Tribute Application:
IGN: AlgerWaterlow
Wins: 58 and counting
Skype/Teamspeak: My Skype is bazookapc, and I hang around on TS in either one of the Prem Chats 1-4 or whatever channel Fresh_Aire or Shan are in.
Unique Attributes: I am like a sonic screwdriver: I might not kill, wound, or maim that much, but I am *very* good at staying alive.
District Represented: District 3 (I am electronically inclined after all)
Timezone: Pacific Standard (PST)
Will you record?: Definitely. I will upload regardless of outcome. ( )
Previous MCGamer Ban History: Not off the servers, no. Teamspeak, a 24 hour ban for a disrespectful poke towards
CaptButterToast and a 3 month forum ban that I would rather not relive the details of publicly. (As you can see, I'm exceedingly forthright and scrupulously honest.)
Time to Dedicate: Thanksgiving weekend and Christmas break with a 1-2 week gap in-between for studying for and taking college finals, respectively. Also, I have clan activities going on as a trial co-leader/member/thing of #Immortals so "clan over blood" and Hunger Games in itself is usually rather bloody. ^_-
Reason for Application: I've always wanted to be a tribute (or a host) to a private Hunger Games like the classic iHasCupQuake series that seemed to start it all.