive because of school mainly, but now that the school year is halfway done, I don't have to focus on school work as often. Also, I have quite a bit of clan experience, considering I've been in Rebels, Insanity and Forgotten.
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