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The First annual Disaster games.

Ag | Alex

District 13
Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
Gamemaker Application [We are looking for 2]
IGN: omridan
TS or Skype?: ya both Skype is omri.d13
Are you reliable: yes
Can we trust you: yes you can :)
What would you do to kill the tributes and make the games more exciting: well if I tell you it won't be as exiting plus you can just accept someone else and use my idea so there's another reason why to except me :p
Timezone? EST
Have you ever been banned from MCGamer? at some point my friend played on my account and maybe got banned but I never got banned.(maybe he did it when I was on vacation but I don't think so)
Will you record? If you want me to.
We are no longer looking for game makers.

Thanks for your understanding.


Well if they ever need some sort of backup of last minute game maker I'm here :D


Sep 1, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: TheCornStealer
Wins: 180 ATM
Am I Special?: I steal corn :3
District: 1?...
Am I outstanding?: Is being good at F&S special?
Timezone: Atlantic Timezone
Will I record?: Probably not :c
Have I ever been banned from MCGamer: Probably a long time ago for spamming "Vote 4! Vote4! Vote 4 plz! It's the best map ever!!!"
Skype?: PM me behind the back alley...


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: Giggity69Goo Amount of wins: 220
Skype or TS?: Skype: bestbigcat TS: Giggity69Goo
What makes you special: I am special because I have an eager to fight. Since I have not been accepted in Hell Games the past 3 times this seems like the next best thing!
What district (District 12 has been taken >:3): DISTRICT 1 FTW
What makes you special over everyone else: Well... I'm Giggity! Haha I'm way more special than everyone else because I can easily get along with anyone! But, I will kill if I have to.
What is your TimeZone: I am in the EST Time Zone
Will you record? Probably!
Have you ever been banned of MCGamer? Yes in September of 2012 for Caps and Spam but I think it lasted one day.

Thank You for looking at my application! But just one question...if you are in the same district as someone are you teamed with them? That's It!!!


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: TheCornStealer
Wins: 180 ATM
Am I Special?: I steal corn :3
District: 1?...
Am I outstanding?: Is being good at F&S special?
Timezone: Atlantic Timezone
Will I record?: Probably not :c
Have I ever been banned from MCGamer: Probably a long time ago for spamming "Vote 4! Vote4! Vote 4 plz! It's the best map ever!!!"
Skype?: PM me behind the back alley...
team much?

Dave | Rev

May 2, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: Revengefull
Amount of wins: 143
Skype or TS?: Ofc (PM me for my skype. I dont give it out openly.)
What makes you special: Idk, im a cool guy, and i phan.
What district (District 12 has been taken >:3): 11 pl0x
What makes you special over everyone else. Im revengefull
What is your TimeZone: UTC +10
Will you record? Yahhhh
Have you ever been banned of MCGamer? Nup


District 13
Oct 10, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: NativeTalent
Amount of wins: 390+
Skype or TS?: I have both.
What makes you special: I am very skilled in the thing called PvP and I am sure I can use my skittles to beat everyone.
What district (District 12 has been taken >:3): 5
What makes you special over everyone else. I am a noob but I can be a top contender if you give me the opportunity to be in this.
What is your TimeZone: HST (Hawaii Standard Time)
Will you record? Yes
Have you ever been banned of MCGamer? No


District 13
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
Was I denied? Awh, wanted to be in this. Never been in HG either
You are in :D
IGN: Gamer101luke
Amount of wins: 336? Idk. I usually don't play seriously, I joke around.
Skype or TS?: Both
What makes you special: Everyday I talk to my connection of potatoes. (I'm very creative :3)
What district (District 12 has been taken >:3): 4 FTW
What makes you special over everyone else. I have more yogurt then them
What is your TimeZone: US CT
Will you record? If you want
Have you ever been banned of MCGamer? Nope. I'm a gg
Accepted :DD Yay
IGN: MagicMadDawg
Amount of wins: I think I have 95 wins when you combine both of my accounts.
Skype or TS?: Both :)
What makes you special: I've broken my wrist on the bunny slope
What district (District 12 has been taken >:3): 9 because it is my lucky number.
What makes you special over everyone else: this is the exact same question...
What is your TimeZone: PST
Will you record?: Nope I have a crappy computer.
Have you ever been banned of MCGamer?: I have not.
Accepted :D
IGN: inconceivable81Amount of wins: 760+
Skype or TS?: Both... But hate TS (my name is inconceivable81 on both)
What makes you special: I am hated by 90%+ of the servers
What district (District 12 has been taken >:3): 7
What makes you special over everyone else. Dunno. I am hated by 91%+ of the servers
What is your TimeZone: GMT
Will you record? Maybe
Have you ever been banned on MCGamer? Yes, unfairly for hacks.
Denied. You will be privately invited in the next month.

EDIT: You are nice, denying people with too many wins, people like me probably find it very unfair as we don't have enough to be in Baised Hell Games, and too many to be here...
IGN: ZniZ97
Amount of wins: 426
Skype or TS?: Both
What makes you special: I'm zniz. Duh
What district (District 12 has been taken >:3): 6
What makes you special over everyone else: I'm a nice person, and I am your bestie <3 or wat?
What is your TimeZone: GMT +1
Will you record? Sure
Have you ever been banned of MCGamer? Once. An 1 hour ban
Accepted Swish budday
Tribute Application:
IGN: AlgerWaterlow
Wins: 58 and counting
Skype/Teamspeak: My Skype is bazookapc, and I hang around on TS in either one of the Prem Chats 1-4 or whatever channel Fresh_Aire or Shan are in.

Unique Attributes: I am like a sonic screwdriver: I might not kill, wound, or maim that much, but I am *very* good at staying alive.

District Represented: District 3 (I am electronically inclined after all)

Timezone: Pacific Standard (PST)

Will you record?: Definitely. I will upload regardless of outcome. ( http://youtube.com/saharamojave )

Previous MCGamer Ban History: Not off the servers, no. Teamspeak, a 24 hour ban for a disrespectful poke towards CaptButterToast and a 3 month forum ban that I would rather not relive the details of publicly. (As you can see, I'm exceedingly forthright and scrupulously honest.)

Time to Dedicate: Thanksgiving weekend and Christmas break with a 1-2 week gap in-between for studying for and taking college finals, respectively. Also, I have clan activities going on as a trial co-leader/member/thing of #Immortals so "clan over blood" and Hunger Games in itself is usually rather bloody. ^_-

Reason for Application: I've always wanted to be a tribute (or a host) to a private Hunger Games like the classic iHasCupQuake series that seemed to start it all. :)
This was outstanding. Well done :D


Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score


Amount of wins:587?
Skype or TS?:Ts
What makes you special: Screaming
What district (District 12 has been taken >:3): 4
What makes you special over everyone else. Screams.
What is your TimeZone: Pacific Standard
Will you record?yes
Have you ever been banned on MCGAMER?: Yes, I was banned for language when I was asleep.


May 8, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: Mlpoknzaba
Amount of wins: urgh, around 20
Skype or TS?: Both, Skype: Mlpoknzaba
What makes you special: I am a tiger who likes to run around laughing whilst bow-spamming people. I'm also a n00b who has been playing longer than most people (much longer)
What district (District 12 has been taken >:3): District 3, cuz teh computers n stuff
What makes you special over everyone else. I am an amazingly bad player who will most likely die straight away. I love to have fun playing, so don't rage or cry when I lose.
What is your TimeZone: GMT
Will you record? If you want, however my computer will be slightly laggy if I must record.
Have you ever been banned of MCGamer? NO WAY HOSE-AY

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