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The CyanVolts™

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Oct 11, 2013
Reaction score
Clan scrim against #Paradox 4v4 or 5v5.
Add me on Skype : kasheen.perdue


May 5, 2012
Reaction score
Everyone who is reading this thread, know that this clan is fake, and fraud. The real CyanVolts are still here, we just haven't been posting on this thread ;3. Btw we have been playing MCSG but not on a large scale. Instead we've been looking into other games and checking those out. And what The_Great_Tito said was kind of false, that we "Together the both of us demoted EvilCyanSheep from the leader spot." For Tito, he probably doesn't remember why we demoted him. And the reason was, because he was messing around and removed us on skype. At that time we were kind of mad at sheep, so we took it into account and demoted EvilCyanSheep. But the Clan and I stayed together, and we skype everyday. We are not dead, we're still here, but you just don't know it :3. Btw Tito, you've chatted with us at times too ;3
First of all, you say this name is Copyrighted. It actually isn't, the first paragraph blatantly states that this name is derived from the CyanVolts name, it is based off of it. Also, what I said is perfectly valid and acceptable. We demoted EvilCyanSheep because he was immature, incompetent, and took nothing seriously in regards to the clan and respecting others. You and him may be leading the CyanVolts again, but not here, not here ever again. I removed you from power after I found you were not fulfilling your job as a leader either. I am the sole remaining original leader of the MCSG counter-part, therefore I need absolutely no permission from you, or anyone to remake this clan again. In fact, I can remake it a thousand times and you can't do anything about it. You're also permanently banned from these servers, so it would really make no sense for you to lead a team here. And if you don't care about MCSG that much, why are you here? Why are you bothering us? Just go back to your other games.
Lol this is funny, Sheep and I are still Leaders of Volts no matter the version. We still are a running group and chilling out. Also, believe what you want, but I'm apart of the True CyanVolts group, Tito can do what he wants with this clan. But this is not the CyanVolts group today, not my group, not the buddies I know.
Yes you are a part of the CyanVolts group, did I say this was the true CyanVolts group? It's called The Volts. And quite a few of your original members are here now, so while you may have half the original members, so do we.

As Lando and David have already said. I now ask you to cease your spamming and complaints on this clan's page. If you have an issue, message myself or Lando about it privately. We don't need any arguments, drama, or flame wars occurring here. I thought you would know that, former Moderator. All you had to do was message me on Skype about it, I would of happily talked to you about it there. Was it really find it necessary to post it here?

I also find it interesting that the one time you decide to come into contact with me, it's to criticize and call this clan a fraud, just because you can't be a leader of it, and because I'm using a similar name. Which as I said before, I have every right to use. And no, I have not chatted with you. Not for almost a year.

-End Discussion-
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District 13
Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
First of all, you say this name is Copyrighted. It actually isn't, the first paragraph blatantly states that this name is derived from the CyanVolts name, it is based off of it. Also, what I said is perfectly valid and acceptable. We demoted EvilCyanSheep because he was immature, incompetent, and took nothing seriously in regards to the clan and respecting others. You and him may be leading the CyanVolts again, but not here, not here ever again. I removed you from power after I found you were not fulfilling your job as a leader either. I am the sole remaining original leader of the MCSG counter-part, therefore I need absolutely no permission from you, or anyone to remake this clan again. In fact, I can remake it a thousand times and you can't do anything about it. You're also permanently banned from these servers, so it would really make no sense for you to lead a team here. And if you don't care about MCSG that much, why are you here? Why are you bothering us? Just go back to your other games.

Yes you are a part of the CyanVolts group, did I say this was the true CyanVolts group? No. It's called The Volts. And quite a few of your original members are here now, so while you may have half the original members, so do we.

As Lando and David have already said. I now ask you to cease your spamming and complaints on this clan's page. If you have an issue, message myself or Lando about it privately. We don't need any arguments, drama, or flame wars occurring here. I thought you would know that, former Moderator. All you had to do was message me on Skype about it, I would of happily talked to you about it there. Was it really find it necessary to post it here? Or are you looking for attention?

I also find it interesting that the one time you decide to come into contact with me, it's to criticize and call this clan a fraud, just because you can't be a leader of it, and because I'm using a similar name. Which as I said before, I have every right to use. And no, I have not chatted with you. Not for almost three months.

-End Discussion-


Jan 6, 2013
Reaction score
Clan scrim against #Paradox 4v4 or 5v5.
Add me on Skype : kasheen.perdue
If you ever want to scrim us, poke one of our leaders or officers on our Teamspeak asking instead of asking on our thread.


Jan 6, 2013
Reaction score
Clan scrim against #Paradox 4v4 or 5v5.
Add me on Skype : kasheen.perdue
If you ever want to scrim us, poke one of our leaders or officers on our Teamspeak asking instead of asking on our thread.


District 13
Oct 10, 2013
Reaction score
Scrim? Add me on Skype @NativeTalentMC. I tried getting on your teamspeak but it kept getting me random error
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First of all, you say this name is Copyrighted. It actually isn't, the first paragraph blatantly states that this name is derived from the CyanVolts name, it is based off of it. Also, what I said is perfectly valid and acceptable. We demoted EvilCyanSheep because he was immature, incompetent, and took nothing seriously in regards to the clan and respecting others. You and him may be leading the CyanVolts again, but not here, not here ever again. I removed you from power after I found you were not fulfilling your job as a leader either. I am the sole remaining original leader of the MCSG counter-part, therefore I need absolutely no permission from you, or anyone to remake this clan again. In fact, I can remake it a thousand times and you can't do anything about it. You're also permanently banned from these servers, so it would really make no sense for you to lead a team here. And if you don't care about MCSG that much, why are you here? Why are you bothering us? Just go back to your other games.

Yes you are a part of the CyanVolts group, did I say this was the true CyanVolts group? It's called The Volts. And quite a few of your original members are here now, so while you may have half the original members, so do we.

As Lando and David have already said. I now ask you to cease your spamming and complaints on this clan's page. If you have an issue, message myself or Lando about it privately. We don't need any arguments, drama, or flame wars occurring here. I thought you would know that, former Moderator. All you had to do was message me on Skype about it, I would of happily talked to you about it there. Was it really find it necessary to post it here?

I also find it interesting that the one time you decide to come into contact with me, it's to criticize and call this clan a fraud, just because you can't be a leader of it, and because I'm using a similar name. Which as I said before, I have every right to use. And no, I have not chatted with you. Not for almost a year.

-End Discussion-


District 13
Oct 10, 2013
Reaction score
What's your TS? The ip on the first page isn't working
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