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The CyanVolts™

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Jul 10, 2012
Reaction score
Hey everyone, I really hate to say this, a lot.. I'm leaving the clan. It's not because I don't like you guys, I mean, ever since I joined I became friends with a lot of good, amazing people I never saw myself ever talking to. It's been a good experience being a part of The Voltz and a ton of awesome things have happened. I even got officer for this clan, which is pretty cool. After applying I didn't think I would even get in, since I know for a fact I'm not up to par with everyone else's skills in the clan. I didn't want to have to make this decision but the clan just doesn't take things that serious anymore it seems like. Every time we lose a scrimmage half the members would leave and go do their own thing, and I was one of the few people who would stick with the clan during a scrim even if we were losing :/ It was an honor to be able to partake in this clan, but it's my time to go. I wish you all the best of luck in the future, and I hope some day this clan is as good as the old Cyan Voltz, or even better. I'll still hang around on the teamspeak often, and I'll probably keep in contact with most of you but this is it for me and this clan. Good bye!
Accepted with much sadness, you will be missed cat.


Jul 8, 2013
Reaction score
1. IGN: mwinkles/ Mwinkl3sHD/Vulza/AviVulza/Frixmaa/(My alt, 104 - 270)
2. Age: I am at the age of 12 years old, turning 13 in April.
3. Donor (doesn't matter): Yes, I have donor on all accounts except for Frixmaa. (mwinkles was hacked)
4. Wins: I'd have to say I have 634 wins in total. Right? :p - 60 + 270 + 90 + 90 + 20 + 104.
5. Teamspeak/Skype: I have TeamSpeak and Skype.
6. Good Attitude?: I have a pretty good attitude, and I do not rage much.
7. PVP Strengths?: My best strengths are F n S and melee. F n S being as Flint "n" Steel, I have a lot of tactics and I am very good with it. I am good with melee, which basically means flat out sword combat.
8. PVP Weaknesses?: Bows, (ish), Teams of 3+, 3 or less bars of connection.
Highly Recommended .
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