First of all, Mojang is against servers that phrase purchases as 'donations'. When you donate something, you don't get anything in return. At MCGamer, you pay money, and you receive perks. That's why it's called a
premium upgrade.
Second of all, Mojang is not getting rid of servers that allow you to purchase ranks. What they're cutting down on is servers which limit parts of the game, unless you have purchased a rank. I'm going to use two examples here.
- If you purchase a rank on Server A, you get the ability to join full servers, and you get double the amount of points a regular player gets. Mojang is okay with that.
- If you purchase a rank on Server B, you get access to unique premium member kits in-game, and special items in the server hub. Mojang is not okay with that.
The only premium-only feature that MCGamer offers is hub items, such as hats, armor and pets. That's easily solvable, regular members would just need to be given permission to buy them in-game with points.
People are blowing this situation way out of proportion. Calm down, take a look at what is actually happening, and use common sense before you begin raising your pitchforks.